Leon Freilich, Verse Responder: Kidverse

Kidverse: Is This Your Teacher?

The most abominable creature

Must be the woman who’s a screecher.

My ears would love to banish her.

It’d make the world much quieter.

The screecher can’t imagine what

The devil of an effect she’s got.

As far as she knows, the sounds she makes

Are tastier than banana cakes,

More treasured than the platinum

That makes a miser worry some,

More tuneful than the sweetest song,

Though actually resembling a gong.

Each word that drops from the mouth of the screecher

Reminds me of a monster feature,

A movie with a heroine

Who’s out of touch and quite all-in;

She likes to think of herself as a funster,

When others view her as a munster.

Not a cheese and not a treat,

Nothing anyone would eat.

And yet she certainly means no harm.

She can’t help sounding like an alarm.

Poor woman!  Let’s give her an award:

A piece of chalk to scrape on the board.

Still–this teacher’s sorta mellow

Compared to the men who kinda bellow.