All posts by admin

Hot Night: Go To The Movies

If it’s boiling hot and humid tonight go see  I Am Love with the marvelous Tilda Swinton. We saw it last night at BAM where the air conditioning was cold (despite Con Edison voltage reductions). Here’s an excerpt from the New Yorker review:

The best sex you will get all year, if that’s what you crave in your moviegoing, is between Tilda Swinton and a prawn. In the middle of “I Am Love,” a succulent new film from the Italian director Luca Guadagnino, Swinton’s character, Emma Recchi, sits down to lunch in a Milanese restaurant. Placed before her is a dish of seafood with ratatouille. She takes a bite, and finds herself deluged with sensation. The rest of the room grows dim, surrounding sounds are muffled, and Emma alone begins to glow. She is already incandescent, with her halo-gold hair, and a dress of flame red, but now illumination seems to fan upward from the plate and possess her. She is irradiated with a dangerous joy—a gourmet’s parody of Mary at the Annunciation, perhaps, though I couldn’t help remembering the end of “Kiss Me Deadly,” when another curious blonde opens a box with something nuclear inside, and gets a faceful of light.

July 12: George Clinton & Parliament Funkadelic are Free

On July 12 at 7:30 PM: George Clinton & Parliament Funkadelic will open the 28th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Concert Series. Performances are held Monday nights at 7:30 PM at Wingate Field, which is located on Brooklyn Avenue between Rutland Road and Winthrop Street opposite Kings County Hospital. Possible rain date on Tuesday night.

The public is encouraged to bring their own chairs because seating is limited.

Public Pools Officially Open Today

And that includes the Double D pool (no that is not the required bra size it’s the location of the pool between Douglas and Degraw Street on Nevins in Park Slope) which will open along with the rest of the NYC public pools. It was slated for closure but was saved at the last minute. Here’s the info from the NYC Department of Parks and Recreation website:

All 54 Parks outdoor pools open for the season on Tuesday, June 29 and remain open until Labor Day (September 6). General hours of operation are 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., and 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Indoor pools are open year-round. Check with the individual recreation centers for schedules. Please note that recreation center membership ($75 per year for adults; $10 per year for seniors; free for children and teens under the age of 18) is required for the use of our indoor pools.

Safety & Pool Rules
Water & Sun Safety— Tips for staying safe when having fun in the water and sun.
Pool Rules – Rules to know before using Parks swimming pools

Swim Programs
Learn about adult lap swimming and Parks’ other freeswimming programs for tots, children, teens, and adults. Call Parks’ Citywide Aquatics at (718) 760-6969 for more information.

Have You Been to Mile End for Montreal Style Jewish Deli Food?

Mile End is a Montreal style deli on Hoyt Street just south of Atlantic Avenue. Everyone is raving about it. I was wondering why there was a big line on that street one day. Turns out it’s a small place and it draws quite a crowd. Here’s their menu i.e. what you’ve been missing by not knowing about this place for breakfast, lunch or dinner. They’re open 8:30 AM until 10PM weekdays except Monday and from 10:30 to 10PM on weekends. One more thing: they’re closed daily from 4:30 until 5:30PM. Got it?

breakfast and lunch
{until noon}
bagel & cream cheese 3/3.5
basic / tomato & onion
breakfast sandwich 6
chazzer {meat hook canadian bacon},
egg & 2 year quebec cheddar on rye
mish-mash 8
eggs scrambled with salami or lox,
onions & greens
the beauty 8/11
lox on a bagel with cream cheese,
tomato, red onion & capers;
closed / open-faced
{after noon}
sour pickle {brooklyn brine} 1.5
coleslaw 3
borscht 5
matzo ball soup 6.5
the ruth wilensky 7
salami sandwich pressed on an onion roll
{no mustard 10¢ extra}
smoked meat 9/16
beef brisket on rye with mustard
sandwich {7 oz.} / platter {14 oz.}
grandpa 8
smoked turkey breast on rye with mustard
frites 5
poutine 8/11
classic / smoked meat
stumptown coffee 2
direct trade french-press {refill 1.5}
stumptown iced coffee 2.5
direct trade cold-brew {refill 2}
orange juice 2
seltzer 2
virgil’s soda 2.5
cherry soda, root beer, cream soda
sour pickle {brooklyn brine} 1.5
coleslaw 3
borscht 5
matzo ball soup 6.5
the ruth wilensky 7
salami sandwich pressed on an onion roll
{no mustard 10¢ extra}
smoked meat 9/16
beef brisket on rye with mustard
sandwich {7 oz.} / platter {14 oz.}
smoked meat burger 10
poulet chaud 15
pan roasted half chicken, house-made challah,
chicken gravy & english peas
frites 5
poutine 8/11
classic / smoked meat

