All posts by louise crawford

Transportation Alliance to the MTA: Address Long Term Capital Needs

A group calling itself the Empire State Transportation Alliance – a
coalition of business, civic, labor and environmental organizations supporting
investment in transportation – and the Keep New York Moving Campaign
today released the following statement.  In it they say that it is critical that the plan address long term capital needs such as new cars. Members of this group include NYPIRG Straphangers Campaign, Transportation Alternatives, the Environmental Defense Action Fund and more. Photograph left by Travis Ruse.

Now that the New York State Assembly, Senate and Governor have put
plans on the table to bail out the transit system, the Empire State
Transporation Alliance urges all leaders to conference and arrive at a
compromise agreement in the coming days. 

It is critial that the final plan
address the long term capital needs such as new cars and buses and renovated
stations alongside the short term fixes to the operating budget which currently
call for major fare increases and service reductions.

choices have to be made and ESTA strongly maintains support for a plan that
shares the burden amongst drivers, businesses and transit riders as the most
equitable option.

Over the course of the next few days there will be much debate about
where to go from here. Ever since the MTA passed its own budget back in
December, the agency has maintained that it needs to know by March 25 if it
should pull back on its already-approved fare hike and service reduction
package. But the MTA also needs a funding source for its upcoming capital
program – a critical issue that will only worsen as the year goes on.
Further complicating matters with delaying capital-plan support is that Albany
rarely passes new taxes or funding sources in election years, like next year.
That means that the capital program and all its progress to date could come to
a standstill, along with the jobs and economic stimulus it provides.

 The plan by the Senate Democrats barely covers the MTA's operating
budget, and it fails to address the MTA's long-term capital needs, a critical
component of the funding puzzle. Lack of funding of past capital
programs, and the necessity for the MTA to borrow against future fares to
pay for things like new rail cars and buses and renovated stations, helped lead
the agency to the current crisis.

The time for political maneuvering is over.  State leaders now have to iron
out a deal to secure a source of funding not only to stave off major fare hikes
and service cuts but also to fund the upcoming program to fix and rebuild the
system.  In these tough economic times, an investment in better subways, buses
and commuter lines promotes a cleaner environment, saves people money, increases
mobility and helps keep or create the jobs hardworking New Yorkers need.

Members of the Empire State Transportation Alliance include: Regional
Plan Association, NYPIRG Straphangers Campaign, General Contractors Association
of New York, Environmental Defense Action Fund, Tri-State Transportation
Campaign, New York State Laborers’, Environmental Advocates of New York, ACEC
New York, Citizens Union Foundation, Campaign for New York’s Future,
Construction Industry Council of New York, Long Island Contractor’s
Association, Natural Resources Defense Council, New York State Building and
Construction Trades Council, New York League of Conservation Voters, Permanent
Citizens Advisory Committee to MTA, Transportation Alternatives.

Tell Your Friends and Family: Blogfest 09 is May 7 at 7 p.m.

out why Brooklyn is the bloggiest place in America at the Fourth Annual
Brooklyn Blogfest on May 7, 2009 at powerHouse Arena in DUMBO.

Brooklyn Blogfest 2009, an exciting, idea-filled
event for bloggers, blog readers and the blog curious is where you'll
find: Insight. Advice. Inspiration. Resources.

Here's your chance meet your favorite bloggers; learn about blogging; be inspired to blog.

better to take the pulse of this rapidly growing community of writers,
thinkers and observers than the Brooklyn Blogfest?" ~ Sewell Chan, The
New York Times

This year's event will take place on May 7, 2009 at 7 p.m. at the powerHouse Arena in DUMBO.

WHY WE BLOG will be the theme of a high-profile panel discussion and this year, Brooklyn Blogfest introduces BLOGS-OF-A-FEATHER, special small-group sessions, where you can meet with bloggers who share your interests.

Once again, there will a VIDEO TRIBUTE TO BROOKLYN'S PHOTO BLOGGERS and the annual SHOUT-OUT: a chance to share your blog with the world!

you live to blog, blog to live or are just curious about this thing
called blogging, you won't want to miss Brooklyn Blogfest 2009, the
best Blogfest yet.

For more information or to register, visit the  Brooklyn Blogfest website.

find out about sponsorship opportunities for Brooklyn Blogfest, contact
Louise Crawford (e:, c: 718-288-4290).

