Blognigger on Food Coop Boycott Controversy

Here's Blognigger's satiric posting on Fucked in Park Slope about the ban proposed by a small group of Food Coop members on Israeli food as a protest against the military attacks in Gaza. Here's an excerpt:

PARK SLOPE, Brooklyn (FIPSNN) – The trouble began in a local
synagogue, of all places, where at a monthly general meeting, a Park
Slope Coop member proposed a ban on Israeli foods.
The gesture was one of protest, aimed at expressing the organization's
contempt for the country's recent military campaign in Gaza. Here in
Brooklyn, however, many Jews objected; that's when divisive lines were
formed, and Coop members began to choose sides.

Now, in a move that is sure to ignite protest from Jewish advocacy groups citywide, the Coop board has voted to recommend
that Jewish Members adorn Stars of David while shopping at the Coop.
The Coop board insists that the move is one of compassion, and senior
members of the organization met with FIPSNN to elaborate.

Read more at Fucked in Park Slope.

One thought on “Blognigger on Food Coop Boycott Controversy”

  1. Why do these blogs use such profanity?
    And why isn’t Al Shaprton protesting the vile name of that blog?

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