Con Ed: Reduced Voltage by 8% in Some Bklyn Nabes

According to Gothamist some nabes in Brooklyn may be experiencing reduced voltage by 8 percent…

UPDATE 5:58 p.m.: In a press release, Con Ed says, “Because of problems on electrical equipment supplying power to several neighborhoods in Brooklyn, Con Edison has reduced voltage by 8 percent to the area… One affected area is bounded by Newtown Creek on the north, Graham Avenue and Throop Avenue on the east, Fulton Street and Pacific Street on the south and the East River on the west. The other affected area is bounded by Fifth Avenue to Prospect Park West and from Pacific Street to 23rd Street.

“Company crews are working now to repair the problems. Con Edison has asked customers in the affected area to turn off all non-essential electrical appliances to help reduce electricity usage until equipment problems can be resolved… Con Edison urges customers to call 1-800-75-CONED promptly if they are experiencing any service difficulties.”

BAM: Eldridge Cleaver Doc and Q&A with Kathleen Cleaver

On the fourth of July at BAM as part as their Contraband Film Series on Sun, Jul 4 at 7:15pm: join Kathleen Cleaver (Emory Law School professor, author, and former Communications Secretary of the Black Panther Party) and curator Kazembe Balagun for a Q&A following a screening of William Klein’s documentary Eldridge Cleaver.

Eldridge Cleaver
Directed by William Klein

Under pressure from FBI’s counterintelligence program, Black Panther Eldridge Cleaver and his wife Kathleen left the United States for Algeria. There, he set up the International Section of the Black Panther Party which quickly became the hangout of revolutionaries from the Vietnamese and African liberation movements. Klein’s moving interview follows up with Cleaver during the Pan-African Cultural Festival in Algiers, where he expounds upon the Vietnam War and Black Power during a time when “revolution was the main theme of the day.”

Gowanus Art Studio Available for July and August

Haven’t you always wanted to rent an art studio in the Gowanus?

A friend is subletting her studio. The rent is $950.00. But the space is big enough to share.  It has great light and a great location-near the Smith/9th street stop on the F/G trains, near Lowe’s in the Park Slope/Gowanus section of Brooklyn.

It is available for all of July and August, but she will consider renting it for all or part of that time. Email me if you are interested: louise_crawford(at)yahoo(dot)com

Starting July 7th: Brooklyn Film Works in Washington Park

Movies alfresco at Brooklyn Film Works on the big turf field behind the Old Stone House. The first show is on Wednesday, July 7th at 8:30 PM:

July 7: Kiss Me Kate (1953) – A witty take-off on Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew, this fabulous Technicolor musical stars Ann Miller, with music by Cole Porter, directed by George Sidney.

July 14: Girl Shy (1924) A comedy classic from under-celebrated silent screen great Harold Lloyd playing a shy tailor attempting to win his girl in this hilarious romance featuring one of the greatest chase scenes of all time.

July 21: The 30th Anniversary Asbury Shorts New York: Short Film Concert — An array of award-winning short films from festivals around the world, including Manolo Celi’s Nueva York; Mike Ehler’s Lunch and Jeremy Kip Walker’s Super Powers.

July 28: Piper Film Workshop Student Films – Live on-screen! More amazing presentations from Piper Theatre Productions summer program by students ages 12 to 16.

