Today, all day, is the Snowflake Celebration. Many stores are offering special discounts and special perks for shopping there.

More than 150 stores in Park Slope and Prospect Heights will stay open until 10 p.m. Join a celebratory night of holiday shopping and partying.

If you’re on Fifth Avenue, drop in at the Old Stone House for Brooklyn Reading Works, an evening of Jazz Writing with Roy Nathanson and Jason Weiss reading spoken word poetry, fiction and non-fiction.

Don’t let that snowstorm stop you…

Mulled cider, candy canes and cookies await. The Old Stone House sells lots of great stocking stuffers!

The Old Stone House
Fifth Avenue at 3rd Street (in JJ Byrne Park).
8-10 p.m.


The Park Slope 100: 100 stories, 100 ways of looking at the world, 100 inspiring people, places and things. The list is in alphabetical order. There are no repeats from last year. There are many serious omissions. Send names for next year.
Yesterday News 12 Brooklyn came out and interviewed a few people on the list. Some of the people on the list don’t even know they’re on it. Some of them don’t use computers and/or blogs. Some people have had trouble finding it on the separate weblog. So here it is.
STATE SENATOR ERIC ADAMS because you traded in your blue uniform for a blue suit when you were elected to the 20th Senatorial District, which includes the neighborhoods of Flatbush, Crown Heights, Park Slope, Windsor Terrace and Prospect Heights. You developed workshops called, “What To Do When Stopped By The Police,” which have helped thousands of young people throughout New York learn to better interact with the police. You are a supporter of the Buy Local Brooklyn initiative and you asked the right questions: “How do we bring in revenue that Manhattan enjoys? How do we let it spill over into the Slope, Prospect Heights and the rest of Brooklyn?"
ANGELA THE CROSSING GUARD because you keep the kids safe when they cross Second Street and Seventh Avenue.
THE ACCORDION PLAYER OF SEVENTH AVENUE because sitting on your folding stool in front of Chase Bank you add a distinctly Eastern European melancholy to the Avenue.
ANDY THE FRUIT TRUCK GUY because we didn’t know what to do without you when you went away. Get well and much gratitude to your cousin for keeping life fruity on Seventh Avenue.
JUDY ANTELL because as a super involved mother of three, you are the ultimate Park Slope mom, who also happens to be the editor of NY Metro Parents.
Sunoutdoorsquid_2 NOAH BAUMBACH because you are Slope born and bred and you make honest, funny, risky movies like Margot at the Wedding and the Squid and the Whale.
JAMES BERNARD because you’re a member of Community Board 6 and a executive coordinator of the Project Forum on Race and Democracy, and senior communications fellow at Policy Link. You launched the Source and XXL, two hip-hop magazines, and have written about popular culture for the New York Times, the Village Voice and Entertainment Weekly.
PAULA BERNSTEIN AND ELYSE SCHEIN because after being separated at birth you found each other and wrote a beautiful and honest memoir, Identical Strangers: A Memoir of Twins Separated and Reunited , about identity, nature vs. nurture, family, and love.
THE BROMBERG BROTHERS because in 2001 you crossed the East River and created Blue Ribbon Brooklyn, perhaps the best all-around restaurant in the borough. Thanks for giving us all such a special place to go.
THE BROOKLYN BLOGGERS because you sit at your computers and tell us what you see, think, feel, and hear day in and day out. Thanks for the words and pictures. Deep in the Heart of Brooklyn Self-Absorbed Boomer Luna Park Gazette Flatbush Gardener Bed Stuy Blog Callalillie Kensington Blog Clinton Hill Blog Creative Times Brooklyn Hts. Blog Park Slope Street Photography McBrooklyn Sustainable Flatbush Brit in Brooklyn New York Shitty Kinetic Carnival And of course, everyone cited last year: Gowanus Lounge Brownstoner No Land Grab Atlantic Yards Report Dope on the Slope

THE BROOKLYN TORNADO because on August 8th, 2007 you blew our socks off.
DAVID BROOKS because you got everyone mad at you when you wrote “Can we please see the end of those Park Slope Alternative Stepford Moms in their black-on-black maternity tunics who turn their babies into fashion-forward, anti-corporate, indie infants in order to stay one step ahead of the cool police?” in your New York Times Op-Ed column.
30_28_bridalsequence1_i THE BROWNSTONE BRIDE because you spent the night in a bridal dress perched on top of the entrance of a brownstone on Fourth Street. As reported by the Brooklyn Paper, you had a Tiffany engagement ring in a bag.Picture by Nate Harpaz.
BUY LOCAL BROOKLYN because the yellow umbrellas were a perfect symbol for a group that brings together local businesses, non-profits, the Park Slope Civic Council and the Park Slope Chamber of Commerce. And now you’ve organized the Snowflake Celebration, a night of holiday shopping and festivity on December 13th. Way to go, team.

Cranes2 C IS FOR CUPID because as the new dating service for people whose lives have been affected by cancer you are giving people hope, love, and even some fun.
CHRISTIE’S JAMAICAN PATTIES because you’re a Flatbush Avenue institution. Your soup! Your chicken! Your chicken curry patties!
MARIA COLON, ANNIE CICCONI and HOMARYA FLORES, because on Fourth and Third Avenues, you keep the kids safe on a really wide street with fast moving cars.

