“With a Kitchen and a Bit of Ambition You Can Make a Name For Yourself In Brooklyn”

25brooklyn.395From today's New York Times:

Follow link below to see the online version of this picture, which has Facebook style tags on it with identifying names. In the Times.

This article is so cool. I didn't know Eric Demby, of the Brooklyn Flea, looked like that.

"These days, with a kitchen and a bit of
ambition, you can start to make a name for yourself in Brooklyn. The
borough has become an incubator for a culinary-minded generation whose
idea of fun is learning how to make something delicious and finding a
way to sell it.

"These Brooklynites, most in their 20s and 30s,
are hand-making pickles, cheeses and chocolates the way others form
bands and artists’ collectives. They have a sense of community and an
appreciation for traditional methods and flavors. They also share an
aesthetic that’s equal parts 19th and 21st century, with a taste for
bold graphics, salvaged wood and, for the men, scruffy beards.

Mast, 32, said he and his brother were initially attracted to the
borough because it was cheaper than Manhattan. “But now I think the
real draw is the creativity,” he said. “In Brooklyn, to be into food is
do it yourself, to get your hands dirty, to roll up your sleeves. You
want to peek in the kitchen in the back, as opposed to being served in
the front.”

"Gabrielle Langholtz, the editor of Edible Brooklyn,
which chronicles the borough’s food scene, said it has grown along with
the arrival of what she calls the “new demographic.”

"“It’s that
guy in the band with the big plastic glasses who’s already asking for
grass-fed steak and knows about nibs,” Ms. Langholtz said.

years ago all of these people hadn’t moved to Brooklyn yet,” she added,
comparing Brooklyn today to Berkeley in the 1970s. “There’s a
relationship to food that comes with that approach to the universe,”
Ms. Langholtz said. “Every person you pass has read Michael Pollan, every person has thought about joining a raw milk club, and if they haven’t made ricotta, they want to.”"

4 thoughts on ““With a Kitchen and a Bit of Ambition You Can Make a Name For Yourself In Brooklyn””

  1. apparently not only white, but more than 80% white male. but then again, women have never played much role in food prep have they? beards… who knew how important they’d become for success?

  2. re: Batman
    Or that everyone is rich and can afford limited edition chocolate bars.
    Or that snarky faces are de rigeur.
    Could anything be *more* not about the people?

  3. The unspoken secret here?
    Only white people live in Brooklyn. Or so the Times would have you believe.

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