Marty Markowitz just announced it. My sister heard it on the radio.
I got this yesterday in the old inbox:
In a lovely homage to Gowanus Lounge's Adoptable Cuties of the Week, the new Coney Island blog, Amusing the Zillion, will be showing pictures of adoptable cats. The kittens she's got there really are amazingly adorable:
Single-ride bus and subway fares went up from $2 to $2.25 on Sunday. One-day MetroCards are now $8.25 (up from $7.50), 7-day cards are $27 (from $25) and monthly cards are now $89 (up from $81).
According to the NY Daily News, if you average it out, an average fare, with the pay-per-ride bonus, is up from $1.74 to $1.96.
For some reason, June 30th this year has been divined as the date when potentially big CDs should be released. So although Leslie Mendelson's debut album, Swan Feathers, was originally scheduled to be released earlier in the year, it was held back for that magic date. Well, June 30th is tomorrow, so I'll celebrate by posting this video.
This is Leslie as I've seen her for the past two and a half years: in her native habitat, The Rockwood Music Hall, and joined by Steve McEwan on the lower right and James Maddock, who takes the guitar solo out of the frame.
–Eliot Wagner
Michele Madigan Somerville, poet, friend, OTBKB contrutbutor and Brooklyn Reading Works Regular, has written a post for the New York Times blog, Happy Days.
As described on the blog, " Happy Days is a discussion about the search for
contentment in its many forms — economic, emotional, physical,
spiritual — and the stories of those striving to come to terms with the
lives they lead." Here's an excerpt from Somerville's piece called, Born Again in Brooklyn:
About a decade ago, moved by a convergence of my longstanding
fascination with religion and a time of great personal loss, I embarked
on a search for a church and wound up a born-again Catholic. It was not
a straight or untroubled path, guided as it was by both my attraction
to and enmity for the Roman Catholic Church into which I was born and
An elderly bicyclist was struck and killed by a van in Brooklyn, police and witnesses said.
72-year-old man was riding south on Fifth Ave. in Park Slope Saturday
morning when the maroon passenger van crashed into him, cops said.
the last moment I caught sight of him," said the 61-year-old van
driver, a Vietnam veteran who was visibly shaken. "I tried to stop the
It was too late.
The impact left the bicyclist,
who witnesses said was not wearing a helmet, critically injured.
Paramedics rushed him to Lutheran Medical Center, but he succumbed to
his injuries.
Police did not identify the man because they were
trying to locate his relatives. The driver of the van was not charged,
cops said.
"The van had the green light," said Munique Lee, of
the Bronx, who was getting her hair done on Dean St.
"The guy on the
bike really wasn't paying attention."
A word from Leon Freilich, OTBKB's Verse Responder:
you've read today's Times–and only the Sunday Times–it's news to you
because NYT is carrying not a word about the increase. In fact,
there's not a single news story about anything in New York City.
yes, in the new Metropolitan section. These are stories that could have
been written a year ago and could run a year from now. But today, last
Sunday and the two or three Sundays before that, not a NYT word
anywhere about what actually happened in the city the day before.
Isn't that classically what a paper–especially a Paper of Record–does?
Come Sundays, should the newspaper be calling itself a NEWSpaper? Should it be calling itself the NEW YORK Times and not the National Times?
When a print newspaper
reader has to go to the Post or the Daily News to find out what went on Saturday, isn't that a story that should run in the Times? Never, however, on Sunday.
The great Katha Pollitt will be reading from her new collection of poetry, The Mind-Body Problem, on July 7th. 7-10 p.m. at Bookcourt (163 Court Street).
Katha Pollitt is coming to Brooklyn. Woo hoo.
Pollitt is perhaps best known for her column "Subject to Debate" in The Nation magazine. She has also published work in The New Yorker, Harper's Magazine, Ms. magazine and The New York Times.
Her essays have been published in collections including, Learning to Drive; And Other Life Stories, Virginity or Death!: And Other Social and Political Issues of Our Time and Reasonable Creatures: Essays on Women and Feminism, nineteen essays that first appeared in The Nation and other journals. Here is the title poem from her new poetry collection
Mind-Body Problem
Katha Pollitt
When I think of myself I feel sorry not for myself
but for my body. It was not so direct
and simple, so rational in its desires,
wanting to be touched the way an otter
loves water, the way a giraffe
wants to amble the edge of the forest, nuzzling
the tender leaves at the tops of the trees. It seems
unfair, somehow, that my body had to suffer
because I, by which I mean my mind, was saddled
with certain unfortunate high-minded romantic notions
that made me tyrannize and patronize it
like a cruel medieval baron, or an ambitious
English-professor husband ashamed of his wife—
her love of sad movies, her budget casseroles
and regional vowels. Perhaps
my body would have liked to make some of our dates,
to come home at four in the morning and answer my scowl
with "None of your business!" Perhaps
it would have liked more presents: silks, mascaras.