The Details:

Fourth Annual Brooklyn Blogfest
May 7, 2009
Doors open at 7 p.m.
powerHouse Arena
37 Main Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201
Admission: $10

Brooklyn Blogfest after-party
Galapagos Art Space
16 Main Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201
(right across the street from powerHouse Arena)
Cash Bar and refreshments

About Brooklyn Blogfest 2009:

you live to blog, blog to live, or are just curious about this thing
called blogging, you'll want to attend the premiere annual event for
bloggers in Brooklyn and beyond.

At Brooklyn Blogfest 2009: listen to some great speakers; shout out about your blog; and network
with fellow bloggers during special breakouts. Meet your favorite
bloggers; learn about blogging; be inspired to blog at Brooklyn
Blogfest 2009.

Brooklyn Blogfest 2009:

Thursday on OTBKB: Brownstone Voyeur

Brownstone Voyeur, a 
regular Thursday feature on OTBKB (in collaboration with fellow blogger, CasaCARA), will
take you behind those pretty facades to see what you’ve strained to
glimpse through windows in the past (admit it, you have).

We’ll walk you through the interiors and gardens of brownstones,
brick row houses, pre-war apartments, detached Victorians, carriage
houses, lofts, and other Brooklyn abodes to see the colorful, creative,
clever, cost-conscious ways people really live in New York City’s
hippest borough.

This week we take you behind the facade of a limestone townhouse in Prospect Heights owned by interior designer Caroline Beaupere, full of rich color and unexpected elements.

Nursing Shortage at Methodist Hospital Prompts Protest

I didn't make it over to Methodist Hospital to talk to any of the striking nurses yesterday. Luckily the Brooklyn Paper did.

As reported here, they were protesting the shortage of nurses at the hospital and a terrible—and potentially dangerous—nurse to patient ratio.

The nurses’ contract — which mandates one nurse for a maximum of six
patients — expired on Sunday night, so staffers picketed the Park Slope
institution the next day, complaining that the hospital employs one
nurse for every 10 patients.

March 23 – April 2nd: Dine in Brooklyn

That's a 3-course meal for $23 dollars at all participating restaurants. Here's the list for Park Slope. Looks like just about everyone is in.

For a complete list of restaurants in all Brooklyn nabes:  go here.

Petition to Prevent Fed Stimulus Money For Ratner

Sign the petition to prevent federal stimulus money from going to Ratner and the Atlantic Yards Project.

To New York State Governor David Paterson:

I oppose the use of federal stimulus money to fund the Atlantic Yards
project. The design, schedule and benefits of the project have clearly
departed from what were disclosed to the public in 2006. Any allocation
of stimulus to Atlantic Yards at this point would not only further
reduce the project's already unacceptable standard of accountability,
it would deprive the people of New York City investment in urgently
needed public works. I therefore urge you to reject any request for
stimulus funds to be granted to Atlantic Yards.


The Undersigned

Put It On Your Calendar: Brooklyn Blogfest 09 is on May 7th at 7 p.m.

out why Brooklyn is the bloggiest place in America at the Fourth Annual
Brooklyn Blogfest on May 7, 2009 at powerHouse Arena in DUMBO.

Brooklyn Blogfest 2009, an exciting, idea-filled
event for bloggers, blog readers and the blog curious is where you'll
find: Insight. Advice. Inspiration. Resources.

Here's your chance meet your favorite bloggers; learn about blogging; be inspired to blog.

better to take the pulse of this rapidly growing community of writers,
thinkers and observers than the Brooklyn Blogfest?" ~ Sewell Chan, The
New York Times

This year's event will take place on May 7, 2009 at 7 p.m. at the powerHouse Arena in DUMBO.

In addition to a WHY WE BLOG panel, this year Brooklyn Blogfest introduces BLOGS-OF-A-FEATHER, special small-group sessions, where you can meet with bloggers who share your interests.

Once again, there will a VIDEO TRIBUTE TO BROOKLYN'S PHOTO BLOGGERS and the annual SHOUT-OUT: a chance to share your blog with the world!

you live to blog, blog to live or are just curious about this thing
called blogging, you won't want to miss Brooklyn Blogfest 2009, the
best Blogfest yet.

For more information or to register, visit the  Brooklyn Blogfest website.

find out about sponsorship opportunities for Brooklyn Blogfest, contact
Louise Crawford (e:, c: 718-288-4290).

