GoogaMooga is Coming Back to Prospect Park for Three Days (Yup)

I am pondering whether I should post an unhappy OR happy face emoticon? Last year the festival was sort of sprung on us in Park Slope and I heard mixed reports. There were crazy long ticket and water lines and lots of dissatsfaction.

Here’s hoping they get it right this time. For starters, they’re telling us about it two months in advance and that’s way better than last year. Nobody knew about  it and when I saw a billboard about it at the West Fourth Street  subway station I almost fell over.

GoogaMooga is also adding an extra day.

That said, they do have a great line-up of musical acts and the support of Emily Lloyd, President of the Prospect Park Alliance. In addition to it being a food festival with 85 of New York’s top restaurants are paired with 75 brews and 100 wines, there will be twenty plus lives performances from the likes of Yeah Yeah Yeahs, The Flaming Lips, Matt & Kim, Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings, The Darkness, Jovanotti, Father John Misty and De La Soul.

Tickets are going on sale for the concerts on Thursday, March 28 at 12p and all tickets will be available at

Here’s what President of the Prospect Park Alliance and Park Administrator, Emily Lloyd had to say about this three-day event in Prospect Park.

Great GoogaMooga is a celebration of food, music and Prospect Park – three things that make Brooklyn such a wonderful place to live, work and play. Frederick Law Olmsted, Prospect Park’s brilliant co-designer, intended for the Park to be a great gathering place, as well as a place of quiet respite. We are looking forward to the Great GoogaMooga returning to Prospect Park in 2013,”

I’m guessing (hoping) that this means a lot of money for the park.

Support the Sandy Relief Kitchen at Old First Sunday Night

This Sunday (3/24) there’s a fundraiser for Hurricane Sandy Relief Kitchen at Old First Church from 5PM until 10PM (729 Carroll Street at 7th Avenue in Park Slope). There will great food, music, speakers and fun, as well as the vibrant spirit of volunteerism in the house.

The Sandy Relief Kitchen is something we’re really proud of here in Park Slope.

The Sandy Relief Kitchen is a community-based relief effort based in the Park Slope neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York. What began as an immediate, around-the-clock effort cooking out of the back of Two Boots of Brooklyn, has now transformed into an operation comprising local business, community groups and friends. Now operating out of Old First Reformed Church, the group has served tens of thousands of those affected by Hurricane Sandy in coastal neighborhoods of Brooklyn and Staten Island.

The help for those in need continues Wednesday through Friday, from our base at Old First Reformed Church, located at 729 Carroll Street (at 7th Avenue) in the Park Slope. We’re preparing hot food and sandwiches and delivering them, along with other necessary cleaning and personal supplies, to the Rockaways, Staten Island, Gerritsen Beach, Coney Island and other areas still gravely affected by the storm.

Coming to Book Court: Carole DeSanti and Eugenie R.

Carole DeSanti, who will be reading at BookCourt at 163 Court Street in Brooklyn next Tuesday, March 26th at 7PM, has written a transporting debut novel set in the backstreets and bordellos of 19th century Paris. While this is the author’s first novel, she is a veteran of the publishing business and has been an editor at Penguin known for her championing of strong female literary voices.

The book, which took a decade to write is about Eugénie R., a woman born in France’s foie gras country, who follows the man she loves to Paris, but soon finds herself marooned, pregnant, and penniless.

Sounds interesting so far, right?

She gives birth to a daughter she is forced to abandon and spends the next ten years fighting to get her back. An outcast, Eugénie takes to the streets,  navigating her way up from ruin and charting the treacherous waters of sexual commerce.

Are you hooked yet? I am.

Along the way she falls in love with an artist, a woman, and a revolutionary.

Ooh la la.

Ah Paris: City of my dreams. The capital, the gleaming center of art and civilization in Europe, is enjoying its final years of wanton prosperity before galloping headlong into the Franco-Prussian War.

For the protagonist its a conflicted landscape — grisly, evocative, addictive. As the gates of the city close against the advancing army, Eugénie must make a decision between past and present — between the people she loves most

Join Carole for the paperback launch at Bookcourt:

March 26, 2013, 7:00 p.m.

Brooklyn BookCourt

163 Court St

Brooklyn, NY 11201

Susan Wides: Panoramic Photos of New York City on View

Nine stunning panoramic photographs by Susan Wides of New York City, including shots of Brooklyn Flea, Coney Island and the Botanic Gardens, will be on view at the Kim Foster Gallery in Manahhatan from March 21-April 29, 2013.

In All the Worlds, Susan Wides “tracks her lens on our everyday drama and urban spectacle as both observers and participants in the theatrum mundi of our city’s streets. She illuminates the moments of struggle and transcendence in the many worlds that we collectively experience–the cultural, global, corporate consumer, and natural.”

And you know we love everyday drama and urban spectacle.

The gallery blurb for All the Worlds alludes to a wonderful quote by Baudelaire on the passionate city spectator (and by extension the photographer of the city). Here is the quote in its entirety from The Painter in the City: 

“For the perfect flaneur, for the passionate spectator, it is an immense joy to set up house in the heart of the multitude, amid the ebb and flow of movement, in the midst of the fugitive and the infinite. To be away from home and yet to feel oneself everywhere at home; to see the world, to be at the centre of the world, and yet to remain hidden from the world–such are a few of the slightest pleasures of those independent, passionate, impartial natures which the tongue can but clumsily define. The spectator is a prince who everywhere rejoices in his incognito. The lover of life makes the whole world his family, just like the lover of the fair sex who builds up his family from all the beautiful women that he has ever found, or that are–or are not–to be found; or the lover of pictures who lives in a magical society of dreams painted on canvas.”

