Women Owned Businesses and the Stimulus Package

I just got this press release about an event sponsored by Yveltte Clark (I think) for women who own their own businesses. And this line shot up at me: "Congresswoman Yvette Clarke is making women-owned businesses a priority."

A priority.

That's cool. I am so going to this meeting.

Congresswoman Clarke is holding an event for Women-Owned Businesses on
March 23 from 2-4 pm at Ceol Pub and Restaurant on Smith Street.

The speakers will include the District Director from the Small
Business Administration, the Womens Business Outreach Center and the
Executive Chief for the State Liquor Authority.

They will discuss the importance of women-owned businesses and how the stimulus will affect
them as well as the loans, grants and person-to-person services that are available to them through the SBA and the BOC network.

The SLA will talk women through the State licensing process for various business types.

Congresswoman Clarke is making women-owned businesses a  priority,

Please R.S.V.P  to  the Brooklyn District Office of U.S.
Representative Yvette Clarke, Ph: 718-287-1142  Fax: 718-287-1223 or
Email: Deanna.Bitetti@mail.house.gov