Posture Perfect at Alexander Junction

Don’t miss a wonderful Valentine’s gift to yourself:

Alexander Junction, the brainchild of Jane Tomkiewicz, offers private and group lessons for those who want to achieve balance, coordination and ease.

In her sessions, Tomkiewicz presents a new model for Posture, what she calls the The Support /Movement/Mind Continuum.

Learn why neuroscientists love the Alexander Technique and  how this amazing self-care practice can help you address  musculo-skeletal pain, posture concerns, or musical/theatrical/athletic  performance issues!

On Saturday Feb.13 at the Park Slope Feldenkrais Center   374 5th Ave betw. 5th & 6th Sts, Tomkiewiez is offering free introductory classes.

1:30pm FREE Introductory Class

3:30pm FREE Special Workshop for Parents and Caregivers:
>the physical challenges of caring for children:  She will you avoid “mommy injuries” while lifting, carrying, feeding, rocking, baby and equipment  and young children

RSVP Required for either