What Will It Take To Win the Race in the 39th?

Some people are estimating that 200 votes will decide the election for Bill diBlasio's city council seat in the 39th district.

200 votes?  Wow. That's not a lot of votes.

In 2001, I heard that Bill diBlasio won by 2,000 votes. But that was 2001. It wasn't nearly as tight a race as this one.

So, 200 votes will make or break a candidate. That's why a voting block like Borough Park is so important. The Satmar community votes according to recommendations from its chief rabbi. Whatever the rabbi says…

That said, the candidates are running hard in Borough Park—and all over the rest of the district.

So who are the front runners?

Brad Lander and Josh Skaller are running neck in neck no doubt. At the moment, Lander is trying to distance himself from his Yiddish newspaper brouhaha. I'm not sure if voters in brownstone Brooklyn are aware of it or even care about it.

Bob Zuckerman is at their tail. He just came out with a very funny animated spot that shows cartoon versions of Lander and Skaller attacking each other.

John Heyer is running close to Zuckerman as he has a strong following among conservative democrats in Carroll Gardens and possibly Borough Park.

Gary Reilly, arguably the most honest and forthright is in last place.

In a local election like this every vote really does count. It is important that every Democrat in Park Slope take a long, hard look at all the candidates and get out there on Tuesday September 15th and vote.