Halloween Safety Tips

This list of Halloween Safety Tips was published on Park Slope Parents in 2007. I was looking through some old posts and I thought this might be helpful today since today is…

Trick or Treat

Make sure kids can see out of masks or better yet, use face paints
(check to make sure they are non-toxic)

–Review street safety.

–Avoid shoes that are too big or clothing that’s too long

–Use reflective tape or carry a flashlight or glow stick

–Always trick or treat with a buddy (or adult)

–Make sure props don’t have sharp edges and swords and guns are made
from cardboard.

–Pin a piece of paper with the child’s name, address and phone number inside a pocket in case the trick-or-treater gets lost or separated from the group.

–Remember kids will be close to flames in Jack o lanterns, so use
materials that aren’t flammable or have dangling edges

At Home

–Clear stoops and sidewalks of any debris to prevent falls

–Keep Jack-o-Lanters away from doors and walkways


To ensure a safe and enjoyable trick-or-treat outing for children,
parents are urged to:

–Give children an early meal before going out.

–Insist that treats be brought home for inspection before anything is

–Report to the police anything that appears suspicious about treats.

Although tampering is very rare, don’t eat anything not wrapped. When in doubt, throw it out.

-Check kids’ candy for choking hazards and keep away from small children
and pets (especially no chocolate for dogs)