All the Worlds opens on Thursday March 21 with an opening reception. But the show will run through April 29th at 529 West 20th Street in Manhattan’s Chelsea neighborhood.

March 21: Brooklyn by the Book Presents The Bronfman Haggadah

I am inviting you to an exciting event at Congregation Beth Elohim on March 21 at 7:30 PM.

No, it’s not my daughter’s Bat Mitzvah.

This Brooklyn by the Book event will include a Passover wine tasting, delicious treats from Gefilteria (a Brooklyn start-up that is reinventing seder food) and a conversation with Edgar M. Bronfman, Jan Aronson and Rabbi Andy Bachman about The Bronfman Haggadah just out from Rizzoli. Community Bookstore will be on hand to sell the book, which makes a truly great seder Haggadah and/or gift.

This is a Haggadah for your collection!

But don’t take my word for it. Here’s what Daniel Handler (aka Lemony Snicket) had to say:

“The Bronfman Haggadah has everything I want in a seder guest. It’s clear-headed but allows for argument. It’s straightforward but has a flair for the dramatic. It’s colorful but not tacky, opinionated but not dogmatic, and it’s not so long-winded that the soup gets cold. Dive in!

Rabbi Bachman and Edgar M. Bronfman go way back. From 1998-2004, Rabbi Bachman was the Executive Director of the Edgar M. Bronfman Center for Jewish Student Life: Hillel at NYU. There’s is great respect between the two of them, which should make for an interesting discussion about the meaning of Passover and issues of Jewish identity and theology.

Edgar M. Bronfman, 83, has devoted his life to Jewish causes. He founded the Samuel Bronfman Foundation, which supports a wide variety of causes, programs and initiatives including, Birthright Israel, 92nd Street Y, Hebrew Union College, Interfaith Family, My Jewish Learning, American Jewish World Service, Congregation Beth Elohim and much more.

The Bronfman Haggadah written by Edgar M. Bronfman and illustrated by Jan Aronson is a provocative and stunningly visual retelling of the Passover story, the Bronfman Haggadahhas been called “a revolutionary Haggadah for the 21st century” for the way that it tells the story of the Jews’ dramatic journey from slavery to freedom, in a way that will captivate generations to come.

Jan Aronson’s bold and brilliant watercolor paintings heighten the text and amplify a story that is crucial to the Jewish narrative of Identity. These luminous images— both abstract and figurative—artfully illustrate the Seder plate’s symbolic foods, the parting of the Red Sea, the forty-year journey through the desert, the giving of the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai, and other events pivotal to Passover.

David Suissa in Jewish Journal wrote:

“Bronfman has taken the secular and spiritual values that resonate with the new generation — such as tikkun olam, pluralism, human dignity and social justice — and rooted them proudly in the story of the Jewish people. He’s made the seder night different by appealing to the indifferent. That alone is worthy of Jewish pride.”

I’d love for you to join me on this special night. Come for the program and stay for the food (or visa versa). I think it will be very memorable evening.

What: Brooklyn by the Book Presents A Conversation with Edgar M. Bronfman, Jan Aronson and Rabbi Andy Bachman about The Bronfman Haggadah

When: March 21, 2013 at 7:30 p.m.

Where: Congregation Beth Elohim

What Else: A $10 suggested donation includes tastings from Gefilteria and Slope Cellars. Please RSVP.

Books will be sold by The Community Bookstore.

FULL DISCLOSURE: My company Brooklyn Social Media is representing the Haggadah!

Help Plan the Brooklyn Science and Arts Museum

An email from Town Square caught my eye:

On Wednesday, March 13, at 7PM, there’s a March Planning Meeting at Fada (530 Driggs Ave, near N 8th St) for the up and coming Brooklyn Science & Arts Museum.

Apparently, $19.5 MM is available to Greenpoint from Greenpoint Environmental Benefits Projects! Sounds like a great opportunity to launch a world-class institution.

In the meantime, the group plans to offer pop-up museums, salons, and symposiums. More proof of the unique indie, can-do spirit of Brooklyn!

While not necessary, you can RSVP for the March meeting to

March 15: Women’s History Month Event at Two Moon with Sharon Goldman

Turns out that  Bev Grant and Carolann Solebello are doing a monthly series at my fave Park Slope art house and cafe. Two Moon is a cozy art gallery, performance space and coffee house on Fourth Avenue Park Slope.

We heart Fourth Avenue and the efforts of Two Moon’s owners Danielle and Joyce to bring food, beverage and culture to that up and coming Brooklyn thoroughfare.

Sharon Goldman, who used to be part of a sweet duo called Sweet Bitters, will be performing with Bev and Carolann in an evening of swapping songs and sharing stories, and this show will be extra fun because we’re tying it to Women’s History Month. She writes: “We’re an all-female cast, obviously, and we’ll be focusing on tunes with women-oriented and feminist themes (though that’s quite a wide swath of possibility!).”

Sharon promises to sing “Falling Into Place,” the Park Slope song I love.

