Brooklyn Revisited: My Journey Back by Gloria Golden

A few minutes ago I got a phone call from a photographer by the name of Gloria Golden who recently published a book called, Brooklyn Revisited: My Journey Back (Outskirts Press).

Golden was born in Brooklyn but now lives on Long Island. While on a sabbatical leave from teaching, she studied photography with Jules Allen at Queensborough Community College. Golden’s studies continued at the International Center for Photography in Manhattan, as well as courses in Woodstock, Maine, and Santa Fe.

Then she came back to Brooklyn in order to revisit places “blurred by time.” She writes, “It brought me to the realization that I have come full circle. My daughter moved to an apartment within a short distance of the home where I was born. Brooklyn is new again, and I gave myself a gift. . . photographing all the streets and neighborhoods stored in my memory.”

And that’s what she’s done. The book is a collection of these photos, which are quite striking. There are also short poems like this one about the building she lived in as a child on DeKalb Avenue. I think that’s the building pictured on the cover of the book.

I was born here
And so were my sisters
I remembered this address
But the building seemed
So much smaller to me
And I truly understood
How memory can be distorted
Through a child’s eyes