If we had had a more democratic arrangement
we might even have come, despite our different backgrounds,
to a grudging respect for each other, like Tony Curtis
and Sidney Poitier fleeing handcuffed together,
instead of the current curious shift of power
in which I find I am being reluctantly
dragged along by my body as though by some
swift and powerful dog. How eagerly
it plunges ahead, not stopping for anything,
as though it knows exactly where we are going.
(first published in The Atlantic and the Oak Bend Review)
Here is the NYT's Maureen Dowd at her smart/nasty/cutting/funny best;
Vox Pop Manager Debi Ryan (on the right) and a young patron called attention to the loss of the coffee shop's Statue of Liberty by
dressing the part and proclaiming, "We want our liberty back!"
Customers took turns dawning the crown and holding various
kinds of lights (including light beers).
Rumors abound as to the statue's whereabouts with July 4th rapidly approaching.
Photo by Tom Martinez.
Here's this week's Smartmom from the Brooklyn Paper:
Teen Spirit turned 18 last week, but Smartmom and Hepcat couldn’t figure out how to celebrate the big milestone.
They suggested a birthday dinner at Daisy’s Diner, his favorite
local restaurant, but Teen Spirit already had plans to party with his
They suggested a birthday breakfast at Donuts Coffee Shop on Seventh
Avenue, his favorite breakfast spot, but Teen Spirit had a gig with the
Mighty Handful that day.
The birthday and the day after passed by, and Smartmom and Hepcat
barely saw their son, who was now eligible to vote and serve in the
On Saturday night, Smartmom got an e-mail from one of Teen Spirit’s
good friends. “Teen Spirit’s Surprise Party” was on the subject line.
That got Smartmom’s attention.
“[Teen Spirit] requested that someone throw him a surprise party for
his birthday and I said absolutely not. Naturally, this means that I am
throwing one! I have an idea for a plan, but I have to run it by you
Smartmom knew what was coming, but she was glad that her son’s friend was “running it by her first.”
“I am going to come over tomorrow in the late morning/noon and take
him out of the house. Around 1:30, people will start showing up at the
house. Then, at 2 pm, I will bring him back. Surprise! Then we will go
to Prospect Park to have a picnic and play music for each other. Is
this plan all right?”
Smartmom had a mixed reaction. Her heart was warmed because Teen
Spirit told his friend that he wanted a surprise party. But then she
wondered guiltily whether she and Hepcat should have planned one. But
she knew deep down that he didn’t want his parents (gross, cooties) to
throw him a surprise party.
Still, it surprised her that he wanted a surprise since he’d been playing his birthday down. Smartmom didn’t know that he cared.
Smartmom was also touched that his friend was going out of her way to give Teen Spirit his wish.
The only thing that made Smartmom nervous was that an unspecified number of kids were coming over to the tiny apartment.
Sure, Teen Spirit has a great group of friends. But the idea of 10
or 20 of them in her dining room was unnerving. What would they eat,
what would they drink? Would they drink?
Smartmom got right back to the friend, telling her that she was on
board with the surprise party, but needing more information —
primarily, how many kids should she expect.
“Right now on Facebook, it says that 13 people are coming, but
that’s just Facebook,” the friend wrote back. “It is safe to say
somewhere between 13 and 20.”
Facebook? The invite was already on Facebook? And 13 people had
already RSVP’d. Yikes. Now Smartmom was panicked. She immediately went
out to Seventh Avenue to buy all of Teen Spirit’s favorite party foods:
tortilla chips, spicy salsa and Mug Root Beer. Since he doesn’t like
birthday cake, Smartmom bought two pounds of rainbow cookies at D’Vine
The next day, Smartmom had an early appointment and left Hepcat in charge.
“I’ll watch over this surprise party thing,” he told Smartmom
bravely. The Oh So Feisty One was determined NOT to be home during Teen
Spirit’s surprise party, and she scurried out of the house bright and
early to be with friends.
Unfortunately, Smartmom wasn’t home at the moment of the surprise,
but Hepcat said that Teen Spirit’s friend called from the street and
the party of about 12 kids squeezed into Teen Spirit’s tiny bedroom
with balloons and yelled, “Surprise!” when he came in.
When Smartmom got to the apartment, the kids were eating chips in
the living room and packing up things like juice boxes (how retro) for
their picnic in the park. Teen Spirit looked happy.
“This restored my faith in my friends,” Smartmom heard Teen Spirit say.
Smartmom was pleased. How lucky he is to have a great group of
friends and one friend in particular willing to go the distance to make
his birthday wish come true.
The party was over, but so was a lot more. Teen Spirit’s childhood was over, too.