Also,  Bev has a wonderful exhibit up of her photos from the 1968 Miss America Pageant protest…I can’t wait to see those.

Bev & Carolann Present: Second Fridays @ Two Moon

Friday, March 15, 8 p.m.

Two Moon Art House & Cafe

315 Fourth Avenue

Park Slope, Brooklyn

(718) 499-0460

$10 suggested donation


Park Slope Boy Blinded by Acid in 1973: An Amazing Man

He is a forty-year-old man now. When he was only 4 in 1973, his insane next-door neighbor threw hot acid on his face and he’s been blind ever since. This heartbreaking crime happened on President Street in Park Slope. The perpetrator Basilio Bouza (24) was found not-guilty on grounds of insanity. The story by Wendell Jamieson is in the New York Times today.

Josh Miele is now  president of the Lighthouse for the Blind in San Francisco and he lives in Berkeley, California with his wife and two children.

The story is sad and unbelievable. But the portrait of Joshua Miele that arises out of Wendell Jamieson’s article is inspiring and beautiful.

Josh has a degree in physics and a Ph.D. in psychoacoustics from the University of California at Berkeley. He took several breaks, years long, while getting his undergraduate degree, and worked full time for the technology company Berkeley Systems on software to help blind people navigate graphics-based computer programs.

He worked for NASA on software for the Mars Observer. He is the president of the board of directors of the San Francisco LightHouse for the Blind. He plays bass in a band. And he works as an associate scientist at the Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute, a nonprofit research center. “It’s not that I don’t want to be written about,” he said. “I’d like to be as famous as the next person would, but I want to be famous for the right reasons,for the work I’ve done, and not for some stupid thing that happened to me 40 years ago.”

Photo of Joshua for the NY Time by Jim Wilson


Susan Steinbrock Design: Brooklyn Garden and Floral Beauty


Just when I was feeling really fatigued by  winter, Susan Steinbrock Design sent me an email about her new garden and floral design website. The  photographs on the site of arrangements of colorful wild flowers grown in a Brooklyn lot made my day.

Spring is afoot and I am grateful to Susan for reminding me.

Brooklyn-based gardening business, Susan Steinbrock Design will plant and maintain perennials, annuals and flowering shrubs. SSD will select plants to create a continuously blooming garden, from spring bulbs through fall asters, yielding personally designed bouquets, directly from your garden to table.

“I believe in environmentally sound practices, using compost to enrich soil that is often depleted of nutrients. I choose flowering perennials native to our region as well as other plants that encourage pollinators and benefit the overall health of our Brooklyn neighborhoods,” Susan writes on the website.

Whether you are looking for a complete design and renovation of your current garden space, a new window box or container, or just advice in choosing plants that will thrive in your garden’s light and shade, Susan can work with you to make something beautiful.

And that is beautiful.

Switch to Manual: Photography Workshops and Photo Walks

OTBKB’s Witness photographer Tom Martinez is adding Photography Workshops and Photo Walks to his resume, which already includes Unitarian minister and social activist.

Martinez and fellow photographer/videographer Antonio Rosario have opened a new business called Switch to Manual to help beginner and intermediate photographers take control of the camera’s basic settings, which they believe is the doorway to real creativity.

According to Martinez and Rosario, most people new to photography have a vague sense that it’s possible to control the camera’s settings, but are intimidated by the myth that to do so requires years of technical study. “And when you’re in love with photography all you really want to do is take pictures,” says Martinez.

That’s where the Switch to Manual photo workshops come in. In a workshop setting, Martinez and Rosario will give you a practical overview of the two manual settings you’ll want to master (shutter speed and aperture) and then take you out to shoot pictures.

Instead of a bunch of technical jargon, they will explain these settings in everyday language.  By the end of the workshop you’ll understand how these camera controls relate to each other. “You’ll be in control of your camera and not the other way around. You’ll be adjusting both to get the image you want, no matter  the situation,” says Rosario.

In addition to their workshops, Martinez and Rosario offer photo walks in some of the most photogenic locations in Manhattan, Brooklyn and the Bronx.

Imagine spending a morning at the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens or in the trendy industrial Brooklyn neighborhood of Red Hook or walking across the Brooklyn Bridge. How about an afternoon in Coney Island, Green-Wood Cemetery or the Metropolitan Museum of Art. During these photo walks, Martinez and Rosario will offer hands-on advice about how to get the most from your camera equipment. They will advise about composition, lighting, and lenses.

Most walks last between 2-3 hours and are a great way to  get to know these great locations in the city, with camera in hand.

Their workshops and photo walks run year-round. Check out the schedule and sign up. Soon you’ll Switching to Manual in just one day!

The lovely photo of Antonio Rosario (left) and Tom Martinez is from Ditmas Park Corner.



The Original Op-Ed for the Daily News Before It Was Edited

I am very frustrated with the way that the Daily News edited my op-ed about Barclays Center in Sunday’s paper. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised—it is a corporate conglomerate that has a stake in the Barclays Center. I was shown a shortened vershion but had little time to make changes. I had nothing to do with the headline (The drunken hordes that never came) or the subtitle (Park Slope was wrong about Barclays Center), which, as you can imagine, really rankled me. Here’s the original that I sent to the newspaper.

by Louise Crawford

Whatever you thought about the Atlantic Yards Project —what the new Brooklyn Net’s stadium was called before it was branded Barclays Center—it’s very possible that you think differently now.