All shows start at 8:30 PM

Best Band Ever at Dixon Place: Washboard Jungle

My neighbor, Bob Goldberg, of the Famous Accordion Orchestra says this is the best band ever. Well, he’s in it. But he’s not biased. That’s him pictured on the far right. He invites you to come and see (and hear) what he’s talking about.

A Washboard Jungle Reunion Concert
(to benefit the new Dixon Place!)

with special guest Lee Feldman

Thursday, July 1 at 8pm
Dixon Place
161A Chrystie Street
(between Rivington & Delancy)
NYC, NY 10002

$25 ($15 is tax deductible)
$75 includes priority seating and a 7pm cocktail reception
with Washboard Jungle ($65 is tax deductible)

OTBKB Film by Pops Corn: Dogtooth

While most movies provide structural comforts such as resolution, closure and narratives that resist interpretation, Dogtooth, is of a different breed. A winner of the Un Certain Regard Prize at Cannes in 2009, Dogtooth is about a family living within the confines of the high fences that shelter them from the outside world. There are therefore no exterior influences on the children.  Perhaps they should be called offspring, since all three siblings—if we are to exclude the one unseen sibling who everyone believes lives on the other side of the fence—are of a young adult age. This may mean that the children will soon be leaving the compound. The title, in fact, refers to moment when one can do this: when one’s dogtooth falls out, “dogtooth” being one of many made-up or mis-defined words that the father has inserted into the family’s vocabulary. It is part of his cult leader-like methods of control, which also include numerous competitions for prizes and orchestrating the sex lives of those in his home.

If the description is confusing, it is then an apt synopsis for this incredible Greek film currently playing at Cinema Village.  Nearly every scene requires the viewer to piece it together as the action of each scene is either not immediately clear or the motivation is not immediately able to be understood. Unlike most films with unusual conceits, Dogtooth dispenses with exposition creating a mysterious narrative for the audience to work through. In doing so the viewer also feels thrown into this world; the offspring are thrust into games blindfolded and we are also forced to feel our way through. An incredible must-see work from director Yorgos Lanthimos, the film is disturbing and unsettling right down to its final shot which can only be summed up as wonderfully confounding.

Opera at Galapagos

It all happens on Friday, July 9, 8:00pm at Galapagos Art Space 16 Main Street at Water Street, DUMBO, Brooklyn, NY.

Brooklyn Poets: Past and Present
American Opera Projects presents new songs based on works by Brooklyn poets.
Music by Gilda Lyons, Daniel Felsenfeld, and Andrew Staniland
Text by Walt Whitman, Keanu Stowe, Tristan Regist, and Tyler Forsythe
Performed by Adrienne Danrich and Nicole Mitchell.
Kelly Horsted, piano. Hamilton Berry, cello.

Removable Parts
Selections from the music-theatre piece
Music by Corey Dargel
Performed by Corey Dargel and Kathleen Supové

The Bloody Chamber
Opera on Tap presents scenes from the new one-act opera
Music by Daniel Felsenfeld
Libretto by Elizabeth Isadora Gold
Based on the novella “The Bloody Chamber” by Angela Carter
Performed by Indre Viskontas, Ross Benoliel, and Amanda Villegas
Musical Director, Jennifer Peterson
Stage Director, Sarah Stern

P.T. Barnum’s Birthday on Coney Island

The Coney Island Museum is celebrating P.T. Barnum’s 200th birthday. Here are the details:

If P.T. Barnum had lived he would have turned 200 years old on July 5 of this year, which is about the age he once claimed Joice Heth, George Washington’s nurse was.

In observance of the fact, on the Glorious Fourth (one day early) at 4:30pm Trav S.D. will speak a piece at the Coney Island Museum. The topic of his lecture will be the legacy of Barnum and Barnumism (bunkum, hokum, humbug and hooey) in vaudeville and show business in general.