It’s Reclaimed Home’s turn to host the rolling Brooklyn Blogade. It's at Kush in Clinton Hill and it should be fun and interesting. A blogade is like a mini-Blogfest. A chance to meet other bloggers, talk, and get inspired. It's open to anyone interested in blogging. See the details below:
Since this is not a neighborhood blog and since I’ve lived in just
about every part of Brooklyn, I could’ve chosen any location.
I chose Kush in Clinton Hill
because one, I can walk there from my Bed Stuy home and two, it’s one
of my favorite restaurants in Brooklyn. Like, on the top three.
So anyway, what’s a blogade all about? Well, it’s a monthly
gathering of bloggers who get together to exchange ideas, encourage one
another and eat. There’s usually a theme. I wanted to talk about the
technical aspects of blogging, so I’m getting my web designer to fill
us in on blogging from different angles.
Vanessa of Noseround Productions
will look at breaking away from your average post and making your blog
more interactive. She’ll bring in examples of plug-ins, add-ons and
open source platforms, such as web carts and forums. She’ll try to
explain ways to make your blog both user friendly and also owner
Sounds good, no? So far there are about 20 of us gathering on the
28th. If you haven’t RSVP’ed yet just give me a holla to let me know
you’re coming. I’m still working out the menu, but it’s a brunch thing
with a vegetarian and a vegan option. Cost will be less than $15.
Hope to see you there!
The BKLYN Yard on Saturday June 27th should be quite a spectacle. Winkel and Balktick,
the two masterminds behind the city's most outlandish underground parties, are
bringing their crazy antics to the baks of the Gowanus Canal.
In a tongue-and-cheek
celebration of the canal’s toxicity, they are inviting their vast
community to descend upon BKLYN Yard… dressed up like the mutants that
must surely live in the nearby waterway.
Please attend dressed as an undersea love mutant, or ambassador of
humanity’s remaining freak population. Or wear nothing and get
bodypainted by friendly mutants.
ALL AGES! Kids with parents are free!
Full cash bar. Please, no outside booze.
This sounds so fun: Stay up all night and watch movies at BAM. And the price is right: $15 bucks, includes an all-night dance party and access to all screens.The marathons have really funny names and themes. Little did they know they'd be doing a memorial screening of The Wiz with Michael Jackson at 12 am on Saturday night.
Music, glamour,
and 70s schmaltz collide in this pair of films featuring superstar
Diana Ross. This double feature will have you in rapture from the
moment the words "gowns designed by Diana Ross" hit the screen.
The Wiz
(1978) 134 min
Director: Sidney Lumet.
With Diana Ross, Michael Jackson, Nipsey Russell, Richard Pryor.
We're definitely nowhere near Kansas in this urban re-telling of the classic tale.
(1975) 109 min
Director: Berry Gordy.
With Diana Ross, Billy Dee Williams, Anthony Perkins.
in glamorous 70s couture, is paired with Williams—the paramour to her
rising fashion model—while Perkins is the disturbed photographer who
tries to split them up.
presents three of your favorite stars as you'd like to remember
them…before the couch jumping, Jenny Craig commercials, and, er, Battlefield Earth.
Top Gun
(1986) 110 min
Director: Tony Scott.
With Tom Cruise, Kelly McGillis, Val Kilmer.
Cruise stars as Lt. Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, a hot-shot young aviator
with a "need for speed" in this VHS classic featuring a killer 80s
Look Who's Talking Too
(1990) 81 min
Director: Amy Heckerling.
With John Travolta, Kirstie Alley, Bruce Willis, Roseanne Barr.
This sequel to Look Who's Talking finds toddler Mikey learning he's got to "fight for his right to potty."
Staying Alive
(1983) 93 min
Director: Sylvester Stallone.
With John Travolta.
Travolta's crotch practically co-stars in this awesomely cheesy follow-up to Saturday Night Fever. Don't miss the climactic, psychedelic S&M-themed dance sequence.
you're in the mood to see really good, funny movies, or feeling
unusually relaxed, hungry, and/or paranoid, this screen is for you.
Smiley Face
(2007) 88 min
Director: Gregg Araki.
With Anna Faris, John Krasinski.
Jane eats her roommate's pot-filled cupcakes, she stumbles through LA
to find replacements. With subtle social commentary throughout, some of
this is actually kind of deep, dude.
Pineapple Express
(2008) 111 min
Director: David Gordon Green.
With Seth Rogen, James Franco.
Green revitalizes the classic pot plot in this 80s-action-flick-inspired comedy. "The Casablanca of pot comedies" (Cinematical).
(1995) 91 min
Director: F. Gary Gray.
With Ice Cube, Chris Tucker.
and Smokey share a joint and chillax in South Central when Smokey's
dealer threatens to kill them if they don't pay their debt by the end
of the night. Boyz in the Hood with bongs.
Among the many films BAMcinématek has shown over the past ten years, these three hold a special place in our hearts.
In the Mood for Love
(2000) 98 min
Director: Wong Kar-wai.
With Tony Leung, Maggie Cheung.
