June 13: Fundraiser for PortSide New York at Brooklyn Lyceum

Hey, here's something to do on Saturday night and it sounds like a fun event and a chance to support PortSide NewYork,
a young, innovative non-profit organization developing
diverse programs about water and the waterfront, and moving soon to
Atlantic Basin.

FYI: they're the Brooklyn folks who brought you opera on the Mary Whalen tanker and
the revolutionary Kayak Valet.

Brooklyn Congresswoman Nydia
Velazquez will be on hand at the event, the first-ever
fundraiser for PortSide New York on Saturday, June 13, from 6 pm to 9 pm at the Brooklyn
Lyceum at 227 Fourth Avenue at President Street. Tickets are $50, and can be purchased at: http://portsidefundraiser.eventbrite.com.

conjunction with the fundraiser, PortSide is holding an auction on eBay
that will expire after the fundraiser on June 17. Items to be auctioned
include cool and unusual stuff including a gantry crane tour, blacksmithing lessons, tickets for ferries
and charter vessels, works from Brooklyn artists, an antique stove and
a sailboat.

PortSide will soon get its first publicly
accessible home. The New York City Economic Development Corporation
(EDC) is negotiating directly with PortSide NewYork to create a home
for the boat in Atlantic Basin, next to the Brooklyn Cruise Terminal.
This will include a berth for the Mary Whalen, a pier where
they will host "visiting vessels of every description, and an interior
space that will house programs and interpretive spaces. Visible from
PortSide will be huge cruise and container ships, gantry cranes at
work, tugboats, charter, excursion and historic vessels."

Help them out!