Plate1asma CLAIREWARE because your colorful ceramics with polka dots and swirls make me happy.
CLUB LOCO because you are presenting bands like Sister Helen, Fiasco, Dulaney Banks, Cool and Unusual Punishment, Francesca Perlov, Window Sign Language Tetsuwan Fireball, Jet Lag, Banzai, and many others at Old First Church and giving teenagers a cool place to be one Saturday night a month.
BRYAN COLLIER because your illustrations in Martin’s Big Words are just wonderful, and a big fave at PS 321.
DEENA DAVIS because you’re one of the most politically connected people in Park Slope, dating from your days as PTA president of PS 321. Now you’re program director of the Association for Neighborhood & Housing Development, and back for a second term on the CEC for District 15, as the borough president’s appointee and treasurer.

because you gave everyone their say in your sprawling tale of post-9/11 love in New York City and got a veritable rave from the New York Times.
THE DOE FUND GUYS because you’re Ready, Willing and Able to change your lives and do what needs to be done while improving the quality of life around here. We thank you.
SUZANNE DONALDSON because not only are you the most gorgeously put together fashion plate in the Slope but you beat leukemia and raised TONS of money to help others fight it doing the Chicago Marathon. You’re also a talented photo director at Glamour and just an all around great person.
THE ERHU PLAYER WHO SITS IN FRONT OF CITIBANK because your two-stringed fiddle brings a Chinese melody to the streets of Park Slope.
EIDOLON because you were pioneers on the new Fifth Avenue with beautiful clothing, jewelry, accessories, and knit wares.
MARCIA ELY and MELISSA BENSON because in addition to everything else you do, you run the Brooklyn Heights Homeless Shelter, a volunteer-run shelter that has hosted 10 women Monday through Thursday during the winter months for 25 years.
DANIEL EPPELBAUM because you actually sat down and wrote a letter to the borough president about the aggravating idiosyncrasies of the B-67 bus and got an answer.
JOE FERRIS because in the Assembly and out you have devoted your life to preserving jobs, homes and the history of Brooklyn, your hometown. Most recently you led the effort to save the vista at the Green-wood Cemetery. And all without a computer…
Images_2 RYAN FLECK AND ANNA BORDEN because your movie Half Nelson with Ryan Gosling and Shareeka Epps wowed me with its dark and powerful portrayal of a very believable New York City school teacher and the Red Hook students that he hopes to inspire.
ZELDA FOSTER because you were a social worker and an early and tireless advocate of hospice care. In memoriam.
TONY GIORDANO because you, along with the Fifth Avenue Merchants Association, donated countless hours of your time to move Fifth Avenue forward in the formation of the fifth avenue BID.
DR. AMY GLASER because you compiled and published the first complete listing of summer activities for teens in New York City, which includes 125 fascinating programs for every interest and pocketbook SUMMER IN THE CITY FOR TEENS, the Zagat of summer programs, is a welcome resource and it was screened and tested by young adults and their parents.
GOOD FORM DESIGN because your posters, websites, and logos for Brooklyn Reading Works, the Park Slope 100, the Brooklyn Blogfest, Stoopendous, the Old Stone House, Brooklyn Mama, and Seeing Green spread the word with a perfect balance of color, composition, and fun.
CRYSTAL GRANDERSON-REID and JANA NELSON because you created Brownstone Buddys, eight characters, with distinct cultural identities and interests. Among them are an African-American girl who adores math, a Chinese-American sports buff and a book-loving girl of Hispanic heritage.
RICHARD GRAYSON because you explored Brooklyn by bus and wrote about it with style, humor, and oodles of personal history. And to quote the Philadelphia Inquirer: "Grayson is a funny guy from Canarsie, Brooklyn… his kind of metafiction, mixing his memories (numerous main characters are named Richie Grayson) with his inventions about pansexual borough dwellers dealing with minor and major crises, read like stand-up comedy routines.”

Hearhearphoto_2 GREENJEANS (Amy Shaw and Jae Kim) because you are committed to high-quality craft and crafters/artisans in addition to sustainability and conscientious living. You were also pioneers, opening one of the first shops on that southern section Seventh Avenue and Bloggers.