And because, showmanship is the name of the game, he will be joined by the great Lorinne Lampert, a.k.a., Uke-Lola – tap-dancing; song-singing, uke-playing, juggling vaudevillian extraordinaire.

(The host may do a turn or two himself along with other special guests TBA.)

What better place to spend the 4th than Coney Island? Watch the hot dog eating contest! Ride the rides! Go for a dip! And then come see the real dips at our presentation!

And, if you can’t make the show, tune in to the swell Barnum radio documentary by James Rana, featuring Trav S.D., Todd Robbins, and many others. Various NPR affiliates are carrying it, including WFDU-FM, which will run it at 8am on the 4th. (If you don’t get it in your area, ALL radio stations stream online nowadays, ya doofus!)

Trav S.D and Friends – A Barnum Bicentenary: Talk and performance by Trav S.D. and friends in observance of P.T. Barnum’s 200th birthday

When: July 4, 4:30pm
Where: 1208 Surf Avenue (near West 12th Street) (The Coney island Museum is on the 2nd Floor)
Admission: $5 for public, free for members of Coney Island USA
More info:

Current Weather in Park Slope: Heat Advisory Today

Brought to you from the Feldman Family weather tower in Park Slope. Heat Advisory today (see below):

321 AM EDT MON JUN 28 2010



321 AM EDT MON JUN 28 2010






OTBKB Music: Emily Zuzik Is Ready for Her Closeup; The Texas Tornados Celebrate Brooklyn

In a Fort Greene Connecticut Muffin, I spoke with Brooklyn’s multi-talented musician/model/voice-over artist Emily Zuzik about her life and music.  The results, along with some photos from her recent show at The Rockwood Music Hall are posted in a closeup of Emily at Now I’ve Heard Everything.

The Texas Tornados came to Brooklyn on Saturday and blew away the audience at Celebrate Brooklyn with their unique blend of Tex-Mex rock ‘n’ roll.  There’s a video (of a different show, unfortunately) and a link to a free track from The Tornados here at Now I’ve Heard Everything.

–Eliot Wagner

Camp Gowanee for Kids of All Ages at Spoke the Hub.

I was in Spoke the Hub last night at an exhibition of drawings from a recent figure drawing class taught by Russell Floersch. It was an interesting and diverse selection of drawings by adults who have enjoyed this weekly exploration of the body through drawing. The class included people who’ve never drawn before, as well as those who have. Floersch seems comfortable and delighted to work with all experience levels. He is offering this class in July and August. Go to the Spoke website (above) for more details.

The space has been hugely renovated since I was last in Spoke the Hub, when OSFO was 3. Way more space, a huge dance studio that doubles as a space for Floersch’s figure drawing classes with Russell with a live model.

This summer Spoke is running Camp Gowanee, located at Spoke’s other space at 748 Union Street & 295 Douglass Street. Look at the ambitious creative offerings. It might be just the thing for your child this summer for full or half day participation:

Week 1: Circus Arts (July 5-9)
* ages 7-11 / ages 12-15
* Juggling, magic, tumbling, mime, clowning, hula hoops…

Week 2: Street Dance, Culture & Art (July 12-16)

* ages 7-11 / ages 12-15
* Street Dance (hip hop, locking, stepping, breaking), rapping, poetry slams, grafitti (without destroying others’ property) fashion, mtv…

Week 3: Rhythm Week (July 19-23)
* ages 7-11 / ages 12-15
* African drumming, tap dance, poetry, rapping, music composition, visual rhythm composition in art …

Week 4: Tahiti Express (July 26-30)
* ages 7-11 / ages 12-15
* Polynesian dance, culture, language, crafts, music, synchronized swimming…

Continue reading Camp Gowanee for Kids of All Ages at Spoke the Hub.

Park Slope Eatery Set to Open

Par Slope Eatery, a new casual baker/deli is set to open on the fabled corner of Fifth Street and Seventh Avenue, the corner, which used to house La Bagel Delight before its move two blocks south.

Flyers posted on the window say: Apply Now Hiring. And there are menus available outside. The big sign boasts artisan bakery so I’m wondering if they’re going to have great bread.