Leung and Cheung star in this lushly photographed tale of unconsummated love.
Millennium Mambo
(2001) 119 min
Director: Hou Hsiao-hsien.
With Shu Qi, Jack Kao.
A young girl drifts through endless parties and hookups in neon-soaked Taipei.
(2002) 115 min
Director: Olivier Assayas.
With Gina Gershon, Chloë Sevigny, Charles Berling.
A thriller about corporate greed, porn, and video games, set to a score by Sonic Youth.
Breakfast-of-Candidates: Ken Baer. He majored in psychology and sociology at Kent State University during the turbulent 1960's and was actually attending the school when four students were killed by National Guard during an anti-war demonstration in 1970. At the time, he lived with "a
bunch of vegetarians" and tried to stay out of the Vietnam War as a
conscientious objector (CO). It was during college, that Baer became
aware of food and environmental issues: "answering questions on the CO
form got me to thinking about killing humans and animals…so I became a vegetarian," he told me. A longtime member of the Park Slope Food Coop, Baer is also a member of the Sierra Club and has held various key positions at the city and state level. He was an early opponent of the Atlantic Yards Project and is a strong believer in community based development.
And in case you missed these from the 33rd (they're all here except for Issac Abraham):
Breakfast-of-Candidates: Stephen Levin. A classics major at Brown University, Levin has wonky good looks and a boyish, disarming
manner. His father's cousins are Michigan's Senator Carl Levin and
Congressman Sander Levin and he currently works as Vito Lopez's chief of staff. Lopez,
who is often portrayed as a Darth Vader figure in Brooklyn politics
taught the 29-year-old Levin about "knocking on doors, talking to as
many people as possible, the
importance of having a command of the issues, and having empathy for
the people," Levin told me. A pragmatist, Levin believes "that for for
every problem there is a solution that is not readily apparent."
Breakfast-of-Candidates: Doug Biviano. Expect the
unexpected from Biviano, who is a civil engineer with BS and MS degrees from Cornell
University. Biviano works as a superintendent in a Brooklyn Heights
apartment building and in 2008 was a New York State Coordinator for
presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich , whose politics of peace are a
strong influence. Biviano has lived the skier's life in Colorado and
sailed the Inter-Coastal Highway with his wife installing solar panels
on a boat he barely knew how to sail.
Breakfast of Candidates: Jo Anne Simon. Her career trajectory from teacher of the deaf to disability rights attorney can make you feel like a slacker and
wonder how she had time to become such a strong voice in community politics, the female Democratic District Leader and State Committeewoman for
the 52nd Assembly District. A proponent of the art of listening, she
believes that there's a place for all viewpoints at the table and that
"someone who is elected to office can work with everyone."
Breakfast-of Candidates; Evan Thies.
A former aide to City Council Member David Yassky, Thies also worked in
Hillary Clinton's upstate senate office and for Andrew Cuomo. Raised in
New Hampshire, public service was the family business and his
grandmother was appointed by NH governor John
Sununu to be the state's Commissioner of Health and Human
Services. Struck as a child with Fibromatosis, a chronic disease, he
home-schooled during the worst of his illness. When he was 11, he and
his mother wrote and passed a bill about his disease.
Breakfast-of-Candidates: Ken Diamondstone: A lover of diner food, Diamondstone runs an affordable
housing business with an emphasis on "nice spaces for low prices." He
could have made a killing in the real estate biz but instead stuck to
his principles. Affordable housing is clearly Diamondstone's passion
and through his
business he has been able to translate ideals into action. He is
also a member of three local Democratic clubs and was an early opponent of
Bruce Ratner's Atlantic Yards project. For Diamondstone, who is
openly gay and lives with his longtime partner, Joe, the rights of the
LGBT community is high on his list of
priorities. But so is the environment. As chair of the Brooklyn Solid
Waste Council he was involved with the Zero Waste Coalition and passage
of NYPIRG's Bigger, Better, Bottle Bill.
And here are the 39ers:
Breakfast-of-Candidates: Gary Reilly. At 34 he's not quite the youngest of the 39th candidates (John Heyer beats
him on that score) but this intelligent and likable man is plenty wet behind the ears and full of
enthusiasm about public transportation and other issues that affect voters.
Breakfast-of-Candidates: Bob Zuckerman. A long-time politico, Zuckerman is currently
executive director of the Gowanus Canal Community Development
Corporation and the Gowanus Canal Conservancy. He remembers the night
Richard Nixon was elected in 1968 (he was 7-years-old) and one of his
heroes is Harvey Milk.
Breakfast-of-Candidates: Brad Lander, Lander has two master's degrees and
a BA from the University of Chicago. He made his mark running
community organizations like the Fifth Avenue Committee and Pratt
Center for Community Development, advocating for affordable housing and community sustainablility.