The Details:

Fourth Annual Brooklyn Blogfest
May 7, 2009
Doors open at 7 p.m.
powerHouse Arena
37 Main Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201
Admission: $10

Brooklyn Blogfest after-party
Galapagos Art Space
16 Main Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201
(right across the street from powerHouse Arena)
Cash Bar and refreshments

About Brooklyn Blogfest 2009:

you live to blog, blog to live, or are just curious about this thing
called blogging, you'll want to attend the premiere annual event for
bloggers in Brooklyn and beyond.

At Brooklyn Blogfest 2009: listen to some great speakers; shout out about your blog; and network
with fellow bloggers during special breakouts. Meet your favorite
bloggers; learn about blogging; be inspired to blog at Brooklyn
Blogfest 2009.

Brooklyn Blogfest 2009:
Insight. Advice. Inspiration. Resources

Celtic Influenced Hip-Hop Band at Rocky Sullivan’s Tonight

Celebrate St. Patrick's Day at Rocky Sullivan's with Seanchai and the Unity Squad featuring the former Black 47 live-wire Chris Byrne, who fronts the only Celtic-influenced
hip-hop band on either side of the Atlantic. Seanchaí (pronounced
shan-a-kee) and the Unity Squad take the stage on St. Patrick's Day night  (and every week at Rocky Sullivan's) with their mix
of hip-hop, rock, reggae, and traditional Irish music.

"I'd been hoping for a band … that might serve as a symbol of
what Irishness has become in the intense crucible of urban New York,
and as I watch and listen it turns out that's exactly what I've got."

Tuesday, March 17th

34 Van Dyke Street at Dwight Street
Celebrate St. Patrick's Day at Rocky Sullivan's with
Seanchai and the Unity Squad
Brooklyn's #1 Saint Patrick's Night Party

Niall Connolly To Perform at Ceol at Noon Today

Niall Connolly,
an  Irish singer/songwriter will be performing at Ceol on Smith Street today. He describes himself on his MySpace page as an "International Folk Hero for Hire."

His influences include: Leonard Cohen, Gillian Welch, Belle and Sebastian, John Steinbeck, Bob Dylan, J.J. Murphy, The Frank and Walters, The Sultans of Ping, Nirvana, Woody Guthrie, and everyone in between. Friends, Life, Geography, Public Transport, Public Houses, Cork City Library, Cork City, Crosshaven, New York City, The F Train, the Glashaboy River, Good Teachers, Talking, Kindness, News, Weather, Mood, and Girls.

Ceol is located at 191 Smith Street in Cobble Hill near the Bergen Street station of the F Train.

The Where and When

Noon to 3 p.m.
191 Smith Street

The Brazen Head: Free Corned Beef Sandwiches and $5 Guinness

02 Back
Kristin Goode of About New York: Brooklyn presents 5 Ways to Celebrate St. Patrick's Day in Brooklyn. The Brooklyn Parade was on Sunday in Park Slope. But there's always the parade in Manhattan.She mentions The Brazen Head. They sell the t-shirts with the James Joyce quote pictured left for $10. You get a decent enough do at The Brazen Head:

While you're hitting
your favorite Irish pubs, why not include a few that will be serving
food? At the Brazen Head at 228 Atlantic Avenue, Irish music will be
accompanied by $5 Guinness and free corned beef sandwiches from 4pm to
Or make your way to Spike Hill at 185 Bedford Avenue in
Williamsburg for everything from a traditional Irish breakfast to
corned beef and cabbage. Looking for more pub food? Try one of these picks.

Mindful Walker: Architecture, Street Life and Nature

Mindful Walker is a blog dedicated to one woman's experience of architecture, street life, history,
and nature while walking or riding. In it, she intelligently examinies the changes in our cities,
towns, and the environment. Historic
preservation, smart growth, and the life of communities are of special interest to this blogger. She wrote to me last week and I'm so glad she did. Yesterday I ran one of her posts about Coney Island. There's lost more to read over there. Here is an excerpt from her bio.

I’ve been an explorer since my childhood in Wampum, a small town in
Western Pennsylvania, where I was blessed to grow up in a large
Italian-American family of DeMarks and Cinis (my mother’s side). My mom
encouraged my love of history. I grew up as a member of what my cousin
Phyllis calls the rare and endangered species Wampum stoop dweller (known
for spending hours sitting on the stoop of the town bank on Main Street
and observing the street life). I graduated to street crawling and
back-road exploring, after moving to New Jersey and the East Coast 30
years ago.

