Saturday Night: Hot Under the Collar in Front of Key Food

An OTBKB reader sent in this letter about an incident that occurred in front of Key Food. He also sent it to CB 6. I guess I have a few questions about the incident and will be speaking to this person later today.

Dear Community Board 6,

I'd like to take a minute of your time
to let you know about a problem I've had with the Key Food on 7th Ave.
and Carroll St. Last night, at around 9:53, I attempted to go to the
Key Food only to find that despite their posted closing time of 10
p.m., they were not letting people in because according to the sign they
lock their doors at 9:55. While that's an issue for Key Food to
address, I got a little hot under the collar at the Key Food employee
manning the door. When I turned to walk away, one of the indigent men
who station themselves outside, harassing pedestrians and shoppers,
took exception to my anger. He began threatening me and following me
down the street. I did not feel safe, and had I not called 9-1-1 and
had two Key Food employees not intervened, I am sure he would have
attempted to physically attack me.

It shouldn't be like this on our streets. Key Food has long tolerated
these people who beg outside their doors. They smoke; they're rude to
passers-by; and they are a general nuisance in the neighborhood. I am
writing to you in the hopes that you are the appropriate people to
address these concerns. I realize that personally, I acted out of line
toward the Key Food employees last night. That does not mean that I
should have to fear for my safety from mentally unbalanced people
begging on the streets on my block. I look forward to hearing from you.

3 thoughts on “Saturday Night: Hot Under the Collar in Front of Key Food”

  1. I would so like to know which guy it was.
    I don’t think it was Robert. Was it a white guy?
    How can I find out?

  2. Isn’t this the same place that celebrated the beggars of 7th Avenue .. where we got to know them, their problems, etc.? Also, the whiner profiled above should have some common sense and less of the PS sense of entitlement — you keep the store open for me to get my soy milk or else … There are two 24-hour food stores within 5 blocks of the 7th Avenue Key Food. Met Food stays open until midnight. They get my late night use and I just ignore the beggars.

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