Skaller Responds To Lander’s Allegations About Campaign Finance Abuse

 39th district City Council candidates Josh Skaller and Brad Lander are playing am agressive game of tit for tat. In the last few days there's been a lot of nasty sniping between the two campaigns. A representative from Josh Skaller's campaign for City Council in the 39th district wrote in response to Lander's allegations that Skaller mislead the Campaign Finance Board about his campaign headquarters. 

The allegations are patently untrue — they are solely intended to
distract people from the real violation. And what a coincidence it was
put out there one day Lander was connected to a huge scheme designed to
circumvent the Campaign Finance Board, and just hours after Skaller
called him on it.

In that email there was also a statement from Skaller's campaign manager, Chris Owens:

Lander campaign has now engaged in the ultimate slash and mask
politics.  They've been caught violating the rules and they are
engaging in distraction tactics.  I've seen this many times before and
I know a bull when I see one.
“The Skaller campaign has an agreement with the landlord to use a
portion of their living space.  It is a written agreement effective as
of last December.  It was submitted to the CFB and the CFB conducted a
site audit at the campaign office on June 29.  Everything has been
thoroughly vetted and accounted for, and every step along the way was
officially documented.

“The CFB and the campaign are in discussions as to whether or not
the space should be treated as an in-kind contribution.  Originally, we
were given advice that the space, if it had no commercial market rate,
would not count.  After the audit, the CFB asked for more information
about the space, which we have provided to them.  If the CFB deems the
space to be a contribution, we will value it and list it as such.  But
that final ruling has not been made at this time.

“But let’s be clear as to what this really is – another distraction
from the Lander campaign, which is now up to its neck in deception and
dirty politics.  Brooklynites want real reform, and they know that the
only candidate with a record of transparency and independent leadership
is Josh Skaller.”