because you’re the real deal: a talented actor with great taste in movies, who wants to give back to the community: “Now that my daughter is older and I have more free time, I want to spend as much of it as possible helping people who don’t have all the advantages I have,” you told the Brooklyn Paper at a public school fund raising event.
CRAIG HAMMERMAN because you are a tireless public servant who works hard as District Manager of Community Board 6 (which serves Park Slope as well as Carroll Gardens, Cobble Hill and Red Hook). You personally see that all questions to CB 6 are addressed, and you know the city agencies so well that you can often get an answer quickly! You are fair, calm and you always listen.
BRIAN HALWEIL because your magazine, Edible Brooklyn, is manna for Brooklyn’s passionate foodies.
BETH HARPAZ because you’re a working journalist who wrote a book about your experiences reporting on Hillary Clinton’s senate campaign, The Girls in the Van, and a true story about your mom, Finding Annie Farrell: A Family Memoir . And you’re a great local tipster (we loved the Brownstone Bride pix taken by your son).
BETH HASSRICK because you were a beautiful and loving mother; a Gestalt psychoanalyst with a doctorate in contemporary philosophy; and an attentive neighbor and friend to many. You never passed without a warm hello and a smile. We miss you.
HELLGATE HARMONIE because you are bringing opera to these them hills.
Filmtitle ISABEL HILL because you got it all on film and made everyone see how much the future of Brooklyn matters.
THE HOMELESS MEN OF OLD FIRST because you (Robert Royster, Will Franklin, and Frank) inadvertently started a conversation in Park Slope that led to the formation of the Park Slope Coalition for the Homeless. You inspired Pastor Daniel Meeter t o write, “They cause me a great deal of trouble, and lots of anger from our neighbors, and I do wish they would go away, but, whatever else, they remain human beings, images of God, and they need to be treated with respect.”
EMILY ISSACS because at the Trois Pommes Bakery you’re bringing your years of experience at Union Square Café and giving us something very special.
ANDREA JACOBS and CHERRY and everyone else at Little Things because you’re always helpful and you keep your cool during the tantrums, the meltdowns, and all the parent/child mayhem that goes on at Little Things. Thanks for the purple wrapping. Thanks for the toys.
Performance CAPATHIA JENKINS because you are a bright, shining star. Whether you’re performing with Martin Short in Fame Becomes Me on Broadway, or in Caroline or Change at the Public Theater or singing beside Louis Rosen in a benefit for the Old Stone House you enthrall and inspire with your vocal virtuosity, your musicality and your warmth.
HEATHER JOHNSTON because you lead with a quiet strength and can be depended upon to get things done. And your food is DELICIOUS.
Your video blog, So Good ( is a helpful and fun resource for the home cook and consumer with video demos, recipes and wine suggestions.
STEVEN BERLIN JOHNSON because you started, which you describe as an attempt to “collectively build the geographic web, neighborhood by neighborhood.” And look at the books you’ve written: Emergence: The Connected Lives of Ants, Brains, Cities, and Software (2001), Everything Bad Is Good For You: How Today’s Popular Culture Is Actually Making Us Smarter (2005), The Ghost Map: The Story of London’s Most Terrifying Epidemic – and How it Changed Science, Cities and the Modern World (2006).
DIERDRE JONES because as a smart first-time restaurateur with a fabulous sense of design and an adorable giggle, you knew that Fifth Avenue needed a child-friendly restaurant/cafe with good, healthy food. But Perch is far more than that: It’s a way of life. From morning to night, the restaurant moves through multiple identities from kid’s music destination, cool bar, brunch spot, place to meet friends, play card games, listen to adult music, poetry. You name it, it probably happens at Perch.
PETER JOSEPH because you are the board chairman of the Old Stone House, a cellist, cartographer who developed a great new map on the OSH website and an overall thoughtful community member.
SU KRAMER because your film, Gray Matters, with Heather Graham is a sexy and stylish screwball comedy about a brother and a sister who fall in love with the same woman.
NICA LALLI because you wrote a book about nothing and it’s really something. What it’s like to grow up without religion is the subject of your fascinating memoir, Nothing, Something to Believe In.

PATTY AND BOB LENARTZ because as owners of Slope Cellars you are always ready to give back and are generous and kind. Experts at the "cheap and tasty" category, you are never pretentious and always dog friendly
BRAD LANDER because you direct the Pratt Center for Community Development, which works to make this city a just, equitable, and sustainable place for all by empowering communities to plan and realize their futures.
Smoothy2_2 PETER LOFFREDO because you’re a holistic psychotherapist (and blogger) with strong opinions who is on a mission to convince parents that they deserve to have a life full of love, sex, and fun apart from their children.
ROBERTO LORENZUTTI because you are the car listener, a former race car driver, and host (at your car repair shop on Douglas Street) of one of Brooklyn’s most unusual salons (nominated by Hugh Crawford).
LORETTA OF THIRD STREET because your kitschy bust of Elvis graced your Third Street window for more than 15 year. Alas, Elvis has left the building and you’ve moved somewhere new. We wish you well.
DIONNE MACK-HARVIN because they hired you from within to run one of the biggest public library systems in the country and you’re doing it with lots of skill, style and aplomb.
CHARLOTTE MAIER because as head of PS 321’s parent-run Scholastic Book Sale, which raises money for the PTA, you put the kibosh on selling furry pencils, sequined journals and cutesy stuff so that the kids would actually buy books and not toys. This year you performed on Broadway with Christopher Plummer and Brian Dennehy in Inherit the Wind. You were also in the film Music and Lyrics with Drew Barrymore and Hugh Grant. But to the kids in Park Slope you will always be known for your hilarious turn as the dialect instructor opposite Steve Martin’s Inspector Clouseau in the 2006 remake of The Pink Panther
ELLIE MASSIAS because you started the Jewish Music Café at 401 9th Street (between 6th and 7th Avenues) and created a place in the Slope to get an ice cold bottle of He’ brew Beer, a slice of Mrs. Selter’s famous Cheese cake, a Kosher Cappuccino and enjoy great bands playing Klezmer, Sephardic, Avant Garde jazz, Hassidic rap and Israeli trance in the heart of one of NY’s most ethnically diverse neighborhood.
KEVIN McPARTLAND because your novel, Brownstone Dreams, tells it like it was in tough Irish Park Slope in the 1960’s. Think Pete Hamill, Frank McCourt with a little Scorsese mixed in. And if you want to see the manuscript, just let me know.
MET FOOD because you are open from 6 am until midnight every day and always have exactly what we need and more. Last summer, a car crashed into your store and knocked down your fruit stands and awning. But you dealt with it. You are resilient, pleasant to talk to and a great lover of cats, Ebony and Ivory.
JOSH MILLSTEIN because you run the Community Bookstore’s reading groups, including the Jewish Philosophy Book Club, the Under-appreciated Book Club and the Modern Literature Book Club. “We love new faces,” is your motto.
79075769_3d96596ccf_m MARTY MODINA because you brought the California burrito to Park Slope at Rachel’s Taqueria on Fifth Avenue and The California Taqueria on 7th Avenue. We love the murals, we love the prices, and we love your vintage red pick up truck parked outside.
MOIM RESTAURANT /SAERI YOO PARK because you are introducing Park Slopers to the unfamiliar and delicious cuisine of Korea, including your mother’s recipe for Dol Sot Bi Bim Bop, vegetables, meat and rice served in a steaming hot stone rice bowl. You got close to a rave in the Times and were compared to Al Di La and Franny’s. Not bad.
30_47_sweetmelissa_i MELISSA MURPHY of Sweet Melissa because you’ve created a cozy, homey place for comfort food and world-class pastries. It feels like you’ve been here forever. (photo from the Brooklyn Paper )

