Care Bear on Fires on Letterman!

I missed it because we were flying home from California. I just watched the You Tube video of the girls on David Letterman on Wednesday night and they really rocked performing their great song “(Don’t Want to Be Like) Everybody Else” from the new CD, “Get Over It.”

You gotta watch the video. It was the TV premiere of this band which is made up of two 14-year old girls from Park Slope and one girl (the new member of the band) from Manhattan.

3 thoughts on “Care Bear on Fires on Letterman!”

  1. Where is the creativity? Did Park Slope’s public schools drain it from them? Geez. Not asking for much, girls. Their jam is so complacent.

  2. OMG, awful, gimmicky crap. Sounds just like the Donnas and they suck to. Take a good look at the future coke head posers in music. Try to be original for once in your life.

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