Exciting New Feature on OTBKB: Secret Agent

Secret Agent: Notes from the Trenches of Park Slope Real Estate
is an exciting new weekly feature on OTBKB. Here's a little tease about our brand new real estate insider/writer who's identity will remain anonymous.

Who am I?

You sure you want to know? The stories I am about to tell are not for the faint of heart.
I’m a Park Slope resident over ten years and I’ve been selling real estate for about four. I’m “in it,” as they say. When I started, it was the hottest of hot markets. That was when being a real estate agent was sexy and the topic was like crack.

No one could get enough of it.
I’ve been riding this wave as its gone from a seller's-market to a relatively
even-market to the buyer’s-market we’re in now.

It’s been a wild journey so far and anything but boring.
Real estate is still a hot topic.
People are skittish, holding their
breath and waiting for the bottom. But it’s not all doom and gloom.
People are looking and transactions are happening. It’s not going at
the frenzied pace that it once was. Now it’s more like molasses…
–Stay tuned for more on Monday March 23rd.