July 8: End of Superfund Comment Period

Tomorrow is the end of the Superfund comment period. That means if you haven't weighed in at the EPA website it's time to do so. This was sent to me by CORD, the Coalition of Respectful Development, an activist group in Carroll Gardens that is in favor of Superfund for the clean up of the Gowanus Canal.

The Sunday edition of the Daily News (7/5/2009) featured an article on
the Gowanus Canal clean up entitled, "Mud Flies over Gowanus" by Erin
Durkin (page 30).
It began with:  "It's the battle for the Gowanus Canal."
Federal Superfund Director Walter Mugdan was quoted as saying: "I"ve never seen a campaign like this ever, anywhere."
Further, "I've never heard of one anywhere."
CORD has been posting, the Bloomberg administration has been stepping
up "anti-Superfund status" efforts in the past two weeks along
with with a weak, and ill-conceived clean up plan that will ultimately
cost the cash strapped NYC tax payers rather than the polluters who
will be rewarded rather than punished.  (The EPA will demand that the
polluters pay).
PLEASE write to the EPA and tell them how you
feel about the Gowanus Canal getting Superfund status.  At CORD, we
feel that this is by far the best thing that has happened to Carroll
Gardens in a long time. There are just two more days until the last
public comments will be accepted by the EPA.
As we wrote at
our blog last Friday: The City is sending their comments and their
suggestions to the EPA. You should send yours. Please join us and
proudly tell the EPA, “SUPERFUND ME!”

all have the right, no, the RESPONSIBILITY, to demand that our
environment be as healthy as possible! Superfund designation provides
the will, the means ,the tools and the experience to make this a

If you have
not already done so, please go to. The comment period has been extended
to July 8th. For instructions to submit comments go to http://www.epa.gov/superfund/sites/npl/pubcom.htm or contact Dennis Munhall, Region 2 NPL Coordinator at (212) 637-4343 or munhall.dennis@epa.gov Note Docket #EPA-HQ-SFUND-2009-0063


One thought on “July 8: End of Superfund Comment Period”

  1. Too bad you could take a second to summarize the two opposing points of view here. That would have been useful.

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