I’m a long-time journalist who has created
to marry the best of reporting and feature writing with the life,
community, and immediacy of the Internet. A love of history,
architecture, people, and different places has been the connecting
thread of my career, which began in newspapers and moved on to magazine
writing, varied publishing and media projects, and ultimately online.

Brooklyn Beat: Journalism Not Dead, It’s Evolving!

The blogger who goes by the moniker of Brooklyn Beat over at Deep in the Heart of Brooklyn has an interesting piece about Park Slope's Steven Berlin Johnson, who, like so many hipsters, music afficionados and techie philosophers is at SXSW in Austin, Texas this week. That's South by Southwest for those who don't know.

Brooklyn-based author, blogger and web developer Steven Berlin Johnson,
at the South by Southwest Festival, said, according to Breitbart news,
that "Newspapers are dying but journalism is evolving."

Johnson equated newspapers to old growth forests, saying that under the
canopy of that aged ecosystem blogging, citizen journalism, Twittering
and other Internet-age information sharing is taking root.

bullish on the future of news," Johnson said. "Newspapers are dying but
journalism is evolving, an acclaimed science writer told a gathering of
the techno-hip at South By South West Interactive Festival on Friday.
Johnson equated newspapers to old growth forests, saying that under the
canopy of that aged ecosystem blogging, citizen journalism, Twittering
and other Internet-age information sharing is taking root.

Brooklyn Beat also has some great photos of Salman Rushdie speaking at St. Francis College in Brooklyn Heights last week.

Coming Soon: OTBKB’s Breakfast-of-Candidates Series

IMG_4450esSoon I will begin publishing my stories about my breakfasts with all the city council candidates in the 39th District.

In these posts, I hope to convey a palpable sense of who these men are as people and politicians. I want to find out what they believe in, what they're like to have breakfast with, how they grew up, what matters to them and whether or not they're suited to be in the City Council.

So far I've had breakfast with Brad Lander and Craig Hammerman and a lunchtime coffee with Bob Zuckerman; I am in the process of scheduling breakfasts with Josh Skaller (who I met the other day at a Meet-the-Candidate private party), John Heyer and Gary Reilly.

And is Steven Di Brenza actually running?

And now for some breaking news:  David Pechefsky, the Green Party Candidate for City Council District 38, just invited me, you and everybody to a kick off party for his campaign with a suggested donation prices of $25-$175 at Barbes on Friday, March 27th from 6 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. That's 376 Ninth Street near Sixth Avenue.

So, hey, David: when do you wanna have breakfast. There's no way around it.

Some of the City Council Candidates pictured left to right: Bob Zuckerman, Josh Skaller, Brad Lander, Craig Hammerman, Gary Reilly, Johy Heyer and Gary Reilly.  Not pictured: Steve Di Brienza and David Pechefsky.

Bill de Blasio Raised Two Million Dollars for Public Advocate Campaign

Here's the press release statement from Council Member Bill de Blasio from the 39th district who is running for NYC's Public Advocate, the position currently held by Betsy Gotbaum.

"With 6 months left to go, our campaign has already passed
the halfway mark. With this filing, we have raised a total of nearly $2 million
with matching funds, a huge milestone. Our filing for this period put a large
dent in the gap, bringing in over $300,000 with matching funds,” said
Councilmember Bill de Blasio.

Mindful Walker: An Off-Season Vibe in Coney Island

Lots to read over at Mindful Walker about Coney Island. Here's an excerpt from her post, Coney Island's Off-Season Vibe:

Scrawled on the cornice of a dilapidated building on Coney Island’s
Surf Avenue is “Shore Hotel. Nature’s Paradise By the Sea.” But
paradise this isn’t. On Coney Island’s main thoroughfare, it sits in
the midst of a mish-mash of garish-colored patches of buildings,
“Stores for Lease” signs, boarded-up windows, and neon that heralds
“Eldorado Auto Skooter,” “Clam Bar,” and “Nathan’s Famous.”

OTBKB Book Giveaway: The Body Broken, Memoir About Chronic Pain

OTBKB is giving away copies of Lynne Greenberg's book, The Body Broken, a memoir about chronic pain and one woman's recovery from its devastation.

Email me at louise_crawford(at)yahoo(dot)com  with your address and  you will receive a book. Do it fast. I only have a few.

