Goals of Ambitious Brooklyn Food Conference on May 2nd

It's an ambitious event and buzz is slowly gathering for the  Brooklyn Food Conference planned for May 2nd at John Jay High School and PS 321.

Local action for global change: that's the sub-title for this free conference that will include a parade and workshops for teens and adults, that will address the effects of our food systems on health, the environment, and
labor; improving the nutritional content of school lunches; urban
agriculture; far­mers’ markets; community gardens; and food coops.

There will also be learning activities for kids, teen programs, a dinner and dance honoring local farmers.

The stated goals of the conference on the Brooklyn Food Conference website are:

  1. Bring Brooklyn together to demand and participate in creating a vital, healthy and just food system available to everyone.
  2. Create a Brooklyn legislative food democracy agenda and constituent base.
  3. Organize neighborhood meetings of elected officials—congressional
    reps, state legislators, city council members—to press for a food
    democracy agenda.
  4. Influence public policy by educating elected officials and showing them the depth and diversity of public interest.
  5. Create a useful, cross-referenced directory of attendees.
  6. Help partner organizations grow their constituencies by offering attendees avenues for action.