Hot Night: Go To The Movies

If it’s boiling hot and humid tonight go see  I Am Love with the marvelous Tilda Swinton. We saw it last night at BAM where the air conditioning was cold (despite Con Edison voltage reductions). Here’s an excerpt from the New Yorker review:

The best sex you will get all year, if that’s what you crave in your moviegoing, is between Tilda Swinton and a prawn. In the middle of “I Am Love,” a succulent new film from the Italian director Luca Guadagnino, Swinton’s character, Emma Recchi, sits down to lunch in a Milanese restaurant. Placed before her is a dish of seafood with ratatouille. She takes a bite, and finds herself deluged with sensation. The rest of the room grows dim, surrounding sounds are muffled, and Emma alone begins to glow. She is already incandescent, with her halo-gold hair, and a dress of flame red, but now illumination seems to fan upward from the plate and possess her. She is irradiated with a dangerous joy—a gourmet’s parody of Mary at the Annunciation, perhaps, though I couldn’t help remembering the end of “Kiss Me Deadly,” when another curious blonde opens a box with something nuclear inside, and gets a faceful of light.

One thought on “Hot Night: Go To The Movies”

  1. I am generally a sucker for international films–if there are subtitles—I’m there..the combo of a (I felt) confusing trailer and shlocky title gave me doubts. -n my long holiday weekend maiaise My Bettter Half recommended it and I went along for the ride to BAM–it was a deep and occasionally moving film..italian-Russian family in Milan. conflicts. Wealth. Artistry. Tragedy. Rebirth. Swinton tops an excellent cast. Worth seeing…happy 4tj, otbkb!!

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