Tom Martinez, Witness: Signatures For Change in Honduras

Photographer Tom Martinez is in Honduras as part of an  international human rights accompaniment and observation delegation. In this photo, a  member of the National Popular Resistance Front (FNRP) is seen knocking on doors  in an ongoing effort to collect signatures for a national constituent assembly, which was process begun by President Zelaya, which lead to his removal in a military coup on June 28, 2010.

So far Tom’s group has met with representatives from the International Committee of the National Popular Resistance Front (FNRP), the leadership of the FNRP, and Honduran Platform for Human Rights, who gave a general overview of the events leading up to the coup on June 28 of last year, the human rights situation in Honduras since the coup, and their continued work to reconstruct democracy in Honduras under increasing repression.  This violent repression has continued under the government of Porfirio Lobo, who was named president following a campaign and election process held under the auspices of the de facto coup government in the last half of 2009.

For more information about the delegation and the situation in Honduras go here.

Two Brooklyn Census Managers Fired for Faking Surveys

Well, maybe this means that Teen Spirit or Hepcat will finally get a temporary job with the Census Bureau. They aced the test and Hepcat actually did the training but they’ve never been called to do any work.

They hired these bozos instead and look where that got the Census Bureau.

According to the New York Times, about 10,000 census surveys in Brooklyn have to be redone because two managers supposedly filled out many of the household surveys themselves.

The two managers, Alvin Aviles and Sonya Merritt, began using online databases to fill out household surveys instead of collecting the information by knocking on doors. Needless to say, the  two were fired after census officials finally figured out what was going on.

The local census office where they worked was supposed to complete 97,000 household surveys in the neighborhoods of Williamsburg, Bedford-Stuyvesant, Bushwick and Greenpoint by July 10. By June 12, 9,000 surveys were still incomplete.

So to speed thing up, these two managers started faking the surveys.

Echoes of Smartmom’s Life in Toy Story 3

You would have thought they’d be tired. Indeed, the humidity was incredibly high and the family had spent much of the day outside. Smartmom trudged up and down Seventh Avenue for the street fair, the Oh So Feisty One was out with her friends; Hepcat went to see the Red Bull air races in New Jersey.

And Teen Spirit, no fool he, stayed in all day in the air conditioning.

They all came home hot and sweaty: Smartmom took a long nap. OSFO just stood next to the air conditioner and drank a tall glass of cold lemonade.

You would have thought they’d be toast by the time they ate the Smartmom-made Father’s Day dinner: chicken and vegetables in Calcutta Kitchen’s delicious Masala simmering sauce.

You would have thought they’d be ready for bed but someone — Smartmom thinks it was Hepcat — made the suggestion.

And then Smartmom googled it and found out if it was within the realm of possibility.

“It’s playing at 10:05 at the Pavilion,” Smartmom said aloud.

“Let’s go,” OSFO said.

Smartmom and Hepcat eyed each other cautiously. Their 13-year-old daughter, who barely ever wants to be with them, just agreed to do something with them. Silently, they were shocked and thrilled and ever so careful not to mess up this incredible opportunity.

They were about to have a high-quality family experience even if it was 10 o’clock on a school night.

“Let’s call Eastern,” Hepcat said, wasting no time and dialing the ubiquitous car service as Smartmom ordered the tickets online.

Waiting for the car downstairs, Smartmom wondered if she’d make it through the movie. The night air was still thick, and she felt like if she closed her eyes she might fall asleep. She looked at her watch and suddenly felt completely irresponsible. They were taking their 13-year-old to a 10:05 movie on a Sunday.

“This is kind of crazy,” Smartmom told OSFO as they got into the car. OSFO shrugged. She seemed pretty nonchalant about the whole thing. Smartmom wondered if any of her neighbors saw them going out.

