Help Tini Wine Bar Move to Its New Location on Sunday in Red Hook

Victims of what they're calling "greedy landlord syndrome," tini wine bar, ostensibly a tiny wine bar (and restaurant) in Red Hook is moving from its old location to a new location with the help of neighbors and friends. And they want to invite the general public to come along, too. 

(Owners) Byrne and Swenson welcome everyone to their old fashioned community processional. Neighbors, patrons and close friends will be gathering and packing up at tini wine bar 414 Van Brunt Street at 11am. Those who help carry a stool or a box down the street will be handsomely rewarded with delicious  complimentary coffee, pastries and home/made eats at the end of the parade. Costumes and funny hats are encouraged but not required. The move will begin at Noon and end when everything arrives at home/made.

tini wine bar has a new name, too: home/made. A new name, a new location, lots of help from kind friends. Sounds like quite an afternoon and it's all happening on Sunday March 29th at 11 am.  The move will begin at noon. Everyone is to meet up at at 414 Van Brunt Street at 11am. Participants will be justly rewarded with coffe, pastries, and home/made eats.