Here is this week's Greetings from Scott Turner, our friend the pub quizzer Thursday nights at Rocky Sullivan's.This post is, as always, brought to you by Miss Wit of the t-shirt maven of Red Hook.
Greetings Pub Quiz Grab-baggers…
Which is a good deal
different than tea-bagging. In fact, depending on which tea-bagging
you prefer, that in itself is a good deal different than the other
kinds of tea-bagging.
Back to grab-bagging. That's what I'm doing here tonight.
Listening to an on-line reggae station and thinking that this week
feels like everyone's rearranging their emotional living rooms.
First, this announcement. I'll be leaving my quizmaster duties because Aerosmith is auditioning new lead singers. Steven Tyler has left the band (apparently). I believe I'm the front runner to replace Tyler as Aerosmith's new lead singer.

Steven– er, Brand Tyler. Really — the good looks of a rock god.
Do not wish me luck. I won't need it.
Mia Tyler, Steve's daughter, gossiped on Twitter that, well…""They are in their 60s now," she wrote. "Let them do what they wanna
do! & can someone please tell (Joe Perry) that gossiping on Twitter
is uncalled (for)!" They never do teach Irony in Rock Star Children's Finishing Home.
The Sammy Sosa What The Hell? controversy.

and his people claim it's a skin-rejuvenation thing. He does look
happy. Perhaps even rejuvenated. But Sosa always looks happy. Except
that time testifying in front of Congress. No one ever looks happy doing that. Even if rejuvenating their skin.
Here in Brooklyn, Bruce Ratner decided to succumb to
both honesty and an unhealthy bout of arrogance. Bristling under
otherwise friendly-fire questioning from Crain's New York Business, Ratner deflected a query about what the rest of the Atlantic Yards project, after the arena, might look like. From Crain's:
Mr. Ratner refuses to discuss what the project will look like,
whether or not it will include an office building and even who will
design the first residential tower, which he's slated to break ground
on early next year.
Initially, the project called for four office
towers, but by early this year, only one was on the drawing boards.
Asked when it will go up, Mr. Ratner responds with a question: “Can you
tell me when we are going to need a new office tower?”
He has no
intention of sharing the designs for the complex. “Why should people
get to see plans?” he demands. “This isn't a public project. We will
follow the guidelines.”

What, me worry?
Billions in potential public subsidies,
eminent domain condemnations and political goodwill from electeds who'd
never back this thing if it hadn't been sold as a "public benefit" for
six years Ratner comes clean…by admitting how dirty it all is. The
ultimate "sit down, shut up and trust me" operator.
On happier notes, Susan Boyle is singing on this week's So You Think You Can Dance With The Stars Who Aren't Idols Or Top Chef Models.
Hurricane Ida is barely a tropical storm as it hits the Gulf Coast. But it was enough for oil companies to shutter their off-shore rigs and raise gas prices.

there are storms and then there are storms.
The House passed
a health reform bill. Aside from not allowing insurance companies to
deny coverage for pre-existing conditions, not sure who, what or how it
The new video game, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, lets you role-play as armed insurgents, a.k.a. terrorists, and attack civilians.
Modern Warfare 2 — it sure does look modern and filled with 2-ness
Finally — and what self-respecting Quizmaster wouldn't save this for the end? — this item from the BBC.
Penis tissue replaced in the lab
Tissue created in a laboratory has been used to completely replace the erectile tissue of the penis in animals.
The advance raises hopes of being able to restore full function to human penises that have been damaged by injury or disease.
The work was carried out on rabbits.