Breakfast-of-Candidates: Josh Skaller. A former computer music composer at
Harvard, it was Howard Dean's presidential campaign that jumpstarted
his interest in electoral politics. As president of the Central
Brooklyn Independent Democrats, he learned to facilitiate dialogue and
manage strong personalities. Running on a community empowerment
platform with a strong interest in the environment and smart
development, Josh is proud to be refusing donations from real estate
Breakfast of Candidates: John Heyer: An assistant to Borough President Marty Markowitz, Heyer is the only candidate for City Council born in the 39th district. A
fifth-generation Carroll Gardener, his twin passions are politics and
theology. He works as a funeral director at Scotto's Funeral Home and
his knowledge of the history of the neighborhood runs deep though he is
only 27-years-old.
Breakfast-of-Candidates: David Pechefsky. The Green Candidate, Pechefsky worked for 10 years in the central staff of
the New York City Council. With a master's degree in public policy and
experience advising local governments in Africa, Pechefsky knows how the
City Council works from the inside out and has ideas about how it could
better serve the people of New York City.
This Saturday night, the best rock band out there, Steve
Wynn and The Miracle 3 will be right here in Brooklyn at The Bell
House over at 2nd Avenue and 7th Street, walking distance from wherever you are in The Slope.
Steve and the band will commemorate the 25th Anniversary
of the release of “Medicine Show” by playing that classic album from
start to finish for
the first time. The Miracle 3—Steve’s long-time band of Jason Victor,
Dave Decastro and Linda Pitmon—did similar shows for
“The Days of Wine and Roses” in 2001.
“’Medicine Show’ is the weirdest, most idiosyncratic, nastiest,
funniest and most revealing record the Dream Syndicate ever made,” said
Wynn in the liner notes from the record’s 1991 reissue. “It’s also my
you're not familar with The Medicine Show, it has songs about life in
the small town of Merrittville (if you lived there you'd probably want
to leave), what thrills might await you at that traveling Medicine
Show, about arson and the loss of faith and that's just the tip of the
Steve Wynn and The Miracle 3 at The Bell House, Saturday June 27,
7:30pm. $12.
–Eliot Wagner
Note: according to Baer, there are some small mistakes in my retelling of his bio. As I find them out I will change them.
It was like pulling teeth trying to get Ken Baer, candidate for the City Council in the Brooklyn's 33rd district, to talk about his childhood. Not because he has any secrets, it's just that Baer is awfully private for a politician.
Baer faced OTBKB's coffee cup in Cousin John's, a bakery/restaurant in Park Slope, where he ordered a three-egg breakfast and talked sparingly about his mother, who was a German Jewish refugee, his dad, who was a Harvard educated lawyer and almost nothing about growing up in Levittown, Long Island and later Huntington.
He did get a bit more verbal when I asked about his college years at Kent State during the height of the 1960s campus rebellions. In fact, Baer was attending Kent State, when four students were killed by National Guard during an anti-war demonstration in 1970.
At Kent State, Baer majored in psychology and sociology, lived with "a bunch of vegetarians" and tried to stay out of the Vietnam War as a conscientious objector (CO). It was during college, that Baer became aware of food and environmental issues: "answering questions on the CO form got me to thinking about killing humans and animals… I didn't want to kill animals and became a vegetarian," he told me. He is still a vegetarian.
Baer got a second bachelors degree at Kent state in accounting and economics and later returned to New York to work at the Dime Savings Bank on DeKalb and Flatbush Avenue. I asked where he lived and quickly got the feeling he thought I was being nosy.
"That's what I do. I ask questions," I told Baer.
"I'm not big about talking about myself. I'm a doer," he said.
In 1972, Baer volunteered for George McGovern's presidential campaign. He also got a job as a budget analyst at the City's Agency for Child Development. Sometime later he received a mayor's scholarship available to city employees and went to Baruch College to study computer methodology.
During this time, he joined the Park Slope Food Coop, an organization that he is still a proud member of. "I became a Sunday coordinator; I deal with various strong personalities well," he told me.
In the 1980's Baer went to night school to earn an MBA and worked as an accountant at various firms. In the 1980's he also joined the Sierra Club and ran for a seat on the Executive Committee of the New York City group. He won by one vote in a fractious campaign. "I steer a center path between factions. I don't make enemies," he told me.
His volunteer involvement with the Sierra Club is, I think, the foundation of Baer's political activism. Clearly, Baer is genuinely dedicated to the core values of the largest, and most influential
grassroots environmental group in the United States, and has had various roles within the organization.
At this point in our conversation Baer had to walk over to the Food Coop to meet one of his petitioners and I decided to tag along. Once there, we sat in the busy orientation room and spoke more about Baer's work with the Sierra Club.
He told me that he is proud of his work helping the New York State state and city chapters of the Sierra Club through a very difficult and fractious period in 1999 as the result of a misguided fund-raising effort by the NYC group. Due to this mistake, the NYC group's existence was in question. Mediation, a retreat and careful resolution techniques were required to help the parties heal and realize that they needed to stop fighting and start working together again. "To bring together a national organization when they're having problems is significant," he said.