Images_3 ROY NATHANSON because you bring music, poetry and inspiration to everything you do, including teaching music at the Institute for Collaborative Education, a NYC public middle and high school. You inspire as a saxophonist, composer, bandleader and principal composer of the Jazz Passengers, a six-piece group that you founded with Curtis Fowlkes in 1987.
JENNIFER NELSON because you lead the children in song. And they are SINGING every Tuesday at Old First Church.
OTTO because your quirky mix of clothing, lingerie and home décor has been a go-to shopping destination for years. Finally, you moved to bigger and more visible digs on Seventh Avenue.
ADRIENNE ONOFRI author of Walking Brooklyn, because you had a great idea, pitched it to a publisher, and you walked the walk.
P1011291copy TOBY PANNONE because you are an amazing little boy living with a terrible disease. Not long ago you were a Park Slope preschooler living the Park Slope toddler life. Then life dealt you a low blow. But you and your parents continue to rise to the occasion. Despite the many painful days and nights, you are still a joyful child, the love and light of your parent’s lives. Read Mooki and Stephen’s blog to learn more about Neuroblastoma and what you can do to help Toby.

NICHOLAS PEKARO, an auxiliary cop, he was murdered at 19 on the streets of the West Village. A writer, Nicholas worked at Crawford Doyle Booksellers on Madison Avenue and lived in Park Slope. In memoriam.
PIZZA PLUS and ROZ because after a fire destroyed your South Slope pizza restaurant, you rose from the ashes and created something even more wonderful. Roz, you are a fabulous community minded person and hard working merchant of the mom and pop variety.
THE RED HEADED WAITRESS AT BROOKLYN FISH CAMP because you’ve been serving us some of our favorite restaurant food with humor and fun for years now. First at Two Boots and now at the delightful Fish Camp. Thanks!

TOM RAYFIEL because you completed your ambitious trilogy of novels all about Eve. In Parallel Play you channeled a believable and likable Park Slope mom warts, humor, and all.
MEGAN DONIS, INGRID ROJAS, KUYE HARRIS, AND KECIA COLE and everyone at BCAT because you scour the borough for the great stories that are out there for your shows, Brooklyn Review and Brooklyn Beat.

IRENE LO RE because as the owner of Aunt Suzy’s, you’ve been the doyenne of Fifth Avenue for nearly 30 year. Thanks for you leadership and effort on behalf of the 5th Avenue Business Improvement District.
JAVIER ROSARIO because you run Saint Francis Youth Sports and you’re a wonderful volunteer who help the youth from all over Park Slope by providing excellent team sports, Baseball, Softball, Soccer, Golf and Flag Football. You are a leader who recruits and supports dozens of volunteer coaches throughout the year.
Jenkinsrosen LOUIS ROSEN because your songs make us swoon, laugh and cry. In multiple idioms—jazz, pop, bossa nova, folk and musical theater—and with surprising leaps of melody and harmony, you bring the poetry of Maya Angelou, Nikki Giovanni, Langston Hughes, and YOU to life
RIGOBERTO SALAZAR because as custodian at Our Lady of Peace you bring order and calm to those hallowed halls.
SCAREDY KAT because the two of you were anything but scaredy kats when you dared to open your cool shop before any one thought Fifth Avenue was cool.
TOM SIMON because you know the used books business like nobody else and you knew when it was time to call it quits on Seventh Avenue. Your Lessons for Shoplifters sign, which you posted on the window of your shop, Seventh Avenue Books, was a masterpiece of retail poetry: "You know you’re dishonest, and yeah, a thief, so should you ever while among family or friends find fault with Bush or Cheney or some other scoundrel, the cosmos will likely quietly snicker at your obliviousness."
THE SKIRT LADY because you sit in the window at Starbucks in your beautiful self-designed clothing and quietly create amazing necklaces out of dried fruit and berries from Prospect Park.

