Get Involved in Your Community Board

Think about  it:

Local Community Boards play an important role in improving the quality of life for all citizens of Brooklyn , but many people don’t know about them. Now’s your chance to get involved. Applications for membership are due February 22. You can get more info here.

You can be a member. No kidding:

Community Boards are local representative bodies. There are 18 throughout Brooklyn . Each Board consists of up to 50 unsalaried members appointed by the Borough President, with half nominated by the City Council Members who represent the community district. Board members are selected by the Borough Presidents from among active, involved people of each community, with an effort made to assure that every neighborhood is represented. Board members must reside, work or have some other significant interest in the community.

It’s only one meeting a month:

Boards meet once each month. At these meetings, members address items of concern to the community. Board meetings are open to the public, and a portion of each meeting is reserved for the Board to hear from members of the public. In addition, Boards regularly conduct public hearings-on the City’s budget, on land use matters, and other major issues-to give the people of the community the opportunity to express their opinions.

Join a committee:

Board committees do most of the planning and work on the issues that are acted on at Board meetings. Each Board establishes the committee structure and procedures it feels will best meet the needs of its district. Non-Board members may apply to join or work on Board committees.

But there’s a deadline for applications:

Go here more information and applications (due February 22, 2010)!