A group calling itself the Empire State Transportation Alliance – a
coalition of business, civic, labor and environmental organizations supporting
investment in transportation – and the Keep New York Moving Campaign
today released the following statement. In it they say that it is critical that the plan address long term capital needs such as new cars. Members of this group include NYPIRG Straphangers Campaign, Transportation Alternatives, the Environmental Defense Action Fund and more. Photograph left by Travis Ruse.
Now that the New York State Assembly, Senate and Governor have put
plans on the table to bail out the transit system, the Empire State
Transporation Alliance urges all leaders to conference and arrive at a
compromise agreement in the coming days.
It is critial that the final plan
address the long term capital needs such as new cars and buses and renovated
stations alongside the short term fixes to the operating budget which currently
call for major fare increases and service reductions.
choices have to be made and ESTA strongly maintains support for a plan that
shares the burden amongst drivers, businesses and transit riders as the most
equitable option.
Over the course of the next few days there will be much debate about
where to go from here. Ever since the MTA passed its own budget back in
December, the agency has maintained that it needs to know by March 25 if it
should pull back on its already-approved fare hike and service reduction
package. But the MTA also needs a funding source for its upcoming capital
program – a critical issue that will only worsen as the year goes on.
Further complicating matters with delaying capital-plan support is that Albany
rarely passes new taxes or funding sources in election years, like next year.
That means that the capital program and all its progress to date could come to
a standstill, along with the jobs and economic stimulus it provides.
The plan by the Senate Democrats barely covers the MTA's operating
budget, and it fails to address the MTA's long-term capital needs, a critical
component of the funding puzzle. Lack of funding of past capital
programs, and the necessity for the MTA to borrow against future fares to
pay for things like new rail cars and buses and renovated stations, helped lead
the agency to the current crisis.
The time for political maneuvering is over. State leaders now have to iron
out a deal to secure a source of funding not only to stave off major fare hikes
and service cuts but also to fund the upcoming program to fix and rebuild the
system. In these tough economic times, an investment in better subways, buses
and commuter lines promotes a cleaner environment, saves people money, increases
mobility and helps keep or create the jobs hardworking New Yorkers need.
Members of the Empire State Transportation Alliance include: Regional
Plan Association, NYPIRG Straphangers Campaign, General Contractors Association
of New York, Environmental Defense Action Fund, Tri-State Transportation
Campaign, New York State Laborers’, Environmental Advocates of New York, ACEC
New York, Citizens Union Foundation, Campaign for New York’s Future,
Construction Industry Council of New York, Long Island Contractor’s
Association, Natural Resources Defense Council, New York State Building and
Construction Trades Council, New York League of Conservation Voters, Permanent
Citizens Advisory Committee to MTA, Transportation Alternatives.