Gorilla Coffee Employee Walk-Out

Gorilla Coffee, the coffee supplier/cafe on Fifth Avenue in Park Slope has closed. For the time being anyway. Apparently, employees gave written resignation and walked out after the owners  refused to meet their demands.

From Gawker:

Gorilla CoffeePark Slope coffee house and bean supplier to indie Brooklyn dripperies—appears to have suffered a total employee walk-out last night. What kind of sweatshop was their “oppressive hipster-in-chief” (a local blog’s designation) running?

And: Who will step up to fill the vacuum in Brooklyn’s locally-roasted coffee mafia wars, now? (coffia? cafia?) Coffee blog Sprudge and neighborhood blog Fucked in Park Slope report from the scene of the insurrection.

From Fucked in Park Slope:

We got intel from the dudes at Sprudge that Gorilla Coffee had every employee walk out last night on their oppressive hipster-in-chief. Baristas, roasters — everyone!

I went on a down-n-dirty inFIPStigation this morning, and it’s true: Gorilla is indeed closed. I guess indefinitely (???), since there’s not a note or anything on the door…