Joint Statement from Local Pols and a Rabbi on Planned Protests by Kansas Christian Group

  Here is the joint statement issued today by Brooklyn Borough President Markowitz, Council member Bill deBlasio, Rabbi Andy Bachman, Brad Lander, LAMBDA Independent Democrats on planned protests in Brooklyn by Westboro Baptist Church:

“ Brooklyn ’s diversity is
at the core of our strength as a borough, and Brooklynites are never shy about
expressing who they are. While we support the right to peacefully gather, we
must denounce hate in any form—especially hate from a fanatic cult based
in Kansas
that has shamefully selected these sacred days observed by the Jewish community
around the world to spew its intolerance. Because Brooklyn is home to the
largest Jewish population outside of Israel ,
and has one of America ’s
largest LGBT populations, we know first-hand that these communities and others
often face discrimination and even violence or death at the hands of those who
don’t share our belief that there is more that unites us than divides us.
Therefore, we must be especially vigilant in condemning hatred and discrimination
not only here in Brooklyn , but around the