Not because you’re a hypocrite. It’s just that when urban planning  becomes urban reality, those who live in it must adapt and learn from it, just as they would when a giant gorilla decides to move next door.

During the planning stages for the twenty-two acre site, it was easy to feel apoplectic when Forest City Ratner, a Cleveland-based developer with big pockets, was able to bypass standard review procedures, the City Planning Commission and The City Council.

The proposed stadium and sixteen high-rise apartment buildings rankled locals in an area defined by its historic structures, low-rise vistas and a strong belief in gentrification as a form of grass roots development. The Fort Green neighborhood was already testy from the poke in the eye that is Forest City Ratner’s less than beautiful Atlantic Mall.

Just about every project that smells of big business, traffic and noise inspires local opposition in Brooklyn areas like Park Slope, Prospect Heights and Red Hook, big city neighborhoods that feel like small towns.

In the nineties, New York Methodist Hospital announced they were building an underground parking garage in the center of Park Slope with Rite Aid and Barnes and Noble on the retail level. Citizens feared traffic, noise, garbage and the loss of their beloved local bookstores and pharmacies. Indeed, most of the neighborhood’s bookstores did perish, except for one brave exception (Community Bookstore).

The coming of Ikea and Fairway caused no small amount of tsuris among Red Hook pioneers, who worried about traffic, congestion and changes to the areas historic charm.

Back in 2005, the guerilla opposition to Forest City Ratner’s Atlantic Yards gorilla organized almost immediately. Locals cried “Develop Don’t Destroy” to a plan that lacked context and common sense. What about schools, subways, traffic, jobs, parking, affordable housing, tax dollars, and infrastructure? They demanded answers.

Ultimately, legal tactics using Eminent Domain won the day. The area, which has been gentrifying at a rapid pace, was dubiously deemed blighted and buildings were demolished, including Freddy’s, a beloved, historic bar, as well as a condo building, home of Daniel Goldstein, the Rosa Parks of the Atlantic Yards battle.

A funny thing happened on the way to Barclays. Locals realized it wasn’t so bad to have a basketball stadium in their midst despite their opposition to the way it got there. Fears about noise, traffic, garbage and public urination proved unwarranted, though there are some problems and traffic on nearby Third Avenue has worsened and rats run rampant and have invaded Park Slope, as well.

We also learned that having a basketball team can actually create a sense of camaraderie and Brooklyn pride.  Barclays Center has become a public square (sponsored by the New York Daily News) in a racially and economically stratified borough that often feels segregated. The Barclays Center is one place in Brooklyn, other than the subway (and maybe the Cyclone) that truly has an integrated clientele.

Some like the Reverend Daniel Meeter of Old First Dutch Reformed Church in Park Slope, who opposed the project from the start, aren’t so sure about the benefits “The only real gains to Brooklyn are the economic gains to certain private businessman and ephemeral emotional gains to individual fans. Societal gains, real ones, like on race: realistically zilch. Architectural gains? Zilch, Lessons: ancient lessons rehearsed about money and power able skillfully to manipulate democratic processes of decision making. Big money sports (entertainment) is an essentially anti-democratic, anti-organic, and ultimately anti-social business.”

Still, the entertainment programming at Barclays has been inspired. Hip Hop ruled when Jay-Z performed in a series of opening week performances. The sound level was off the charts and Barclays was charged a $3,200 fine. But Hip Hop and Brooklyn were in the house.

Having Jay-Z as mascot and fifty of 1 percent owner of the Brooklyn Nets certainly went a long way towards making African-American and young Brooklynites feel a sense of trust and “ownership.” Mos Def, however, was not thrilled and wrote a powerful poem that expressed concerns that the trickle down from the stadium might never flow to those in need.

My Baby Boomer friends, many of whom protested angrily against the Atlantic Yards Project, seemed pretty excited when Bob Dylan, Patti Smith, Neil Young , The Who, The Rolling Stones, and Leonard Cohen performed at the stadium. I wondered if, once again, we were being pandered to. Just like when they brought in starchitect Frank Gehry to design the first iteration of the stadium before he was fired.

I think it’s universally agreed that the architecture is less than the Miss Brooklyn we were promised. That said, I like the way the public space rises out of the subway station. I also like the rusty basket weave skin of the building, which is evocative of the site’s former life as a train yard.

The Barclay’s logo and other corporate signage is not only ugly but a reminder that corporations have control over our cities and that product placement has more power than the people who live right next door. It reminds me that even the borough of Brooklyn can be bought by corporate interests.

So the big gorilla moved in and we’re adapting. Like it or not, Brooklyn has a new cultural hub, a crossroads for an economically and racially diverse Brooklyn to come together. And we’ve got a team that gives us all something to cheer about.

This is the new now that we must build upon with plenty of lessons learned. But the question remains: how does Brooklyn enhance the neighborhoods that we love to build a community and not a battlefield?

Tonight: Broken Hearted Valentine’s Eve

Tonight. Is. The. Night.

We thought this up a few months ago. An event the night before  Valentine’s Day celebrating broken hearts. Why? Because there would be no poetry and no song without broken hearts.

Tonight we celebrate the broken heart because for a heart to break it once had to be full. Full.

