Mini Documentary: Superfund and the Gowanus Canal

Sabine Aronowsky and Steve de Sève have
produced a mini-documentary called The Superfund and The Gowanus Canal
It is under 10 minutes in length and covers the Superfund’s origins at
Love Canal, the city’s history with the Gowanus Canal,  increased
flooding in the canal area, and just what is in the floodable sediments
and sewage. 

It also gives the EPA’s address and special
docket number you must use if you wish to make your voice heard by the
EPA before the comment period on Gowanus Canal Superfund Listing closes
on July 8. 

Featuring EPA Director Walter Mugdan, Community
Board 6’s Richard Bashner, concerned FROGG (Friends and Residence Of
Greater Gowanus) members, and some of the most toxic water in the
United States.  The filmmakers ask:

Should the Superfund clean the canal that the city has
failed to clean for over 30 years . . . or should we let the city chase
the EPA money out of town and give Bloomberg yet another crack at it so
that nearly 500 new housing units can be built in the flood zone
without waiting?  It’s real estate vs. local residents, but with a
toxic twist. And one or two Coney Island Whitefish.


One thought on “Mini Documentary: Superfund and the Gowanus Canal”

  1. I can’t believe that the great state of N.Y. can allow this mess to go on for so long in the Gowanus Canal. With all the money N.Y. has or should have they should do something for the people that live near there or you will have loads of people with physical problems suing N.Y. They would have right to do so, so get to it, do something and do it now not later.

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