Sept 24-26: Bushwick Film Festival

How many Brooklyn film festivals does it take to screw in a light bulb? I don’t know but there are so many Brooklyn fests,  including two this weekend (Bushwick and Coney Island) that I’ve lost count.

The Bushwick Film Festival returns for its fourth year on September 24th for an exciting three day event at Brooklyn Fire Proof in Bushwick, Brooklyn. From September 24th-26th the festival will screen 5 feature films by notable directors Steven Garbas, Giorgio Arcelli, Dan Keezer, Andrew Shirley, and Shaun Jefford.  Also, the program for shorts will showcase documentaries and comedies by 20 filmmakers, including works by Brooklyn based collective The Film Shop and Untucked Films, who recently screened a retrospective of their work at Anthology Archive.

Now this sounds fun: a Woody Allen inspired art show (I Forgot My Mantra) curated by Joel Morrison and music producer and mixer Jason Finkel on board as the festival’s musical curator, this year promises to be an all encompassing arts festival.    We are integrating music and art to compliment films.  My goal was to bring in exciting bands that resonate with the Brooklyn/Bushwick music scene”, says Jason Finkel.   Bands include Fancy Colors, Hot Seconds, Weekends, Acrylics, Revival Times, Bear Ceuse and Chappo, whose song is featured by Apple in the new iPod Touch commercial. Musical performances will be followed by DJ sets by Chris Thomas and Alex Mejias (Left as Rain), PJ (PG-13), and Benny Snacks (jumping!boys fame). Another addition to the 2010 festival is interactive photography installation, The Self Portrait Project by Andy Lin.