Coming Soon: OTBKB’s Breakfast-of-Candidates Series

IMG_4450esSoon I will begin publishing my stories about my breakfasts with all the city council candidates in the 39th District.

In these posts, I hope to convey a palpable sense of who these men are as people and politicians. I want to find out what they believe in, what they're like to have breakfast with, how they grew up, what matters to them and whether or not they're suited to be in the City Council.

So far I've had breakfast with Brad Lander and Craig Hammerman and a lunchtime coffee with Bob Zuckerman; I am in the process of scheduling breakfasts with Josh Skaller (who I met the other day at a Meet-the-Candidate private party), John Heyer and Gary Reilly.

And is Steven Di Brenza actually running?

And now for some breaking news:  David Pechefsky, the Green Party Candidate for City Council District 38, just invited me, you and everybody to a kick off party for his campaign with a suggested donation prices of $25-$175 at Barbes on Friday, March 27th from 6 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. That's 376 Ninth Street near Sixth Avenue.

So, hey, David: when do you wanna have breakfast. There's no way around it.

Some of the City Council Candidates pictured left to right: Bob Zuckerman, Josh Skaller, Brad Lander, Craig Hammerman, Gary Reilly, Johy Heyer and Gary Reilly.  Not pictured: Steve Di Brienza and David Pechefsky.