Lynne Greenberg will be doing a Reading & Signing at
BookCourt,163 Court Street, Brooklyn , —
Tuesday, March 24th at 7pm

Women Owned Businesses and the Stimulus Package

I just got this press release about an event sponsored by Yveltte Clark (I think) for women who own their own businesses. And this line shot up at me: "Congresswoman Yvette Clarke is making women-owned businesses a priority."

A priority.

That's cool. I am so going to this meeting.

Congresswoman Clarke is holding an event for Women-Owned Businesses on
March 23 from 2-4 pm at Ceol Pub and Restaurant on Smith Street.

The speakers will include the District Director from the Small
Business Administration, the Womens Business Outreach Center and the
Executive Chief for the State Liquor Authority.

They will discuss the importance of women-owned businesses and how the stimulus will affect
them as well as the loans, grants and person-to-person services that are available to them through the SBA and the BOC network.

The SLA will talk women through the State licensing process for various business types.

Congresswoman Clarke is making women-owned businesses a  priority,

Please R.S.V.P  to  the Brooklyn District Office of U.S.
Representative Yvette Clarke, Ph: 718-287-1142  Fax: 718-287-1223 or

Revert War on Park Slope Wikipedia Site

Have you ever looked up Park Slope on Wikipedia? I have. It's a fairly generic description of our neighborhood with some good local history. It includes sections like: early history, 19th century development, baseball, crash of United Flight 826, blight and renewal, etc. The first paragraph section like this.

Park Slope is a neighborhood in the western section of Brooklyn, New York City's most populous borough.
Park Slope is roughly bounded by Prospect Park West to the east, Fourth
Avenue to the west, Park Place to the north and 15th Street to the
south, though other definitions are sometimes offered.[1][2] It takes its name from its location on the western slope of neighboring Prospect Park.
Seventh Avenue and Fifth Avenue are its primary commercial streets,
while its east-west side streets are populated by many historic brownstones.

Park Slope is characterized by its historic buildings, top-rated restaurants, bars, and shops, as well as close access to Prospect Park, the Brooklyn Academy of Music, the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, the Brooklyn Museum, the Brooklyn Conservatory of Music, and the Central Library (as well as the Park Slope branch) of the Brooklyn Public Library system. [3]

The neighborhood had a population of about 62,200 as of the 2000 census,[4] resulting in a population density of approximately 68,000/square mile, or approximately 26,000/square kilometer.

In December 2006, Natural Home magazine named Park Slope one
of America's ten best neighborhoods based on criteria including parks,
green spaces and neighborhood gathering spaces; farmer’s markets and
community gardens; public transportation and locally-owned businesses;
and environmental and social policy.[5] Park Slope is part of Brooklyn Community Board 6.

But today a tipster wrote in to say that he's been  following a bizarre "revert war" going on over at the Park Wikipedia article for the past week, and he thought OTBKB readers should know about it. Some guy keeps putting this bit of self-promotion:

"'''Jonatan Ramos Baizan'''" or as he likes to be called "[[Junior]]"
is the next big thing comming up in the media industry and is also a
resident of the streets of [[Park Slope]]. He is known as "'''The Talk
Of BK.'''"

Whoever this is is being
extremely persistent. I also find it interesting that this tipster follows what goes on at PS's Wiki site. I must ask him. So I did ask him and our tipster had this to say:

When you make a change to an article in Wikipedia, it offers to add the
article to your watchlist. It's just a matter of checking the box. I
don't remember ever editing the Park Slope article but I must have at
some point. I look at the watchlist maybe once a day to see what's
going on.

Author Lynne Greenberg: Why I Wrote This Book About Chronic Pain

Body Broken Jacket
The Body Broken: A Memoir by Lynne Greenberg (Random House, 2009).

 Why I Wrote This Book:

At 19, I went off a thirty-foot cliff in a car and broke my neck. I recovered fully, and for twenty years lived a full and rich life as a professor and mother here in Brooklyn.

In one day, however, seemingly out of nowhere, I found myself in excruciating pain that started at my neck and shot through the center of my skull. Months of visits to doctors revealed that my neck was still fractured and that I had permanent nerve damage.

I spent a year and a half as an invalid, trying seemingly everything I could to get better: fusion surgery, nerve injections, medications, pain-killers, acupuncture, massage, and physical therapy. Nothing helped.

One in every five adult Americans lives in chronic pain. I am therefore not alone. Desperate for cures, patients resort to all sorts of options to get better. Lonely, furious, scared, isolated, their lives fall apart. The Body Broken describes this descent and my life three years later, as I am out of bed, back at work and able to parent again.