613f6tjgmyl_aa240_ JOAN SNYDER because you are our neighborhood genius and you’ve got the MacArthur Genius Award to prove it. Your citation said: “In Snyder’s paintings, each brush stroke is like a character in a story, pulsing with emotion and vitality. After abandoning formal grids as the basic structure of her paintings, Snyder’s work became more explicitly gestural and rooted in memory, while at the same time more complex materially.
AMY SOHN because we’ve grown up with you: read your sex column in NY Press and your mating column in New York and your baby column there, too. You pretend to be a bad mom but you’re a good mom in our book. You write it like you see it and we respect that.
MICHELE MADIGAN SOMERVILLE because in addition to your busy life as an epic poet and the mother of three, you organized a great Dante event at St. Augustine Church, as well as the Church Ribbon Project, a memorial for those who died of AIDs.
28montauk STEPHEN TALKHOUSE FELLOWS because you are bringing some fresh energy and fun to the lovably faded glory of the Montauk Club.
THE STOOPENDOUS COMMITTEE because you took a great idea and really ran with it organizing in just a few months, A Celebration of the Summer Solstice in Park Slope, a festive way to mark the beginning of summer and connect with neighbors. The idea was generated at an open meeting of the Park Slope CIvic Council. The All-Slope-Solstice-Shout-Out was a gas. (Betsey McGee, Susan Fox, Joyce Jed, Linda Gnat Mullin, Nelly Issacson, Shelia Hanks, Andi Peretz and Elizabeth Reagh and Dave Kenney, Tom Reynolds, Julie Kay, and Tom Fergus).
HARRY TARZIAN because you run a great family hardware store and decided to join Develop Don’t Destroy.
Thom190_3 MICHAEL THOMAS because your book, Man Gone Down, is written with a masterful first-person voice that is intense, poetic, angry, vulnerable, real, and full of thoughtful rage about race, class, marriage and love in New York City.
THE TRANSFORMERS because 60 young people came all the way from Gibbsville, Wisconsin to Brooklyn to help fix the chandelier at the Old First Reformed Church and let there be light in that grand sanctuary.
3-R LIVING for your dedication to the community and helping raise the eco-consciousness around here.
JOHN TURTURRO and KATHERINE BOROWITZ because you went to bat for the Community Bookstore, invested $10,000, and become a part owner there. Turturro told the New York Times: “Now as I’m getting older, all these great small bookstores and art house movie theaters, so many things I love, are being swallowed up by a supermarket mentality.”
UNION HALL/JIM CARDEN because not only do we love the scope and ambition of UNION HALL but we love the bocce court, the juke box, and Skippy’s music shows. We also love the stuff that goes on downstairs especially the Spelling and Grammar Bee with David Witt and the Secret Science Club.
CORDULA VOKULING because with a diagnosis of stage 4 brain cancer you decided to quit your job and devote yourself to your painting. "Hey, I got advanced brain cancer – my system kicks me in the butt and screams: Be your authentic self or you are going to die sooner not later. Any questions?"
ZELDA VICTORIA because you reinvigorated Victoriana with a fresh, almost post-modern sense of color, style, pattern and fun. We miss you and your shop.
MARY WARREN because Mrs. Cleavage’s Diary and Eat Drink Memory are just the beginning. You’ve got a book waiting to come out of you (and I’m waiting).
THE WRITTEN NERD because you love reading books, talking about books, and "being where literature hits the streets." Your blog, and especially, your Brooklyn Lit Life interviews are just great.
ALLEN ZIMMERMAN because you’re the person behind all that great tasting organic produce at the Park Slope Food Coop, a real unsung hero. “The way I learned this job was hands-on. You touch the produce, you smell it, you eat it,” says Allen, a lifelong Brooklynite and former union activist.
JUDITH ZUK because you were the Tupper Thomas’ of the Botanic Gardens. In memoriam.


A list of cool Brooklyn organizations that need money is a great idea and many thanks to Gowanus Lounge for doing it. Take a look…

We ran a version of this installment of our GL Brooklyn Holiday Gift Guide
last year and decided to update it and run it again. It includes a very
selective list of memberships in or donations to Brooklyn organizations
or Brooklyn-based groups that would make cool holiday gifts...go here for the list


Brooklyn Reading Works presents Roy Nathanson and Jason Weiss reading spoken word, fiction, and non-fiction. Mulled cider, cookies and candy canes.

ROY NATHANSON founded the Jazz Passengers and is a renowned jazz artist, spoken word poet and teacher of music at The Institute for Collaborative Education.

JASON WEISS will read from a new novel, Faces By the Wayside. He is the author of Conversations with Steve Lacy and Writing At Risk: Interviews in Paris with Uncommon Writers (University of Iowa Press, 1991)

The Old Stone House
Fifth Avenue and 3rd Street (the stone house in JJ Byrne Park)
8 p.m.
It’s the Snowflake Celebration. The Old Stone House sells great stocking stuffers!


This from New York 1:

One of Brooklyn’s “sweetest” buildings has been granted landmark status.

The City Council gave the distinction to the Domino Sugar Refinery in Williamsburg by a unanimous vote.

The building was built back in 1884. At its peak, the factory produced nearly 3 million pound of sugar each day.

“We need to preserve that infrastructure, so that when people walk around the City of New York and live here they will not live just in the present, but they will live with an appreciate of the past that might the present so expansive and so wonderful in our city,” said City Council speaker Christine Quinn.

The landmark preservation commission designated the refinery as a landmark in September.


Slope Sports in their December newsletter says that if you sign up early for the New Year’s Eve fun run in Prospect Park you’ll get free running gloves.

Care to join me? It’s 3.3 miles around the park followed by hot chocolate and fireworks.

Sound fun?

Monday, December 31 11:15pm

Ring in a happy and healthy New Year by joining us for the New Year’s Eve Fun Run in Prospect Park . Organized by Slope Sports and Brooklyn Road Runners. One loop of the Park (approx. 3.3M) Free pair of running gloves to first 150 registrants. Fireworks and hot chocolate at Finish Line! $20 registration fee before 12/31; $25 Race Day fee. Register in-person at Slope Sports; download an application at or on-line at


Develop Don’t Destroy sent out this press release yesterday. Atlantic Yards Report and No Land Grab have coverage as well.

NEW YORK, NY — In a just-released interview with the New York Observer’s Matthew Schuerman, outgoing Deputy Mayor for Economic Development Dan Doctoroff makes a breathtaking admission, saying, “I am a huge believer in the ULURP process. If it happened again, and the state were to ask if I would encourage them to take Atlantic Yards through the ULURP process, I would say yes.”

Forest City Ratner’s Atlantic Yards project bypassed ULURP with the active consent and support of Doctoroff and Mayor Bloomberg. ULURP, the Uniform Land Use Review Procedure, is the city’s public review process for real estate development and rezoning which includes hearings and votes held by community boards, the borough president , the city planning commission, city council subcommittees, and the full city council, ending in a vote by the council. The Atlantic Yards project received a zoning override by the state and bypassed the charter-mandated ULURP in favor of oversight by the unaccountable and unelected Empire State Development Corporation and the three men in a room—Pataki, Silver and Bruno.

