Coming to the Community Bookstore: Scavengers, Subway Novelists, and Jonathan Lethem

–Tuesday March 24th at 7:30: Low Boy, is the third novel by John Wray, the coolest writer you’ve never heard of takes place almost entirely
underground—specific ally, in the tunnels and trains of the Manhattan
subway system—as William Heller, a sixteen year-old schizophrenic,
attempts to save the world from global warming. Wray will be reading and signing books.

–Wednesday March 25 at 7:30: The Modernist Book Club tackles Some Tame Gazelle, a senstation when
it was originally published, it is a story of two middle aged women,
written by a young Barbara Pym while at Oxford.

–Thursday March 26 at 7:30:
The Scavenger's Manifesto, which is about the philosophy, spirituality and practice of "scavenging" —
e.g., any legal means of acquiring stuff that doesn't involve paying
full price, from thrift-shopping to yard-saling to Dumpster-diving to
curb-surfing to coupon-clipping to Freecycling. After two thousand
years of prejudice (hey, it's reviled in Leviticus!), scavenging is
finally beginning to gain respect as a socially conscious, green and
ultimately clean way of life. We see ourselves as nature's cleanup crew. Authors Anneli Rufus and Kristan Lawson will read and sign books.

–Tuesday March 31 at 7 p.m. Jonathan Lethem and LJ Davis will team up to discuss the New York Review of Book’s re-release of Davis’s 1971 novel: a blistering black comedy about the American quest for redemption via real estate and a gritty picture of New York City in collapse. Through the purchase and renovation of a rotting Brownstone mansion in  Brooklyn,  failed   writer (and general flop) Lowell Lake attempts to make good on everything that's gone wrong with his pathetic life, and he will even murder to do it.

The Community Bookstore is located on Seventh Avenue between Garfield and President Streets in Park Slope.