Bed-Stuy Meadow: Planting Wildflowers Everywhere!

A woman by the name of Deborah Fisher has a flowering VISION and a lot of people are getting on board. She calls it Bed-Stuy Meadow and the goal is, in her words, "to sow wildflower seeds on every single patch of
abandoned soil in the Brooklyn neighborhood of Bed-Stuy this April."

If all goes according to plan, Bed-Stuy will be in bloom by early summer. And there will be flowers everywhere, including treepits, vacant lots, half-built developments and "other tiny
scraps of neglected soil in Bed Stuy that the whole neighborhood
effectively turns into a meadow."

It's an inspiring vision. And she's really doing something about it on April 11th from 11 am until 3 pm. In her own words:

I want there to be so many wildflowers on the streets that the
summer of 2009 is remembered very fondly by every single resident of the
neighborhood. I want the continuity of the Meadow to be so strong that
Google Earth is compelled to re-photograph Bed Stuy. I want people who
don't even live within the five boroughs to visit Bed Stuy for the
first time so that they can see the Meadow with their own eyes, and I
want people who will never even come to be so inspired by the Bed Stuy
Meadow that they make their own amazing neighborhood project and share
it on 21st Century Plowshare.

Yesterday I got an email from her saying that the plan is now to do the entire job in one day–Saturday,
April 11th, 11am-3pm! There are that many volunteers. There's an alternate rain date on Sunday April 12th.

If you want to get involved, you should RSVP as soon as possible (Once you've confirmed, Deborah will assign you to a planting zone and give you directions abotu where to meet on Planting Day.

You'll need to
wear comfortable walking shoes and prepare to be outside for a few
hours. You will be give seeds and a very quick lesson about how to throw the seed.