So Who Did the Independent Nabe Democrats Endorse?

I didn't make it to the Independent Neighborhood Democrats (ND) endorsement meeting last night that was held at Long Island College Hospital

In local acronym-speak: IND was at LICH last PM.

I very much wanted to be there because fireworks were expected and  I thought it would be interesting to see this aspect of the democratic (and Democratic) process in action.

For those who don't know, the candidates vie for the support of these influential local groups. IND has been around for 30 years. It was started by local activists in Carroll Gardens who wanted to address neighborhood revitalization issues, as well as the end of the Vietnam War.

Central Brooklyn Independent Democrats, another local Democratic group, has also been around for years and was started by anti Vietnam War activists back in the day.

Both groups sponsor debates and endorse candidates in all local NYC elections. Some of the candidates are members of these groups. There are, of course, other Democratic clubs in Brooklyn like Shorefront Democratic Club, and Brooklyn Democrats for Change.

CBID has already endorsed Josh Skaller for City Council in the 39th and Jo Anne Simon for City Council in the 33rd.

Everyone was expecting the last night's endorsement vote for the 39th candidate to be contentious. Candidate John Heyer has the support of many in that group but his anti-abortion stance is a big problem for others.

Does anyone know who IND endorsed for City Council in the 39th?

For City Council candidate in the 33rd, IND endorsed Jo Anne Simon last night. She was also endorsed by CBID a few weeks ago. Her campaign sent out a press release this morning.

“It is an honor to have the endorsement of
IND, a club known for their independence and commitment to reform. 
Their overwhelming support tonight is significant and not something I
take for granted.  I will vigorously work to make them proud of their
endorsement throughout the campaign in the weeks and months ahead. I
will strive to be a trustworthy and independent council member that the
voters of the 33rd district deserve.”

Where oh where is the press release from the chosen one in the 39th? I
see nothing in my in box. That could mean the debate went on so late
that the winner didn't have time to write or call. It could mean that the
fireworks were so intense and the in-fighting so vigorous that the club
imploded and…

I am so wondering what happened over there last night.

2 thoughts on “So Who Did the Independent Nabe Democrats Endorse?”

  1. There is an article about the club’s endorsement of John Heyer at
    I was there for the club discussion. I am hugely disappointed that the club has decided to dismiss the concerns of the long-standing club members who are pro-choice and support marriage equality. Nobody questions Heyer’s character or intelligence, but I think the endorsement vote will alienate many active members of the club. I don’t imagine that many of these active members will petition for Heyer.

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