DIVAS For Social Justice Robbed!

DIVAS (Digital, Interactive, Visual Arts &
Sciences) for Social Justice
is a grassroots community organization
that wants to help bridge digital divide by combining media literacy, cultural awareness and an understanding of technology to
encourage young women of color to pursue careers in computer science
and new media.

Next week they're sponsoring a lecture/benefit called “Imagery & Its Power" with Marcia Harris, who will talk about the original use of the N-word in its historical
context using visuals, DVDs, and a PowerPoint presentation to engage
youth and adults in an open, honest, and historically revealing interactive discussion.
facebook event invite

But earlier this week I got this email with unfortunate news:

I really need your help. I went to our office today and we had
been robbed! I am so broken-hearted. All of our equipment was stolen.
Donated and bought 5 iMac computers, 2 digital SLR cameras, DVD players,microphone kit, memory cards and an Epson printer.

we used to train our girls on. When you sent out your email we got such
a huge response. Please can you help us again?

More reason to come to  their benefit on December 1 at 6:30 PM:

DIVAS for Social Justice
Magnolia Tree Earth Center
677 Layfayette Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11216
Admission: $10 donation.