Take That J.K Rowling

Hepcat sent me this interesting tidbit of information about children’s books this morning from the Washington Post:

Children have welcomed the Harry Potter books in recent years like free
ice cream in the cafeteria, but the largest survey ever of youthful
reading in the United States revealed today that none of J.K. Rowling’s
phenomenally popular books has been able to dislodge the works of
longtime favorites Dr. Seuss, E.B. White, Judy Blume, S.E. Hinton and
Harper Lee as the most read.

So if you thought the Harry Potter books are the most popular children’s books of all time you’re WRONG.

The classics still hold sway. Yay for the perennial childhood faves: Charlotte’s Web, Stuart Little, Green Eggs and Ham, The Outsiders, Tales Of A Fourth Grade Nothing and To Kill a Mockingbird.