Atlantic Antic, TChoup Shop BBQ in Williamsburg (Lima Beans and Cherry Tomatoes)

If you like street fairs, this is a good one: Atlantic Antic. All day. Crowds, food, stuff to buy at great local shops, etc. Have fun.

Later: try dinner or a late lunch at the TChoup Shop at DBA, Sunday only restaurant in Williamsburg (is it a pop-up restaurant?).

I've been in touch with chef Simon Glenn and plan to talk to him soon (sorry Simon). So alll questions will be answered. In the meantime, the food sounds SO GOOD, prices great and Oh- So-New Orleans. Check this out: Char BQ oysters, New Orleans styles shrimp, cajun spiced burger, spiced lima beans and cherry tomatoes and roasted beets with sliced pecans…

You can tell that I'm hungry and that food sounds GOOD.

at DBA: 113 North 7th Street in Williamsburg! 2 p.m. until?