Tonight let Peter Silsbee and the Haywood Brothers and Courtney Adams, Jr. serenade you. Let Nicole Hefner Callihan and Yona Zeldis McDonough read to you. Let the mulled wine, snacks and coffee drinks soothe you.

At 7PM. Two Moon Art House and Cafe. 315 Fourth Avenue between 3rd and 2nd Street.

Love for Sale by Clifford Thompson

What a nice surpise. And just in time for a snowy weekend at home. Today I received a package from Autumn House Press. Inside: Cliff Thompson’s new book Love for Sale, a collection of essays

Cliff Thompson is the author of Signifying Nothing, a novel. He participated in a wonderful and memorable Brooklyn Reading Works evening curated by Martha Southgate called Young Gifted and Black (Men) with Victor Lavalle and James Hanihan. He lives in Park Slope with his family.

I was immediately taken in by the cover of Cliff’s new book: a painting of a Sidney Bechet album, a bottle of Sour Mash ,a fedora, a notebook and a pen (a painting, it turns out, by Cliff Thompson).

This book of essays was selected by Philip Lopate as the winer of the 2012 Autumn House Fiction Prize. Lopate writes “The triumph of this deeply satisfying essay collection is its presentation of a whole human being: immensely cultivated, likable because unfailingly honest, reasonable, mature, witty and never less than eloquent.”

I surveyed the table of contents and saw essays on Zadie Smith, Miles Davis, movies. These essays have appeared in The Threepenny Review, The Iow Review, Commonwealth, Film Quarterly, Cineaste, Oxford American and more…

I am grateful to receive this book today because I am just about done with my current book (Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore) and am deeply in need of something new for a long, snowy weekend.

Love for Sale. Just in the nick of time. I’m looking forward to reading these essays about books, film, jazz, race, “and the oddities of daily life.”

Feb 9-10: Louis Rosen Solo at the Metropolitan Room

Songwriter/performer Louis Rosen returns to the Metropolitan Room (34 West 22nd Street, New York, NY) on February 9th and 10th at 7PM to celebrate the release of Time Was, his debut recording as a solo artist after three acclaimed CDs with vocalist Capathia Jenkins.

Time Was offers a broad journey across the landscape of American roots music with songs that explore the essential stuff of our lives—love and lust, dreams and pipedreams, fortunes made and squandered, the joy of creation, faith, loss, death and salvation. Louis and his band offer these intensely human portraits in ways that feel fresh, sophisticated and new, yet timeless.

Here’s a taste of what the press have had to say about Louis’ previous work:

“Highbrow—Brilliant.” New York Magazine Approval Matrix

“Rosen has a James Taylor-like talent for setting intimate lyrics over facile, catchy melodies…. Don’t miss this…” Bloomberg News

“Music that stirs the soul.” Huffington Post

To learn more about Louis and Time Was, and for a preview of some of the new songs, visit

Composer, lyricist, performer and author LOUIS ROSEN was awarded a 2005-2006 Guggenheim Foundation Fellowship in Music Composition. His recordings include the new solo album release, TIME WAS (2013, Di-tone Records), and three albums with vocalist Capathia Jenkins: THE ACHE OF POSSIBILITY (2009, Di-tone Records), ONE OUNCE OF TRUTH (2008, PS Classics) and SOUTH SIDE STORIES (2006, Rosecap/Di-tone.)

Highlights of Louis’ work as a performer include over 100 concerts since 2005 in and beyond New York at venues such as The Public Theater’s Joe’s Pub, Birdland, Iridium Jazz Club, the Great Hall at Cooper Union, the Metropolitan Room, Harare’s International Festival of the Arts in Zimbabwe, Africa, Northwestern University’s Lewis Theater, SF’s Freight and Salvage, Chicago’s Steppenwolf Theater, LA’s Gardenia Club, Washington D.C.’s 6th Street and I Historic Synagogue; Schenectady’s Eighth Step at the Proctor Theater, Brooklyn Library’s Dweck Center and many more.

Nemo: Severe Weather Advisory

Craig Hammerman, District Manager of Community Board 6  sent me the mayor’s sever weather advisory issued Thursday evening. Here goes:

At the direction of the Mayor, the public is hereby advised that significant snowfall has been forecast starting tomorrow afternoon through Saturday morning.

  1. The public is urged to avoid all unnecessary driving during the duration of the storm and, until further directed, to use public transportation wherever possible. As New Yorkers are making their commuting plans for tomorrow, they should be aware that driving conditions will be difficult. If you must drive, use extreme caution.


  1. The MTA has advised of potential service disruptions, and information about any service changes to public transportation is available on the MTA website at

  1. Any vehicle found to be blocking roadways or impeding the ability to plow streets shall be subject to towing at the owner’s expense.

  1. Alternate side parking is suspended citywide through Sunday. Due to anticipated high winds the Staten Island Ferry will be operating on a modified schedule beginning tomorrow afternoon.


  1. The Emergency Management, Fire, Police, Sanitation, and Transportation Commissioners will be taking all appropriate and necessary steps to preserve public safety and to render all required and available assistance to protect the security, well-being and health of the residents of the City.


  1. City government and public schools are open tomorrow. Afterschool programs are subject to cancellation.


  1. Due to potential power outages and transportation difficulties, New Yorkers are advised to stock up on potential supplies, including medicine.


