A Year in The Park: For Jeffrey, Who Did Not Want to Die

Brenda Becker writes today about a young man named Jeffrey Jeune, age 19, who died in Prospect Park on Sunday. Here’s an excerpt. Read the rest at her blog Prospect: A Year in the Park. 

“When a neighbor dies within our realm of “Victorian Flatbush” homes, we e-mail one another, send condolences, reminisce together, attend the wake. If the unthinkable happened and a young person were to perish as Jeffrey did, we would have no need of e-mail; it would be headline news. (In fact, it was, in 2005, when a young man from outside the neighborhood was killed within the historic district of Prospect Park South.)…

“But Jeffrey Jeune vanishes into an ambulance two blocks from my front door.  The crime scene tape flutters and is gone; a few extra cruisers patrol the Parade Grounds for awhile…”