This Friday: Violent Folk with Pinataland

Pinataland1 Jus got an email from Doug of Pinataland. They'll be playing at Banjo Jim's in the East Village on September 11.

He writes: "After a recent performance featuring I and my beloved bandmates in
Brooklyn, a rather fragile and traumatized-looking woman approached us
and deemed our music "violent folk". She then commented that she wished
she had been "warned in advance". Well, consider yourself thusly;"
What: Pinataland and Curtis Eller (my personally favorite NYC musician)
When: Friday, September 11th, Curtis @ 9pm, Pinataland @ 10pm
Where: Banjo Jim's, 9th and C, East Village, NYC
What is it? Countrified, gypsy-eque original history tunes with
tinges of "violent folk", whatever that is. Curtis's music must be
beheld for yourself.
How much? A donation of your choosing
I am glad in advance to see you at this fun evening!