Our conversation zig and zagged but Baer did tell me that in 1996 he decided to throw his hat into the 52nd district Assembly race against Eileen Dugin, who wanted to introduce a bill "to allow more smoking in restaurants." Dugan died before the Democratic primary and Baer ran, unsuccessfully against Joan Millman, who replaced Dugin in that race.
"I am not a typical politico but I love meeting people, I'm out on the sidewalks, I love people and seeing so many infants and toddlers. These young people deserve a quality education."
Baer was an early opponent of Bruce Ratner's Atlantic Yards project. In 2004, he attended one of the very first meetings organized by Develop Don't Destroy Brooklyn at a local school and instantly had a bad feeling about the over sized project, which left the community out of the development process.
He continues to be an outspoken opponent of the project and has been endorsed by the highly respected Eric McClure, who runs the group Park Slope Neighbors. For Baer the overarching issue for Brooklyn and NYC are development. He believes that community-based planning must be the basis for all new development in NYC.
Baer and I walked downstairs to wait for one of his petitioners; we sat on the bench out front and I asked him to name his heroes. He thought for a long time and finally said softly, "Ted Williams. He was a great hitter. Because he was a World War II and Korean War pilot he lost five or six seasons in his prime," Baer told me emotionally. "He did it out of patriotism."
When I got home, Baer called me and told me to add Eleanor Roosevelt, JFK and Martin Luther King, Jr. to his list of heroes. But I told him I was going to lead with the Red Sox hitter.
"A very domineering man, he wouldn't let anyone pick up a check. But he was a very skilled player and I admire that. A great ballplayer, a very humble, down to earth and approachable person," Baer told me.
Tonight at Celebrate Brooklyn, Icelandic crooner Ólöf Arnalds opens the show for "the vaunted NYC underground sensualists Blonde Redhead have
shape-shifted from dissonant noise explorations to ethereal, dreamy pop
over the course of their career, always inspiring intense devotion from
their fans. PopMatters says of them, “It is as if they are pressing on
piano keys and each key is a trigger that tugs a wire within the
listener. There are keys for longing, possession, despair, and
ecstasy—and Blonde Redhead travel fast and skillfully over the whole
Gates open at 6:30 p.m. Enter park at 9th Street and Prospect Park West.
At 5:45 my daughter and I were on our way to her piano lesson when she looked down at her phone and said, "Michael Jackson had a heart attack." I asked how she knew and she told me that a friend, who's father works in the White House, texted her.
"His dad found out because he works with Obama," she said.
I assumed that Jackson was in a hospital in Los Angeles; that he'd recover and we'd hear more later. I did think how strange that he had a heart attack on the same day of Farrah Fawcett's death. Much of the day I'd thought about the sad death by rectal cancer of Fawcett.
She was a very poignant figure.
The public loved her in television's Charlie's Angels but she quit after one season to be movie star. But one film after the next was a flop. A sex symbol who wanted to be taken seriously as an actress, she found herself immortalized by a poster image of her toothy grin and her body fetchingly positioned in a red one-piece bathing suit.
Later she proved herself a true actress with roles in The Burning Bed and other portrayals of tragic women. I was moved by her rekindled relationship with Ryan O'Neil, who stuck by her in the end, helping her through the 3-year illness that would kill her.
After the piano lesson I overheard some men talking on Seventh Avenue: "Your favorite celebrity is dead," he said. "What are you going to do without Michael Jackson?"
Today was the day the 1970's died. In some
weird way, these two iconic figures from the 1970's will be connected for me by the timing of their demise.
Michael Jackson dead? How is that possible? He's exactly the same age as me. In fact, were born one day apart in 1958 (me: 8/28, he: 8/29). During 6th grade my classmates and I listened to the Jackson Five during breaks in Miss Freston's class. This precocious superstar who never had a childhood spent the rest of his life obsessed with children and juvenile diversions.
In 1982 Thriller thrilled. Who can forget the impact of the best selling album of all time; it permeated popular culture for months and months with its constant presence on the radio and MTV, which was just a few years old. The 14-minute video of the title song was an expertly choreographed, filmic thrill.
Beat It. Thriller. Billie Jean. The album contained one great tune after the next: it did not disappoint from start to finish. And it was such a blast to dance to.
Talent. Tragedy. Intensity. Weirdness. Maybe it makes sense that this man who never wanted to grow up and lived the life of a lost boy in his self-created Neverland complete with ferris wheels and chimpanzees died before he reached the age of 51.
