A Save Coney Island Frame of Mind

I was out in Coney Island again yesterday visiting my friend at the rehab hospital on 29th Street and Surf Avenue. The more time I spend out there the more attached I get to that incredible part of Brooklyn.

At Amusing the Zillion, a blog started by "a former carny kid who casts an insider's eye on the amusement business, Coney Island, and fun places in between" also has the story of Dick Zigun's video. That blogger also wrote to say that the deadline for changes to the the city's plan is Monday,
July 13 and she's trying to get the word out to as many Brooklyn blogs as possible. Go to Amusing the Zillion for more information about how to contact your local councilmember.

In the video, Dick Zigun, founder and artistic director of Coney Island USA and the permanently unelected “Mayor” of Coney, asks YOU to contact your City Councilmembers to deliver the message “Don’t Kill Coney! Fix the Plan!”

“The City came up with an acceptable master plan, but at the same time, a private developer, Thor Equities,
came in and purchased most of the property on the south side of Surf
Avenue,” Zigun says in the video. “Thor Equities started lobbying and
pressuring the city, and suddenly, the plan changed…there are some
things in there that are frankly no good, and that’s the plan that’s
going to be voted on at the end of July.”

Zigun’s recommendations include moving the 27-story high rises north
of Surf Avenue, a change endorsed by the Borough President and
Community Board; expanding the acreage for outdoor rides and
amusements; and protecting Coney Island’s historic structures instead
of creating financial incentives for tearing them down.