Continue reading Echoes of Smartmom’s Life in Toy Story 3

The Sunday List: Postcard Show, Williamsburg Walks, New Play and Northside Fests

Williamsburg Walks and Northside Festival

Today is Day 4 of the  Northside Festival and it’s also Williamsburg Walks: A two day shut-down of Bedford Avenue between N 4 and 9th Sts organized by the Neighbors Allied for Good Growth, the L Magazine and Project for the Public Spaces with the support of the New York City Department of Transportation Weekend Walks Program. Bring the kids and the dogs and the bikes!

Art Benefit in Dumbo

Now through July 18, in Dumbo, A.I.R. Gallery, founded in 1972 as the first artist–run, not–for–profit gallery for women artists in the United States, is having its 9th annual postcard show/benefit: Wish You Were Here 9 includes original works by more than 400 artists. The 4” x 6” artworks, as well as diptychs and triptychs based on this size, are created and donated by A.I.R. Gallery Artists and hundreds of other national and international artists. These cards range widely in style and media and encompass a broad spectrum of themes, including work by Kiki Smith and Mary Frank.


playing all weekend: I Am Love at BAM; Toy Story 3 at the Pavilion


Sunday, June 27th at 9PM at Barbes: French virtuoso Guitarist Stephane Wrembel seems to have channeled both the technique and the fire of Django Reinhardt. He studied for years with the manouche (the French Gypsies) but has also gotten deep into American vernacular musical styles. His weekly sets will mix up the traditional Django repertoire along gypsy swing re-interpretations of standards


Shows this weekend: Gallery Players: 13th Annual Black Box New Play Festival

Sunday, June 27th at 7PM at Barbes: The Twenty-Five Cent Opera of San Francisco presents theater slash performance slash entertainment brought to you once monthly by the playwriting firm of shulman delaney gassman kosmas and copp. Featuring new works for the tiny stage by landscape artist Erin Courtney, theater architect Yelena Gluzman, & word contstruction worker Kristen Kosmas.


At the Brooklyn Museum: Andy Warhol: The Last Decade is the first U.S. museum survey to examine the late work of American artist Andy Warhol (1928–1987). During this time Warhol produced more works, in a considerable number of series and on a vastly larger scale, than at any other point in his forty-year career.


Sunday, June 27th on Smith Street between Douglas and Degraw: Stink-Fest ‘10 Rocks Smith Street with Fun For the Whole Family Fourth Annual Cheese Eating Contesting.

Sunday, June 27, 12 – 5PM at The Bell House: The 2010 Unfancy Food Show. With dozens of local purveyors including, but definitely not limited to, Brooklyn Brewery, Sullivan Street Bakery, SCRATCHbread, Cut Brooklyn, Sweet Deliverance, Marlow and Sons, McClure’s Pickles, The Brooklyn Kitchen,, People’s Pops, Salvatore Brooklyn Ricotta and Nunu Chocolate, the UnFancy Food Show is the most aggressively awesome gathering of small producers in New York.

Fakelyn: Are you a real Brooklynite?

Some people think that the only real Brooklynites are the one’s who were born here. Other don’t think that matters a bit. In the Complaint Box on the City Room blog, New York  Times readers are having it out. Here’s an excerpt from a “complaint” written by Ellen Leavitt, a teacher at a Brooklyn high school. Where’s Leon Freilich when you need him?

Brooklyn has become a hipster haven, drawing lots of celebrities and artists and quirky entrepreneurs and parents who use surnames for their children’s proper names. Fine. But many of these recent arrivals — from New Jersey, Iowa, the suburbs, France, all over the place — have now been crowned the Face of Brooklyn.

Ahem, hello, media experts, how about us lifelong Brooklynites? Are we the proverbial chopped liver?

In the 2008 anthology “Brooklyn Was Mine” (Riverhead Books), hardly any of the writers included were born and raised in Kings County. Most are transplants. Doesn’t anyone want to hear from those of us who actually went to kindergarten in Brooklyn, who played stoop ball before it was hip, who lived here during the blackout of 1977? Maybe it’s time to start paying attention to us. And I don’t mean trotting us out as the quaintness factor.