BDS Forum at Brooklyn College Sparks Free Speech Debate

The Political Science Department and other departments and clubs at Brooklyn College are  getting slammed for their decision to sponsor a forum featuring two speakers—Judith Butler and Omar Barghouti —who support BDS (Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions) an international boycott to force Israel to end its occupation of the Palestinian territories.

BDS is the same group that  caused a conniption fit at the Park Slope Food Coop last year when they proposed that the Coop stop selling Israeli products. A hearing and vote among members opposed the proposal.

I applaud Karen Gould, President of Brooklyn College, for her decision to proceed with the event despite opposition from pro-Israel activists, and a group of City Council Members, who threaten funding to the college.

A college is meant to be the center of free speech and academic freedom. Below is a letter published in the Nation by President Gould to students, faculty and staff.

Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff,

Each semester, student clubs, academic departments, and other groups on our campus host events and invite speakers on a broad range of topics. At times, the issues discussed may be challenging and the points of view expressed may be controversial.

Next week, Students for Justice in Palestine is hosting two speakers who will discuss their views on the BDS movement, which calls for boycott, divestment, and sanctions against Israel. The event is co-sponsored by several campus and community organizations, including the political science department.

As an institution of higher education, it is incumbent upon us to uphold the tenets of academic freedom and allow our students and faculty to engage in dialogue and debate on topics they may choose, even those with which members of our campus and broader community may vehemently disagree. As your president, I consistently have demonstrated my commitment to these principles so that our college community may consider complex issues and points of view across the political and cultural spectrum.

Unfortunately, some may believe that our steadfast commitment to free speech signals an institutional endorsement of a particular point of view. Nothing could be further from the truth. Brooklyn College does not endorse the views of the speakers visiting our campus next week, just as it has not endorsed those of previous visitors to our campus with opposing views. We do, however, uphold their right to speak, and the rights of our students and faculty to attend, listen, and fully debate. We also encourage our students and faculty to explore these issues from multiple viewpoints and in a variety of forums so that no single perspective serves as the sole source of information or basis for consideration.

In addition, as I have said on several occasions, our college community values mutual respect and civil discourse. We ask all students, faculty, staff, and guests on our campus to conduct themselves accordingly so that Brooklyn College continues to be a learning environment where all may discuss and debate issues of importance to our world.

Sincerely, Karen L. Gould, President


Feb 13: Broken Hearted Valentine’s at Two Moon Art House and Cafe

Only the Blog at Two Moon presents: Broken Hearted Valentine’s on the night before Valentine’s Day. Join us for music from Courtney Lee Adams Jr and her 4-piece band and Peter Silsbee and The Heywood Brothers; poetry from Nicole Hefner Callihan

Feb. 13, 7-9 p.m. at Two Moon Art House and Cafe.

Why should Valentine’s Day be so lovey-dovey and ooey-gooey? What about those peeps with broken hearts or love gone stale. Not to mention those who are still waiting for the real thing.

Where would music and poetry be without broken hearts?

Let Peter Silsbee, The Heywood Brothers, Courtney Lee Adams Jr. and poet Nicole Hefner Callihan serenade you on Broken Hearted Valentine’s at Two Moon Art House and Cafe.

No need to spend the night ALONE….

When: Wednesday, February 13, 7-9 p.m.

Where: Two Moon Art House and Cafe, 315 Fourth Avenue, Park Slope, Brooklyn

Ed Koch: A Mayor as Funny and Feisty as the City Itself

Ed Koch, mayor of New York City from 1978-1989, died this morning of heart failure. He was the mayor of the New York City of my youth and young adulthood.

What an era that was—in City Hall and in the city itself.  It was the period that took us from the desperate and debt-ridden late seventies through the go-go, Yuppie eighties. It was the period that saw the rise of graffiti, homelessness, crack, hip hop, Wall Street, punk rock, the AIDs crisis and much more.

Feisty, funny and full of chutzpah, he seemed, in a sense, to personify the city. He lived across the street from my grandmother on Fifth Avenue and 8th Street in Manhattan and seemed accessible and real. For me, he was the mayor across the street, when he wasn’t  in Gracie Mansion. How’m I doing? was his iconic question and it exemplified his in-your-face way of being the mayor.

His approach to race relations was highly problematic and his refusal to admit his own homosexuality was certainly a  betrayal to the city’s gay community.

His term spanned my out-of-town college years and the years when I set out on  my own in the city of my birth. I lived in Harlem, Brooklyn Heights, the Upper West Side and Lower East Side (during the Tompkins Square Park riots) during that time. I remember the building of the Twin Towers and the nearby Art on the Beach area that was the landfill that is now Battery Park City and the 35 cent  token. Soho was still an art center, Tribeca was just coming into being, the East Village had a boom and then a bust, CBGBs, Max’s Kansas City and Area were the places to be.

It was a different city. A grittier more dangerous place to live but also a vital and amazingly creative environment in which to come of age.

Indeed,  Ed Koch will remembered by those of us who grew up during that time as a mayor as funny, flawed and complex and the city itself.

I just learned that Bronx-born Koch, lived in Brooklyn for a time. Here from a statement by Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz: “Mayor Koch lived with his family in Brooklyn as a young man, and I have no doubt it’s where he got the Brooklyn attitude, swagger and “chutzpah” that made him such a character and helped him navigate New York City through some of its most challenging times. The Brooklyn flag over Borough Hall will be lowered in remembrance of this one-of-a-kind New York icon, and our thoughts and prayers are with his family, friends and colleagues.”


