Advertising Drive: Get Noticed in Brooklyn

Think about advertising on OTBKB, one of the most popular hyper-local place-blogs in Brooklyn with thousands of daily hits and a devoted following of daily readers who swear by OTBKB’s stories (and recommendations) on local civics & urban life, arts and culture, food and drink, parenting (long live Smartmom!) and shopping.

The best way to do this: Take out ad. Prices available on request. If you don’t have an ad, we’re happy to design one for you.

OTBKB welcomes advertisers of all stripes including real estate, restaurants, shops, arts organizations, freelance creatives, accounting services, health and wellness, books and more.

Brownstone Brooklynites know and trust OTBKB! Its devoted readers are well educated, creative and community minded. They care about family, education, quality entertainment, the food they eat and their well being in body, mind and spirit.

A clickable banner ad, vertical skyscraper ad or a box ad, is a great way to get noticed in Brooklyn. It’s inexpensive, easy and fast. Your ad could be up within six hours. Prices available on request. Call Louise Crawford (718-288-4290) or email: louise_crawford(at)yahoo(dot)com