“Of course Mr. Doctoroff is right. As we and so many other have been saying for so long now, Atlantic Yards should have gone through the democratic process known as ULURP; nearly all of the project’s myriad problems stem from the bypass of ULURP,” said Develop Don’t Destroy Brookyn (DDDB) spokesman Daniel Goldstein.


Tomorrow is the Snowflake Celebration, Park Slope’s first annual shop local/shop late event. To see a list of participating merchants and organizations—and their discounts for the evening—visit 150 merchants are on board.

The Buy in Brooklyn team has been working closely with the Sustainable Business Alliance and the Brooklyn Center for the Urban Environment for much of its educational material on shop local campaigns. The following is a list put together by the Buy Local team.

Top 10 Reasons to Shop Locally
1. Significantly more money re-circulates in Brooklyn when purchases are made at locally owned, rather than nationally owned, businesses: More money is kept in the community because locally owned businesses often purchase from other local businesses and service providers. Purchasing local helps grow other businesses as well as the Brooklyn tax base.

2. Non-profits receive greater support: Non-profit organizations receive an average 350% greater support from local business owners than they do from non-locally owned businesses.

3. Our one-of-a-kind businesses are an integral part of Brooklyn’s distinct character: The unique character of Brooklyn is what brought us here and what will keep us here. Shopping at local businesses will help maintain Brooklyn’s unique urban landscape.

4. Reduced environmental impact: Locally owned businesses can make more local purchases, requiring less transportation and generally set up shop in town or city centers as opposed to developing in fringe areas.

5. Most new jobs are provided by local businesses: Small local businesses are the largest employer nationally and provide the most new jobs to local residents.

6. Customer service is better: Local businesses often hire people with more specific product expertise for better customer service.

7. Local business owners invest in community: Local businesses are owned by people who live in this community, are less likely to leave, and are more invested in the community’s future.

8. Public benefits outweigh public costs: Local businesses in urban commerce centers require comparatively little infrastructure investment and make more efficient use of public services as compared to nationally owned stores entering the community.

9. Competition and diversity leads to more choices: A marketplace of tens of thousands of small businesses is the best way to ensure innovation and low prices over the long-term. A multitude of small businesses, each selecting products based not on a national sales plan but on their own interests and the needs of their local customers, guarantees a much broader range of product choices.

10. Encourages investment in Brooklyn: A growing body of economic research shows that in an increasingly homogenized world, entrepreneurs and skilled workers are more likely to invest and settle in communities that preserve their one-of-a-kind businesses and distinctive character.


Brooklyn Reading Works presents Jazz Writing, Writing Jazz with Roy Nathanson and Jason Weiss. 8 p.m. December 13 at the Old Stone House. Fifth Avenue and 3rd Street.

Roy Nathanson will read his jazz/spoken word poetry and author and Jason Weiss will read from his fiction and non fiction.

ROY NATHANSON founded the Jazz Passengers and is a renowned jazz artist, spoken word poet and teacher of music at The Institute for Collaborative Education.

JASON WEISS will read from a new novel, “Faces By the Wayside.” He is the author of “Conversations with Steve Lacy” and “Writing At Risk: Interviews in Paris with Uncommon Writers” (University of Iowa Press, 1991).


Tina Barry in this week’s Go Brooklyn section of the  Brooklyn Paper has the goods on the new Fourth Avenue boutique hotel:

Over the weekend, my husband and I were welcomed into the swank
Hotel Le Bleu on the border of Gowanus and Park Slope, which bills
itself as “a whole new world of uber-chic glamour and luxurious
living.” It’s an option for your discriminating in-laws or pals.

just last month, the first self-proclaimed “boutique” hotel in the
borough has found a unique spot for its discerning clientele: The
not-so-lovely Fourth Avenue. Flanking the shiny silver and white
building: a Staples store and a taxi depot.

Naomi Village Make reservations

the location is an unusual choice, hotel General Manager Robert Gaeta
maintained that the California-based Globiwest International is simply
“ahead of the curve.”

“Everyone knows the neighborhood is on the
precipice of change,” Gaeta said, noting that Novo, a multi-storied
condominium, is being built across the street. In addition to new
high-rises under construction, Gaeta cited Fifth Avenue as an


Just got this email from Louis Rosen (one of the 2007 Park Slope 100):

Just wanted to remind everyone that Capathia Jenkins (also 2007 Park Slope 100) and I opened our brief, two-night stint at the popular new Manhattan nightclub, The Metropolitan Room, last night. We’re glad to report that it’s a terrific room, with excellent sound, and a delight to play. Our second show is:

WHEN:  This SUNDAY, DECEMBER 16 at 9:30 pm.
WHERE: The Metropolitan Room, 34 West 22nd Street, between 5th & 6th Avenue, NYC, NY. 10010 (212) 206-0440,, $20 cover charge and a two-drink minimum.

Capathia and Louis are showcasing a mix of new and older songs, including a few preview selections from our new record with words by the renowned poet, Nikki Giovanni—due for release in May 2008 on the PS Classics label—our first CD, SOUTH SIDE STORIES, and more. And as always, we’re thrilled to again be joined by our favorite pianist and bassist, Kimberly Grigsby and Dave Phillips.


Brooklyn Reading Works presents Roy Nathanson and Jason Weiss in Jazz Writing, Writing Jazz on Thursday December 13th at 8 p.m.

founded the Jazz Passengers and is a renowned jazz
artist, spoken word poet and teacher of music at the Institute for Collaborative Education.

