Sleepers: Website Devoted to Sleeping NYers

Artist Marko Vuorinen wrote to tell me about his project, Sleepers, New York City, a website starring ordinary New Yorkers sleeping in public. There is currently a show of these photos in Helsinki but there’s no need to go there.

The whole thing is on the web.

Vuorinen shoots photos of people sleeping all over New York City. He writes: “A person sleeping in the public is irresistibly intriguing. In the public your fate lays in the hands of other. With each photo there’s a location, date and time and a brief explanation written by the artist. For one photo, the photographer recalls about one photo

“As I was adjusting my camera he woke up and wanted to know what I was doing. The fellow didn’t much appreciate my artistic intentions and suspected them to be sexually oriented. At the end of our brief encounter he asked for some change, or as an option he offered to give me a blow job for $20.”

He wrote nothing about this photo of the man with the shopping cart on the F-train.