Terms and Use: Whose Facebook Is It?

I checked my Facebook page this morning and found a Terms of Use Update at the top of my home page. Apparently, Facebook has received a lot of negative feedback about the new Terms of Use policy they posted two weeks ago. I wasn't aware of this because I'm a newcomer to Facebook.

Because of the negative response, Facebook has decided to return to their previous Terms of Use until they figure things out. There's a Facebook Blog, where there is more discussion of this. Big surprise: there is also a Facebook Bill of Rights and Responsibilities group where Facebookers can share their thoughts.  

Facebook offered some clarification about the following issues that were brought up by Facebookers, who feared that Facebook was claiming ownership over people's content.

1. You own your information. Facebook does not. This includes your photos and all other content.

Facebook doesn't claim rights to any of your photos or other content.
We need a license in order to help you share information with your
friends, but we don't claim to own your information.

3. We won't
use the information you share on Facebook for anything you haven't
asked us to. We realize our current terms are too broad here and they
make it seem like we might share information in ways you don't want,
but this isn't what we're doing.

4. We will not share your
information with anyone if you deactivate your account. If you've
already sent a friend a message, they'll still have that message.
However, when you deactivate your account, all of your photos and other
content are removed.

5. We apologize for the confusion around
these issues. We never intended to claim ownership over people's
content even though that's what it seems like to many people. This was
a mistake and we apologize for the confusion.