ACME To Play Music from 2009, 1972, 1969 & 1740 at Galapagos

ACME presents music by Andrew Hamilton, Frederic Rzewski,
Louis Andriessen … and J.S. Bach*
(yeah, that's right, Bach)

Thursday, October 8, 2009 at 8pm
Galapagos Art Space | 16 Main Street, Brooklyn, NY

music selected for this concert is unusual because the performers get
to choose the number and type of instruments, instead of the composer.
ACME's selection features a terrific group of players — violinist Ben
Russell, violist Nadia Sirota, cellists Brian Snow
and Clarice Jensen, percussionists Chris Thompson and John
Ostrowski, and pianist Eric Huebner.

The concert includes Andrew Hamilton's Product No. 1
(premiered in New York as part of the 2009 MATA Festival, it calls for
players to sing a Rastafari hymn while playing – selections online
here:, Frederic
Rzewski's Les Moutons de Panurge of 1969 (written for any
number of musicians playing melody instruments, and any number of
non-musicians playing anything) and Louis Andriessen's Workers
Union from 1972 (written for an unspecified number and type of
instruments, with the instruction from the composer, "only in the
case that every player plays with such an intention that his part is an
essential one, the work will succeed").

ACME will intersperse selections from J.S. Bach's timeless The
Art of the Fugue throughout the concert . . . an innovation from
way back in the 1740s that still astounds.

Tickets are $15 at 718-222-8500 or