The Militant Islam Monitor asserts that the Kalil Gibran Internation Academy, that may go into the school building that houses PS 282 on Sixth Avenue at Lincoln Place  in Park Slope, will be a magnet for Jihadi militantism.

That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard.

The MIM believes (erroniously) that the school would serve as an INSTITUTION OF INDOCTRINATION with its staff and curriculum "mirroring the same
ideology as the 9/11 hijackers.:

To me, this sounds like such a load of racist crap. Here’s an excerpt from a post on MIM’s website. They want to block the creation of the Kalil Gibran Internation Academy: 

Slated to be the school’s principal, Dhabah [aka "Debbie"]
Almontaser was presented an award by the Council on American Islamic
Relations [CAIR, the Saudi funded front group for Hamas and a
co-defendant in a 9/11 terrorism lawsuit] and more importantly, the
curriculum of her school has been designed by the radical American Arab
Anti Discrimination Committee [ADC].

The ADC’s funder [and recipient of the ADC’s "Global
Achievement Award"] Saudi Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal’s 10 million dollar
donation to the 9/11 victims charity was rejected by then NY Mayor
Giuliani because of Talal’s claim that American policy towards Israel
was the reason for the terrorist outrage. Talal has also raised money
to reward the family’s of suicide bombers.

The ADC is also in the forefront of filing discrimination
lawsuits and legal challenges aimed at obstructing the FBI, JTTF and
Homeland Security from investigating Arab and Muslims who pose
potential terrorism threats. source

Six years after the attacks and still no memorial at Ground
Zero, instead 2007 will see the opening of the taxpayer funded Brooklyn
based madrassah aka "The Khalil Gibran International Academy for Arabic
and Islamic Culture."


  1. Islamy is a blight on the world as a whole, call the exterminators. 1300 years of gang violence from the towelheads is enough, stop making apologies for the child killers that have to wash their feet before they pray to the senior towelhead allah and his insane buddy mohammed

  2. Bullshit. CAIR is just like the ADL? Read what the ADL says about CAIR:
    Want more?
    “I wouldn’t want to create the impression that I wouldn’t like the government of the United States to be Islamic sometime in the future. But I’m not going to do anything violent to promote that. I’m going to do it through education.”
    CAIR Spokesman Ibrahim Hooper
    “Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faiths, but to become dominant. The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth”
    CAIR founder, Omar Ahmad
    Once again, for the conceptually challenged: Islam is not a race. It’s an ideology.

  3. I agree with Hugh. CAIR and ADC are groups similar to the NAACP and the Anti-Defamation League. The overblown opposition to the school is motivated by xenophobia and bigotry. It is un-American and shows the double-standard that has been applied to people with “politically incorrect” backgrounds in this country for the last 6 years.

  4. 1. A madrassah is a school. It may be secular or religious. To assert or insinuate — as done by some of the respondents here — is at best ill-informed. At worst, its racist.
    2. Several respondents likewise make racist claims about the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) and the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). If critics are going to call these organizations extremist, that tells us more about the extreme positions of the critics than it does about the organizations. It suggests that these critics would find _any_ Arab or Muslim organization extremist.
    The campaign against the Khalil Gibran International School is loaded with anti-Arab racism.

  5. Well, if you think not having a Hebrew “One Family” indicates an insufficient argument for peace, how about the lack of Chinese, Hindi, Urdu, Tamil, Tagalog, Japanese et al? Seems to me PS321 was practically declaring war.

  6. I’ll buy that, and agree that it is probably not a madrassah, but is or isn’t the name of the school the “Khalil Gibran International School for Arabic and Islamic Culture” as I have seen in several accounts?

  7. People should do their homework before they go making wild accusations of Jihad and militant Islamic teachings. Khalil Gibran was a Christian poet. Why would a madrassah be named after him? Give me a break.

  8. Here is an example of Park Slope fuzzy liberalism —
    Shortly after 9/11, PS 321 posted a prominent banner outside the school indicating “We are One Family” — the English was accompanied by “One Family” written in Spanish and Arabic. If they were arguing for peace, Hebrew seemed noticeably absent…
    The argument against the Gibran school may be overwrought (mixing space complaints along with the political concerns) but based on the info I’ve read in blogs alone it appears doubtful that the school or prospective Principal have been “vetted” by the NYC/DOE regarding these political concerns which seem at least a valid question requiring answers when we are talking about a public institution using public money…
    …and is it possible for the school to focus on “Arabic culture” without adressing Islam and if Islam is a religion isn’t this a conflict? Why not have a school that studies all religions if we need such a thing..

  9. From NY Times article “Scrutiny Increases for a Group Advocating for Muslims in U.S.,” 3/14; I’d tend to believe the ACLU on this:
    “CAIR and its supporters say its accusers are a small band of people who hate Muslims and deal in half-truths. Ms. Boxer´s decision to revoke the Sacramento commendation provoked an outcry from organizations that vouch for the group´s advocacy, including the American Civil Liberties Union and the California Council of Churches.”
    “They have been a leading organization that has advocated for civil rights and civil liberties in the face of fear and intolerance, in the face of religious and ethnic profiling,” said Maya Harris, the executive director of the A.C.L.U.
    of Northern California.

  10. Islam is not a race. It is an ideology.
    CAIR and ADC are not nice players. It makes sense to question anybody who is receiving awards from CAIR, or teaching a curriculum designed by someone in the pockets of the Saudis, who are known for spreading Wahabbi extremism.
    Don’t let warm & fuzzy inclusiveness and muti-culturela (a.k.a. cultural Marxism) sentiment get in the way of following the money.

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