And this woman who wanted to be remembered as more than a bathing beauty died bravely of rectal cancer just weeks after she "suffered in front of the camera, playing out her battle
with disease, and even her decline – and, by doing so, outing her
serious illness," writes internist/blogger Doc Gurley
Both will live on. She through that poster, the TV show, the film roles she was proud of and her brave documentary. And he with his bestselling music from the Jackson Five's ABC to to Thriller, We are the World and beyond: all petrified and ageless like Jackson wanted to be.
I'm a UFT member, and we signed an agreement a few days
ago to change our starting day to the day after Labor day, as opposed to before
Labor Day. This would put it in line with the way it used to be before our last
I just read Rob Lenihan's post about the deaths of Farrah Fawcett, Michael Jackson and Ed McMahon. Here's an excerpt. Read the rest at his blog, Luna Park Gazette.
Michael Jackson was just dead for a few hours this evening when I witnessed a scramble for post-mortem memorabilia.
I stopped by a used book stand on W. 73rd Street and Broadway to see if
I could add even more paperbacks to my already mountainous collection.
I approached the stand, the proprietor—I guess that’s what you call
him—a large African-American man, was arguing with a skinny middle-aged
fellow with glasses who was clutching a copy of Jackson’s Thriller LP.
“I don’t want your money,” the bookseller declared forcefully.
“How much do–?” the other man tried to say.
“—I don’t want your money.”
An undisclosed eyewitness now says that Brooklyn's Statue of Liberty was stolen from the front yard of Vox Pop Coffee Shot at 4:57 a.m. Monday morning. The shop is located at 1022 Corteylou Road in the Ditmas Park neighborhood.
"We're hoping it's in the neighborhood," said Debi Ryan, who runs Vox Pop a popular cafe, performance space and bookstore. "I just want the statue returned no questions asked. Just put it back and no charges will be pressed."
“The Driver Said”
Boerum Hill?
It used to be
This ain’t no neighborhood.
If ya butcher
Comes to ya funeral
That’s a neighborhood.
“Morning Glory on the Roof”
You have already noted the girlish beauty
Of the Morning Glory,
The delicate lavendar panties.
Looking around you,
As far as you can see,
Plants are imprisoned.
Each morning Morning
Glories open upstairs,
Out of sight.
Each night the concrete lies
Like a hot compress on the dirt.
Thank you for your brief attention.
“Love Is A Many-Splendored Thing In Brooklyn”
She’s a white girl dancing braless in his teenage basement bedroom.
He’s a doughy-faced guy with his tonsils in a bottle.
She’s planning to seduce him on the Staten Island Ferry.
He’s marrow-close and loaded with his first true kiss.
She thinks, “You’re nobody ’til you remind somebody of their mother.”
He just wants to go to Bombay and be alone.
She just wants a few near-death experiences.
He’s hungry for a passion bitter and damp as a last cigarette.
She first saw him masturbating off the Brooklyn Bridge on Easter.
He first saw her face down on Christmas Day, repeating, “Don’t I know you from the Poconos?”
She imagined him blonde and bovine between the stale sheets of a Times Square Hotel.
He imagined his next confession.
He invited her over for some chicken pot pie.
He lived in his parents’ wood-panelled basement.
A plastic St. Anthony stood on the lawn.
His mother was on the phone with her sister Rosetta.
He had a low IQ, but figured he could hide it.
His parents being cousins was what caused it.
Someone once told him his dull look was sexy.
He thought he’d be smart to talk about religion.
Her cheap cologne was intoxicating.
His slow tongue was shaking in reverse: words frequent and forgettable as waves.
She was imagining a cocktail party diamond-high above Manhattan
He was imagining excitement like a biblical epic.
Her heart was breaking like an Arctic ice floe.
He put on his blond armor.
She felt numb as needles.
He felt like Longinus on the subway.
They went down to his basement and closed the door.
She spotted “Victoria’s Secret” catalogues under back issues of Intellectual American.
He said, “I only buy them for the articles.”
They watched “Star Trek” videos with the sound turned off.
They played old James Taylor records.
He said, “I’d like to explore the erotic aspect of this relationship.”
She said, “Can it wait ’til the commercial?”
He said, “Have you ever read ‘The Waste Land’”?
She said, “My last boyfriend took me to Hoboken for the weekend.”
They drove around on the Belt Parkway.
They parked in the shadow of the Verrazano Bridge.
They felt like tourists in a phantom America.
He put his hand inside her blouse.
He smiled and said, “You like that, don’t you?”
She felt hot and monotonous, like a country of no seasons.
She fantasized a bath and baby powder.
He had the sensation of running hard on a dark suburban street, feeling skinless and full of eyes.
He said, “Be my Ariadne.”
Ten minutes passed big and slow like clouds.
She said, “What’s an Ariadne?”
He recalled a book by Aldous Huxley: “The Genius and the Goddess.”
He began eagerly to anticipate the terror in the morning, the terror in the evening, the terror at suppertime,
An abuse so true he would touch the stars.
