Andy Bachman: Some Perspective On Food Coop Boycott Controversy

Here's my fave, Rabbi Andy Bachman on the Food Coop boycott non-controversy that's being fanned into one on the blogosphere. I feel like posting the WHOLE thing because it made me cry. But I'll just do an excerpt so y'all will go over to Andy's blog.

Well, let’s just drink a cool glass of water and get some perspective.

Here’s what we know:

There will NOT be a vote Tuesday night in the Park Slope Food Coop to
ban Israeli products. That’s because, despite the rumors, the proposed
ban is not on the agenda. And, as many have pointed out (like Ben Harris at JTA)
the Park Slope Food Coop loves equally organic food AND process (not
processed food) so if it’s going to be voted on, it’s got to be on the
Agenda. This of course gives me a chance to dust off one of my favorite
Rabbi Arthur Hertzberg quotes (deliver with disdain if you’re trying
this at home): “My generation worships the Master of the Universe; your
generation worships the God of Process.” My generation also convinced
its philanthropists to let us spend their money on “cool Jew” parties,
but that’s another matter. Anyhow…

2. If the resolution ever
comes up, it’s likely to fail, which doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be
opposed when it does (because it should for its inconsistency,
hypocrisy, and general ineffectiveness at ending a deeply challenging
religio-national battle–”Hey Hey, Ho Ho, Israeli Persimmons have to
go!”) It just means it’s one of those “wrong” symbolic votes that
detracts us from the real issues and people of intelligence and reason
have to focus on what can really effect people’s lives, facts on the
ground, as it were.

3. Every day, every hour, every minute,
Israelis and Palestinians of good will are struggling with all their
hearts and souls to end this horrifying conflict. There are a very
large number of organizations in Israel and Palestine dedicated to the
very cause of peace. And there are several members of the Knesset and
the nascent Palestinian self-governance organizations that are striving
to find in-roads of mutual recognition and understanding. Those need
strengthening and support.

4. A boycott of Israeli products to
End the Occupation is not the Montgomery Bus Boycott or Divestment from
South Africa. Why? Because each historical situation is unique unto
itself. And while it may be true that the boycotts in the South or
threats of divestment from South Africa helped shift political
fortunes, it’s also true that great leadership–both internal and
external–brought along the necessary changes to each society.
King-Kennedy-Johnson or Mandela-FW De Clerk–all of whom made
monumentally brave choices to bring transformation to their
societies–must be remembered as critical to the endeavor. Banning Sabra
Hummus (and let’s face it, Abraham’s is too chunky) just isn’t going to
do the trick…

Read the rest at