JASON WEISS will read from a new novel, Faces By the Wayside.  He is
the author of Conversations with Steve Lacy and Writing At Risk:
Interviews in Paris with Uncommon Writers
(University of Iowa Press,

Location: The Old Stone House
In JJ Byrne Park on Fifth Avenue and Third Street in Park Slope

$5 donation. Mulled cider, candy canes, refreshments, wine.

The Old Stone House gift shop will be open. A great spot for stocking stuffers.


This from the New York Times:

When editors at the New Oxford American Dictionary recently
announced that their word of the year was “locavore,” which means
someone who eats locally grown food, they also became the very
definition of publicity.

In the last few weeks Ben
Zimmer, an Oxford University Press dictionary editor, appeared on
numerous radio shows and on a syndicated public radio program to talk
about the word contest. The selection of locavore also had 25 mentions
in major newspapers like The Philadelphia Inquirer and The Washington Post.

are very few good ways to get publicity for a dictionary,” said Erin
McKean, a lexicographer at Oxford. While publishers can rely on
coverage for new entries in just-published dictionaries, some reference
books go for as long as a decade between revisions. “We are constantly
surveilling the language to see what new words people are coming up
with,” Ms. McKean said.



Are you looking for a middle school that combines strong
academics, Judaic studies, excellent facilities, and a warm active community?

The Hannah Senesh Community Day School may be what you’re looking for.

They are holding a Middle School Open House on Monday, January 14th, from
6:00PM to 7:30PM in their beautiful new building at
342 Smith Street
(between 1st and 2nd
  Place ), right at the
Carroll Street
stop on the F line.  Meet Hannah Senesh students, parents, and

To RSVP, contact Iris Klein, Admissions Director, at (718)
858-8663 or



Stop in at the Old Stone House on Snowflake nightDECEMBER 13th at 8 p.m and catch some culture with Park Slope treasure (and one of 2007’s Park Slope 100) ROY NATHANSON— jazzy, spoken word poet and novelist JASON WEISS who will read from new novel and "Conversations with Steve Lacy."

Brooklyn Reading Works presents: Jazz Writing, Writing Jazz with wine, hot cider, candy canes, books and shopping at the Old Stone House. In JJ Byrne Park  on Fifth Avenue and 3rd Street at 8 p.m.

PS The Old Stone House has great stocking stuffers for sale. You can pick up some books, too.


Like Chandru at Seeing Green I enjoyed the film immensely. Read his post about the film for some compelling insights.

The movie Golden Compass has toned down the irreligiosity of the book
(the bad guys, for example, are the "Church" in the book, and merely
the "Magesterium" in the movie, still redolent of Christianity but
would probably not register with kids.) This group, by the way, is bent
on destroying the free will of the people and making them more docile,
understanding and "happy." The best conceit of the story is that the
embodiment of "free will" and/or the "spirit" appears as little animals
that accompany all humans and serve as conscience, sooth-sayer and
idea-bouncer. Makes for wonderful CGI graphics in the movie, but
animalizing a soul-equivalent is not calculated to win religious
hearts. And the Magisterium is bent on separating the little buggers
from the children.



Here’s what I got at yesterday’s PS 321 Craft Fair.

A decoupage box by Marlene’s Lost and Found as a gift. I love her art boxes. She takes vintage games, advertising, type books and other found items and decoupages them on rehabbed cigar boxes lined with cool fabric.

A Louise Brooks themed necklace from Marlene.

A beautiful silk scarf by Bill Peaks with a black and gold pattern that just spoke to me "Get this for you mother-in-law." So I did. It’s her birthday soon.

There was a lot of great food courtesy of local restaurants including Scottaditto, Second Street Cafe, sushi from the fish market on 3rd Street, Aunt Suzy’s, Olive Vine, two platters of cookies from Sweet Melissa’s, Taqueria and more…

The auditorium and the gym of the school were packed with shoppers. The craft area was filled with kids all day.


GET FRESH, the new food shop with the cute name that went into the space where the used appliance store on Fifth Avenue between 6th and 7th Streets used to be, looks very promising.

You can shop at the shop OR shop online and they DELIVER. How cool is that?

They’re right next door to the Brooklyn Superhero Store and they serve pre-prepared and ready-to-cook organic food. You’re probably wondering what I mean. 

Well, for $35 I got an order of Short Ribs that’ll serve 2-3 people. It came in a clear plastic box with the cooked short ribs, a red wine sauce, potatoes and veggies. Oh, cooking instructions were on the bottom of the box.

red wine braised short ribs
Cooking Intructions & Nutritional Info »
took our time with this one.  Succulent grassfed short ribs are
marinated 24 hours in red wine, then slow braised in an oven until the
beef is falling off the bone and practically melts in.


At home, I had to saute the short ribs, add the veggies and the gravy and simmer for 20 minutes in a dutch oven. Figuring out what a dutch oven is caused quite a circus around here.

Hepcat seemed to think it was a pot with a cover. So that’s what we used. Someone on Yelp has a pretty good description of the place.

You’ll purchase meals or recipes with the component parts all prepped
and almost ready. The final step, really, is your cooking the meal. In
as little as 5 minutes you can have a good, mostly organic, and most of
all, delicious meal after following the really easy instructions in the
package. The whole "ready to cook" philosophy is fantastic and such a
time saver, especially when you want to plan meals for a whole week and
they’ll help you out.

You know exactly what’s in the package,
too; nothing artificial or insanely chemical. Organic food, and whole.
An added bonus? All the packaging is completely biodegradable,
compostable and/or recyclable.

