In Honor of the G-Train Extension: A Hop On & Off G-Train Tour

I think it’s probably just coincidence that  the 92YTribeca sent this out on the heels of yesterday’s MTA rumored announcement that the G-Train extension would be permanent.

Coincidence or not, it sounds like a fun tour if you’re into those sorts of things (I am but I never get around to it. Note to self: do it). On Sat, Aug 11, from 11AM until 2:30 PM (tickets from $35), the 92YTribeca is sponsoring a Walking Tour called the Brooklyn Train Tour.

And it focuses on Brooklyn’s beloved G-train.

The G is the only train in the subway system that doesn’t stop in Manhattan. Durng this walk, you will hop on and off the line from Carroll Gardens to Clinton Hill and Williamsburg , taking in townhouses, campus facilities and other buildings along the way.

Actually, none of the extension stops will be included. Hmmm. Next time.

The guide, John Hill is an architect, blogger, adjunct professor at NYIT and author of Guide to Contemporary New York City Architecture, which looks at more than 200 buildings built in the five boroughs since 2000. Meet in front of The Schermerhorn, 160 Schermerhorn Street , between Smith and Hoyt streets.