Myla Goldberg, Stephen O’Conner at Community Bookstore This Thursday

But they’ll be there at different times. See below:

Myla Goldberg, author of Bee Season, will be be signing copies of her new book, The False Friend, at Park Slope’s Community Bookstore on Thursday at 4:30.

FYI: Myla has a very cool looking website where I learned that she  plays banjo and accordion and sings in the Brooklyn art-punk The Walking Hellos.

And later that evening: Stephen O’Connor of New Yorker and Electric Literature fame, will read from his collection of haunting and surreal short stories, Here Comes Another Lesson, on Thursday, October 15 at 7PM.

Here’s the blurbage on Here Comes Another Lesson:

O’Connor, whose stories have appeared in The New Yorker, Conjunctions, and many other places, fearlessly depicts a world that no longer quite makes sense. Ranging from the wildly inventive to the vividly realistic, these brilliant stories offer tender portraits of idealists who cannot live according to their own ideals and of lovers baffled by the realities of love.

The story lines are unforgettable: A son is followed home from work by his dead father. God instructs a professor of atheism to disseminate updated Commandments. The Minotaur is awakened to his own humanity by the computer-game-playing “new girl” who has been brought to him for supper. A recently returned veteran longs for the utterly ordinary life he led as a husband and father before being sent to Iraq. An ornithologist, forewarned by a cormorant of the exact minute of his death, struggles to remain alert to beauty and joy.

As playful as it is lyrical, Here Comes Another Lesson celebrates human hopefulness and laments a sane and gentle world that cannot exist.