I wrote this memoir with chronic pain patients and their families as my intended audience. I wanted to reach out to them, let them know that they aren’t alone and that somehow there is a way to regain hope and one’s life.

–Lynne Greenberg

Nurses Protest at Methodist Hospital

I just got a tip that nurses at Methodist Hospital are protesting outside the Seventh Avenue hospital this morning. There was a live shot on Channel 11. My friend Gilly, who sent in this tip, believes it's about the nursing shortage.

According to another tipster, the nurses are saying that the hospital isn't scheduling enough nurses to cover shifts. This tipster had heard
this independently (except she can't now remember from where).

If anyone knows more before I get over to the hospital let me know.

Brooklyn Optimist: A Tale of Two Greenpoint Newspapers

Here's an excerpt from Brooklyn Optimist's interesting posts about the two newspapers of Greenpoint:

Now that the Greenpoint Courier has gone the way of the New York Sun, the Optimist wanted to take the opportunity to recognize his neighborhood's two remaining newspapers: The Greenpoint Gazette and The Greenpoint Star.

The Optimist is a regular reader of both these papers and even coughs up 35 cents to buy the Star
each week at his corner deli, even though getting it for free doesn't
require inordinate ingenuity. As a former weekly newspaper editor, I
enjoy these local papers, even though by the time they hit the stands,
I've generally read all of their stories on blogs like New York Shitty, Greenpointers, and Brooklyn 11211.

CasaCara: Hanging Gardens of Brooklyn

Today on CasaCARA: Pictures and text about a healing garden in a Brooklyn Heights backyard that was once a dog run, with a broken stone patio and a canopy of ailanthus trees.

Now, with the help of garden designer Nigel Rollings, who teaches the popular Urban Garden Design course at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, it’s a verdant oasis on several levels, with one bold, theatrical stroke: a circular wall fountain.

And look out for Brookyn Voyeur every Thursday, a joint project of OTBKB and CasaCARA.

Save the Date: Brooklyn Blogfest 2009 on May 7th at 7 p.m.

 blogfest logo save the dateFind
out why Brooklyn is the bloggiest place in America at the Fourth Annual
Brooklyn Blogfest on May 7, 2009 at powerHouse Arena in DUMBO.

Brooklyn Blogfest 2009, an exciting, idea-filled
event for bloggers, blog readers and the blog curious is where you'll
find: Insight. Advice. Inspiration. Resources.

Here's your chance meet your favorite bloggers; learn about blogging; be inspired to blog.

better to take the pulse of this rapidly growing community of writers,
thinkers and observers than the Brooklyn Blogfest?" ~ Sewell Chan, The
New York Times

This year's event will take place on May 7, 2009 at 7 p.m. at the powerHouse Arena in DUMBO.

In addition to a WHY WE BLOG panel, this year Brooklyn Blogfest introduces BLOGS-OF-A-FEATHER, special small-group sessions, where you can meet with bloggers who share your interests.

Once again, there will a VIDEO TRIBUTE TO BROOKLYN'S PHOTO BLOGGERS and the annual SHOUT-OUT: a chance to share your blog with the world!

you live to blog, blog to live or are just curious about this thing
called blogging, you won't want to miss Brooklyn Blogfest 2009, the
best Blogfest yet.

For more information or to register, visit the  Brooklyn Blogfest website.

find out about sponsorship opportunities for Brooklyn Blogfest, contact
Louise Crawford (e:, c: 718-288-4290).

The Details:

Fourth Annual Brooklyn Blogfest
May 7, 2009
Doors open at 7 p.m.
powerHouse Arena
37 Main Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201
Admission: $10

Brooklyn Blogfest after-party
Galapagos Art Space
16 Main Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201
(right across the street from powerHouse Arena)
Cash Bar and refreshments

About Brooklyn Blogfest 2009:

you live to blog, blog to live, or are just curious about this thing
called blogging, you'll want to attend the premiere annual event for
bloggers in Brooklyn and beyond.

At Brooklyn Blogfest 2009: listen to some great speakers; shout out about your blog; and network
with fellow bloggers during special breakouts. Meet your favorite
bloggers; learn about blogging; be inspired to blog at Brooklyn
Blogfest 2009.

Brooklyn Blogfest 2009
Insight. Advice. Inspiration. Resources