Now she’s a white girl dancing braless
In his teenage basement bedr
Now he’s a doughy-faced guy flying crosstown towards Canarsie.
“What Do We Do To Love, When We Talk About Love?”
Do we ruin and rip apart what we love best
When we spout little words about it out of our breasts?
As if a sentence could do a moment justice
As if a book could convey a minute of silence
As if a song could even touch on the sound of leaves
Blowing in breezes on high up in trees
As if a joke could remind ya of your natural smile
As if “I Do” will bring out all of the love in you
What do we do to love when we talk about love?
Are we similar to heart surgeons drunk on gin
Cutting love up to repair it again?
To show off our intelligence and skill to our friends
As we sit round a table as the sunset begins
And we all want to leave but nobody will say when
So we sit here in silence growing darkness surrounding
Do we think love is in the bottom of the bottle we are drinking?
What do we do to love when we talk about love?
Are we like phony fortune tellers predicting the future
So we can tell our friends, “See I told you so” sooner?
Rubbing a fake crystal ball, a patch over one eye
Saying your view of the world ain’t as clear as mine
Listen and learn whether the world is dark or is light
Are we trying to outshine when we try to shine bright?
What do we do to love when we talk about love?
Are we communicating or just vainly pumping our veins
Full of hot blood when we call out love’s name?
Are we sure we are sharing, are we sure we even know how
To show a sliver of who we are under the shroud?
Are our impassioned speeches just more feed for the cows
To get the attention we were never allowed
We call ourselves artists and sing thru our mouths
But where’s the line between art, preaching, and shouting out loud?
What do we do to love when we talk about love?
“A Cooler 13th”
Steel bars do not a prison make
When it’s bar mitzvah day
And Daddy’s obligated to
Celebrate and pray.
So Tuvia Stern, an inmate at
The fabled New York Tombs,
Transcended lockup etiquette
And ordered party rooms.
He had the gym festooned with bunting
And rocked with festive strains
Provided by an Orthordox group
That blew out everyone’s brains.
Kin and kith and friends galore
All danced and sang out lustily,
Serenading the bar mitzvah boy
Religiously and robustily.
They ate and drank like Rahm Emanuel
Or baseball’s Leo Durocher,
The food having been most carefully catered
To be ultra-strictly kosher.
Sixty guests held forth in the cooler
For fully six-plus hours
While eight correction officers
Kept guard over baskets of flowers.
The guards as well made sure the party
Remained a private affair,
Keeping other prisoners
From infiltrating there.
The only jailbird to be found
Was the influential dad,
Who may be a convicted scammer
But on this day wasn’t bad.
The fraudster’s now upstate and serving
Two-and-a-half to seven
But at least he gave his now-a-man son
A taste of party heaven.
And he’s done the same for his lovely daughter —
Stern showed his jailhouse dash
Again when he had outsiders in
For her engagement bash.
“Confetti, Ticker Tape”
I want to say they’re swallows. In September,
when we were feeding everyone we could,
we’d look for them above the tracks on Ninth Street.
What startled me was how their undersides
caught the light, flashed silver, how the group
would swoop and rise like wind itself, the flock
vanishing every time it changed directions,
how the birds hung on air and clung together
circling above us, silver, like the squares
we thought were bits of fuselage or flakes
of skyscraper, falling, until they floated
towards us, lower, landing on our front stoop
and I picked the papers up, but they were blank —
one after the other, blank, burned at the edges.
“Ana Ng”
Make a hole with a gun perpendicular
To the name of this town in a desk-top globe
Exit wound in a foreign nation
Showing the home of the one this was written for
My apartment looks upside down from there
Water spirals the wrong way out the sink
And her voice is a backwards record
It’s like a whirlpool and it never ends
Ana Ng and I are getting old
And we still haven’t walked in the glow of each other’s majestic presence
Listen Ana, hear my words
They’re the ones you would think I would say if there was a me for you
All alone at the ’64 World’s Fair
Eighty dolls yelling, “Small girl after all”
Who was at the Dupont Pavilion?
Why was the bench still warm? Who had been there?
Or the time when the storm tangled up the wires
To the horn on the pole at the bus depot
And in the back of the edge of hearing
These are the words that the voice was repeating:
Ana Ng and I are getting old
And we still haven’t walked in the glow of each other’s majestic presence
Listen Ana, hear my words
They’re the ones you would think I would say if there was a me for you
When I was driving once I saw this painted on a bridge:
“I don’t want the world, I just want your half.”
They don’t need me here, and I know you’re there
Where the world goes by like the humid air
And it sticks like a broken record
Everything sticks like a broken record
Everything sticks until it goes away
And the truth is, we don’t know anything
Ana Ng and I are getting old
And we still haven’t walked in the glow of each other’s majestic presence
Listen Ana, hear my words
They’re the ones you would think I would say if there was a me for you
Register now for this innovative summer theater program at the Irondale Center in Ft. Greene.