Family Storytelling and Art Making with FOKUS in Clinton Hill

On Saturday, February 9th at 9am, FOKUS is having a family affair with storytelling and art making at Dee and Ricky’s in Clinton Hill, Brooklyn (503 Myrtle Ave).

The FOKUS Family Affair will take kids and families on an exciting trip using the books “Peter’s Chair” and “The Jones Family Express” during a morning of artmaking and reading at Dee & Ricky’s Home Cooking.

If you are interested, reserve a ticket now:

FOKUS will read both books and then guide the children in an artmaking workshop where they will create collage postcards based on themes from each book. They will supply all needed materials, but feel free to bring old magazines that you were planning to throw away because we are promoting reusable materials as a source of art.


Dee and Ricky’s will also have a special Breakfast menu available at this event.

Story Time Art: A Celebration of Family

Dee & Ricky’s Home Cooking

Saturday February 9th 9am – 11am

503 Myrtle Ave

Brooklyn, NY, 11205


New Plays by Brooklyn Playwrights at Brooklyn Reading Works

Join us on the last day of February for the last word on the new and the bold in Brooklyn’s theatrical universe.

On February 28, 2013 at 8PM, BRW is thrilled to present this annual compendium of excerpts of staged readings of new plays by Brooklyn playwrights curated by Rosemary Moore.

Here’s your chance to see vital and provocative new work as it’s being developed. Always an entertaining and compelling evening, the playwrights will do a Q&A following the performances.

This year, plays by Scott Adkins, Robert Michel, Chris Nelson and Valerie Work

When: Feb. 28, 2013 at 8PM

What: Brooklyn Reading Works Presents New Plays by Brooklyn Playwright curated by Rosemary Moore

Where: The Old Stone House: 336 Third Street between Fifth and Fourth Avenues in Park Slope. F train to Fourth Avenue, R train to Union Street.

What else: A $5 donation includes refreshments and wine.


Food and Computer Generated Sights, Sounds & Ideas

12 Bytes, an event that combines wonderful food and computer art, is conceived as a computer musicale with a four course meal or “interconnected network of small bites, and in between enlightenment and entertainment computer generated sights, sounds and ideas.

This interesting and unique event is brought to you by Communal Table, Ame Gilbert’s culnary endeavor which brings art, ideas, activism and food right to the table. ” We sit down with writers, performers, artists, scientists, chefs and friends to talk and listen and to share wonderful meals,” she writes on Communal Table’s website.

This event happens on FEB 9, at 7PM in a Beautiful Downtown Brooklyn. Tickets $70 (includes beverage pairings)

You can buy your tickets at Feastly. 

(address and directions will be provided ticket when you purchase your ticket!)

Here are the artists and thinkers who will headline this event:

Mihir Desai is the chief gastronomer of foodTEXT, a roving supper club which seeks to contextualise our food system through communal adventures in modernist cuisine.

Jesse Diener-Bennett is a writer and composer writing and composing in Brooklyn, New York. Madly in love with linguistics, he often works in the space between lyrics and poetry, music and words, meaningfulness and meaninglessness.

 Scott Draves is a pioneering software artist best known for creating the Electric Sheep, a collective intelligence consisting of 450,000 computers and people that uses mathematics and genetic algorithmsto create an infinite abstractanimation.

Alice Lee is a Research Chef at GNT USA, maker of all-natural colors from fruits and vegetables, and a culinary graduate of the Institute of Culinary Education in Manhattan.

HOST: Vince Bruns is a 30 plus year fishmonger to a central Jersey community, foodie and theater addict who just happens to own a lovely condo capable of hosting 25 or 30 food fans for dinner.

Your Next Big Thing

This handsome fellow is Ben Michaelis, a PhD, clinical psychologist , and author of the new book Your Next Big Thing.

His writing has been featured in The Huffington Post, Parents magazine, Entertainment Weekly, the New York Times. He’s also a popular weekly blogger on Psychology Today.

When he and his wife lived in Manhattan, they realized that all their friends lived in Brooklyn and they were spending all their time traveling to and from the borough of Kings. In less than  week of that realization they found a place on this side of the river.

That focused energy and get-up-and-go exemplifies his concept of 10 small steps that get you MOVING and HAPPY.

I spoke to him on the phone recently and had the feeling that he might be very good at what he does.  Then I looked at his new book, Your Next Big Thing, and I was pretty sure he has something to offer.

In the book, Ben provides visionary yet practical strategies, quizzes, and exercises to teach you about your true self. In the book, which is bright orange and really nicely designed, he’ll pinpoint exactly what you need to realize your purpose and progress toward your goals.

Get this: Whether you’re in need of business or personal guidance, this ten-step plan helps you look forward without fear—so you can achieve joy, passion, and the enriched life you never thought possible.


Sun: Josh Shneider and the Love Speaks Orchestra at Roulette

Playing at 5PM on Sunday night at Roulette: The Joshua Shneider Love Speaks Orchestra is a 19 piece ensemble comprised of some of NYC’s most illustrious and adventurous improvisers, interpreting the music and arrangements of Joshua Shneider. Melodic, grooving, searching and harmonically inventive, the music draws inspiration from Jazz, R&B, Classical, Latin and American Pop elements.