I also got an order of Mac and cheese, enough for about 4 people for a side dish. It was $14.

mac ‘n’ cheese

Cooking Intructions & Nutritional Info »
use four delicious artisanal cheeses in our version of mac ‘n’ cheese:
fontina, gruyere, parmesan and raw milk cheddar from the Hudson River
Valley.  A heat and serve…

I wasn’t that crazy about the short ribs because they were very fatty (but short ribs are often fatty). But the sauce and the veggies were very good. The mac ‘n’ cheese was delicious and very cheesy. Wickedly good. It was filled with cheese and more cheese. But really delicious.

There are definitely things on the menu that are lighter and more healthy. Maybe that’s why the short ribs and the Mac and Cheese were the only items left at 6:30 pm the day the shop was mentioned in the New York Times food section. The place was completely picked over.

"We even had people from Manhattan in here today," one of the people who works there told me.

I will definitely go back to Get Fresh and try some of the other entrees. They’re very big on local ingredients and I really want to try a lot of the offerings in there. They were giving out tastes of some incredibly delicious chocolate truffles. Get Fresh has been beautifully renovated. It’s definitely worth a visit.


Are you doing the Snowflake thing on Thursday? It’s the Snowflake Celebration sponsored by  Buy in Brooklyn, Stores will be open until 10 p.m. and there will be lots of festivities.

I’ll be doing the Snowflake thing at the Old Stone House.  Brooklyn Reading Works will be presenting Jazz Musician ROY NATHANSON reading his spoken word/jazz poetry. Author JASON WEISS will be on hand reading his fiction and excerpts from Conversations with Steve Lacy.

The show starts at 8 p.m. DROP IN WHENEVER YOU CAN.

Come for wine and hot cider and candy canes. Should be fun. The Old Stone House is located in JJ Byrne Park on Fifth Avenue and 3rd Street. $5 donation requested.


Here’s this week’s Smartmom from the Brooklyn Paper:

Smartmom ran into Painter Mom at Starbucks on Seventh Avenue. While waiting for their lattes, they struck up a conversation.

“I’m not ready for this,” Painter Mom said, and for some reason Smartmom knew exactly what she meant — the holidays.

Painter Mom told Smartmom that back when her kids were little and she wasn’t working, she made a big, big deal of Christmas. The Martha Stewart tree. The twinkling lights. The cakes and pies on a table set with festive fabrics and candles. A real winter wonderland in their Park Slope brownstone.

“Now I’m stuck,” Painter Mom said. “The kids expect it.”

Painter Mom is busy now. She spends her days in her studio preparing for exhibitions, and her kids are now busy teenagers. Smartmom wondered, is it possible to modify some of their expectations about Christmas?
Naomi Village: In the heart of the Poconos

Then again, that could be tough. It would probably make them sad to go without. It might make them feel like the world is a cold, dark place without the light of their mother’s Christmas.

The conversation with Painter Mom made Smartmom think about Hepcat’s mother, Artsy Grandma, who has always created a picture perfect Christmas on the farm in Northern California, just like her mother did before her, complete with handmade ornaments, Advent calendars, Mexican crèches, mulled cider on the stove and almond roca.

It’s a labor-intensive affair. Artsy Grandma is up all night on Christmas Eve putting the final touches on her adult children’s stockings. She thought that if she didn’t do it, her children would be disappointed. And it would be disappointing because it’s so wonderful. But disappointment happens.

In recent years, Smartmom could tell that Hepcat’s mom was exhausted at Christmas time and that she had all kinds of other interesting and creative projects going on.

Christmas fantasy was starting to get in the way of her real life.

Two years ago, Smartmom and Hepcat decided to celebrate the holidays in Brooklyn instead of going out to California. It was the first Christmas that Hepcat didn’t spend at home. Ever.

He thought it would break his mother’s heart. He thought he might fall apart. Neither happened. To everyone’s surprise, Artsy Grandma and her daughter celebrated Christmas in San Francisco.

“We were like Jews,” she told Smartmom. “We went to the movies and had Chinese food. It was fun.”

Smartmom felt a surge of love and respect for Artsy Grandma, who had enjoyed the break with tradition by coming up with a creative alternative.

Surprising things happen when you break with tradition. It can be scary. It can be sad. It can feel lonely to go without one’s treasured rituals. But it can also be liberating and fun.

In Brooklyn, Smartmom and her interfaith family struggled to figure out how to celebrate the holidays in a meaningful way.

They spent Christmas Eve with Groovy Grandpa and Mima Cat; Hepcat made a tasty roast leg of lamb.

They had a lox and and bagel brunch with her Jewish relatives on Christmas day and then went out to see “Godzilla” at the Pavilion. They threw a party for the friends they never get to see during the year and had it catered by Hunan Delight.

They spent New Year’s Eve at the Liberty Heights Tap Room listening to Teen Spirit’s band, Cool and Unusual Punishment.

How was it? It was complicated. Hepcat was a bit blue. Smartmom felt a little guilty and very tired. Teen Spirit and the Oh So Feisty One seemed to enjoy being home. They talked about California a lot and what they were missing, but they also enjoyed this new flavor of Christmas.

Standing in Starbucks surrounded by shelves of Christmas merchandise, Smartmom wondered what she could do to reduce her holiday dread this year.

The family could do one holiday rather than two (Christmas or Hanukkah: pick one). They could skip the presents altogether (that’ll go over like a lead latke. OSFO has already posted her wish list on her bedroom door). They could skip the tree (sounds good) and skip the menorah (but the candles look so pretty…).

For a moment, Smartmom felt just as overwhelmed as Painter Mom. But then she had an idea: she should have a long talk with Hepcat, Teen Spirit and OSFO about realistic expectations and figure out what to do. Together.

Now that would be a Kodak moment.

Serving Park Slope and Beyond