Easter Egg Hunts in Brooklyn

Aside from the hunt in your living room or garden, there are plenty of public Easter egg hunts in Brooklyn this weekend and the Brooklyn Eagle has a list. Check it out. The knowledgeable Kristin Goode at About.com: Brooklyn also has a great list. blog Here’s an egg hunt you may want to know about. And it’s in Prospect Park sponsored by our friends at Park Slope Parents:

Park Slope Parents All Volunteer Easter Egg Hunt: Meet at Third Street and Prospect Park West entrance. 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Greeters will send groups of up to 20 people into Prospect Park. Each group appoints a hiking leader, entertainers, egg-hiders, etc. The group will keep their kids occupied with music, tattoos (provided by PSP) or other activity. The last group will be sent off at 11:30. Bring: 1) a dozen or so plastic Easter eggs filled with goodies. 2) props (Easter books, guitar players, shakers, etc.) 3) lunch and a blanket if you want to enjoy the park afterward.