Cheeseburger, Cheeseburger

Is John Belushi opening a burger joint on Third Street? Nah, that’s not even remotely possible. Remember the skit: he played a chef in a Greek diner where they had No Coke, Pepsi, cheeseburger, cheeseburger…

Which is just to say that a new place is going into the Miracle Grill spot (Seventh Avenue and Third Street in Park Slope). And we thought our beloved Second Street Cafe was going to return (Goat Cheese Salad, pancakes, omelettes, and more). That turned out to be a fruitless rumor. Very bad rumor. Or maybe it was going to happen and then they changed their mind.

A make-shift sign is up: Cheeseburger, Cheeseburger. Hopefully it’s more than a burger joint. Will there be breakfast, sandwiches, and other entrees as well? Anything veggie?

Remains to be seen.

One thought on “Cheeseburger, Cheeseburger”

  1. why don’t you look at their website before asking questions which are so easily answered. they have a huge menu with incredible burgers and unlimited toppings, they have make your own salads, a ton of different shakes, they have a soda fountain, and are all over the country. it may be a chain, but they often win awards for best burger wherever they open. they are better than five guys, which i think is pretty good.

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