Sunday’s concert will feature the premiere of a new piece by Shneider entitled “Madness and Joy,” a meditation on the relationship between the essential familiar and the unknown. The program will also include material from a new CD to be released this Spring which features vocalist Lucy Woodward and guitarist Dave Stryker. Acclaimed vocalist Carolyn Leonhart will join The Love Speaks Orchestra for this performance. Leonhart, a Sunnyside recording artist, is also a session singer and veteran of tours with Steely Dan, Donald Fagen, and many others.

Jan 27: Grace and Spiritus Chorale in Brooklyn Heights

 Sunday at 4PM, the Grace and Spiritus Chorale of Brooklyn, a 75-member chorus, will present three settings of the Latin mass from three continents. This program features an eighteenth century Austrian setting, a late twentieth century Canadian setting, and a mid-twentieth century Congolese setting.

Grace & Spiritus Chorale of Brooklyn will perform Mozart’s Coronation Mass, Canadian composer Ruth Watson Henderson’s Missa Brevis, and Miss Luba, a Congolese adaptation of the Mass, based on Congolese folk songs, which is rarely performed. These cultural expressions of rhythm, harmony, and melody bring the text to life in wildly different ways. African Drummers and Saint Ann’s School dancers will accompany this mass. South African singer, Peter Ncanywa will sing the tenor solo in the Missa Luba.

4pm Sunday, Jan. 27, Saint Ann & the Holy Trinity Church,157 Montague Street

Brooklyn, NY 11201-3587

The group is dedicated to promoting and cultivating the art of choral singing in Brooklyn by presenting a wide variety of choral music, including newly commissioned works, to audiences through concerts, partnerships and educational outreach. They offer amateur singers the opportunity to study the art of choral singing under dynamic and professional leadership.

Dolphin Stranded in the Gowanus Canal

If you are wondering why there are helicopters hovering over the neighborhood here’s the reason: There’s a wounded dolphin swimming stranded in the Gowanus. Rescuers are frantically trying to save him. According to the Daily News, the dolphin may be bleeding from its dorsal fin and is trapped in the dirty, frigid waters of the Gowanus of the Union St. bridge.

Read more at the New York Daily News:

Inauguration Made Brooklyn Proud

For starters, Park Slope’s Senator Chuck Schumer was the emcee of the 2013 Inauguration. Then, the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir sang a glorious “Battle Hymn of the Republic.”

And Beyonce: her virtuosic rendition of the exceedingly difficult to sing National Anthem was stunning. And Jay-Z, of course, he was in attendance.

Oh and Obama. Obama. Perhaps the greatest speech of his career. Progressive, pragmatic, visionary. Beautiful words, beautiful man. Yes, his hair is grayer, but he is wiser.

We, the people, declare today that the most evident of truths – that all of us are created equal – is the star that guides us still; just as it guided our forebears through Seneca Falls, and Selma, and Stonewall; just as it guided all those men and women, sung and unsung, who left footprints along this great Mall, to hear a preacher say that we cannot walk alone; to hear a King proclaim that our individual freedom is inextricably bound to the freedom of every soul on Earth.

New Miss America Lives in Park Slope

There she is Miss America…

Turns out the new Miss American (Miss New York State) lives in Park Slope. She moved to New York in 2008 from Alabama.

She introduced herself with “Sandy may have swept away our shores, but never our spirit. I’m Miss New York, Mallory Hagan.”

On Saturday night, this Park Sloper’s dream became a high definition reality when she beat out all the Miss America wannabes and nailed the title.

The bathing suit contest may be heinous and the show itself a feminist heresy but ya gotta love the fact that Miss America is from the South Slope.

Hagen attends the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) and plans to become a marketing executive for a cosmetics or fragrance company. During her reign as Miss New York focused on child sexual abuse and prevention and was an advocate for the Children’s Miracle Network.

Go to Park Slope.






Jan 17: The Truth and Publishing at Brooklyn Reading Works

Brooklyn Reading Works at The Old Stone House presents The Truth and Publishing, a panel discussion about the future of books, publishers, authors, agents and readers, curated by the truth seeking and erudite John Guidry.

We often think of writing as a lone pursuit, a lone artist or dedicated journalist pursuing the craft with every ounce of dedication they can muster. If we think in the plural, it’s usually in pairs. Yet behind the work of writers is a larger cast of professionals every bit as dedicated to the written word and concerned about its future. They include editors, agents, publishers, critics, and others whose work helps make the printed word possible. On this panel, we will meet editors, publishers and agents who will share their perspective on the process behind the written word and what lies in store for those in the publishing industry.

And what a gathering of publishing luminaries:

With Rob Spillman of Tin House, Tamson Weston an editor of children’s books, agents Jonathan Lyons and Renee Zuckerbrot and Josh Rolnick author and editor of Shma.

The panel will be moderated by John Guidry who publishes the blog The Truth and Rocket Science. This is his fourth event at Brooklyn Reading Works. Previous events have included The Truth and Money, The Truth and Oral History, the Truth and Ghost Writers and now The Truth and Publishing.

Date: January 17, 2013 at 8PM at 8PM

Location: The Old Stone House 336 Third Street between 4th and 5th Avenues in Park Slope. F train to Fourth Avenue. R train to Union Street.

A $5 donation includes refreshments and wine

More info: Louise Crawford 718-288-4290 or

Serving Park Slope and Beyond