Intro to the NY Art World Panel Led by The Bespoke Curator at 3rd Ward

Do you need to be introduced to the complex and arcane ways of the New York art world by someone very “in the know?” Wouldn’t it be keen if that person was Krista Saunders, aka The Bespoke Curator, who created the G Train Salon.

Then you just might find Saunder’s Introduction to the New York Art World panel at 3rd Ward (195 Morgan Ave, Brooklyn) on Wednesday, August 29, 2012 at 7:30 to be very interesting—and illuminating .

Indeed, New York is an international hub for the art world. But how to break in? Well, you just might learn a thing or two at this panel, where you’ll hear from a diverse panel of art world professionals as they shed light on how to begin and sustain a career.

Moderated by Saunders, the panel will consist of informal conversation with the panelists Brendan Carroll, Kianga Ellis, Laura Pinello, and Henry Chung + Robert Walden of Robert Henry Contemporary.