OTBKB Music: Audio/Visual Edition

Video: The Jayhawks who either broke up or went on hiatus in 2004 have reformed, with both Gary Louris and Mark Olson back in the fold.  They have recorded a new record which will be out later this year.  When the band was in New York City recently, they visited WFUV and played some songs live in the studio there, including I’d Run Away, originally from Tomorrow the Green Grass.  The professionally shot, great sounding video of that song is available to you at Now I’ve Heard Everything if you click here.

Photos: We were promised two sets by Li’l Mo and The Monicats Tuesday night.   What we got was one very long set; it ran almost two hours.  It was a bit past the 10pm time scheduled end time when Rosie Flores, Austin’s electric blues guitar wiz came into Banjo Jim’s and joined the band for three songs or so.  To see some shots of that night, just click here.

–Eliot Wagner